Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Eat Your Laws

BTW, the hot place to see and be seen for lunch, do a little biz, gossip up a storm, eat too, during this start of the Gold Dome session is, of all places, that hipster joint Six Feet Under on Memorial. I thought I'd swing by for a quick bite on the way home from Legi-Fest '07 (see entry below) yesterday, but I simply could not get in the door for all the reps and white male suits and lobbyistas and more vaguely leering but mostly just-suits trying to look nonchalantly like Important White Men-O-Power blocking my right of way. Nary a tattoo in the lot! Least none anyone other than a femme lobbyist would be privy to. The p-lot was crammed with vehicles, some illegally parked, bearing backwater county plates such as Coffee and Sumter and Appling. And the ubiquitous "Sonny" sticker, of course. Think I'll stick with LB (Lower Buckhead), my side 'o town, for lunching with my Enquirer.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Eat My Art But Look At Me

Does anybody out there really think this artist cares about what fat people stuff in their faces?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Take This Grit And Shove It

Oh Lordy, here we go again. Another Charleston, S.C. foody piece by the word-stuffed R.W. Apple. He's the Pat Conroy of the culinary world, all puffed up on ludicrous, flowery verbage of every flavor. Apple writes about the South only to name-drop at a furious pace and announce, again, that he just happens to be married to a bona fide Charleston blue blood from the such-and-such line of so-in-so's. As if he picked a spouse from a horse auction catalog.

I'd no sooner announce I was married to a Charlestonian than I'd, uh, attend a Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (Say Gag) show. It's nothing to go around bragging about.

In my considerable experience, Charlestonians are some of the most dangerous, secretive, alcoholic, paranoid, provincial, repressed, repressive, conservative wackos on the planet. After all, who started one of the bloodiest, costliest wars this world has ever seen because a few Yankees pissed the blow-hards off? Wasn't exactly a bunch of dudes from New Orleans. No, it was a bunch of the stubbornest men the world has ever known -- ones straight outta South Carolina. I'd know a little something about them too, as would John McCain.

But don't take my word. I just grew up there. So did Stephen Colbert; here's what he has to say on the subject. Don't say I didn't warn you.

One true confession, the Hominy Grill Apple writes about in today's NYT is really quite fabulous. The food is mouth-watering and the notable locals-watching superb. Also, an authentic Charleston relative sent, at my request, the Hominy Grill's pickled shrimp recipe. Wouldn't dream of going to a pot-luck, steeplechase, tent revival, Cocks game, fox hunt or visitor day at the State Pen without a big 'ole tub of it. Smack Your Lips Say Yum. Now don't you wish you had that recipe? If you're nice to me and link to my blog a lot, well maybe just maybe I'll post it here.

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