Showing posts with label Idiots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idiots. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I’m in a rush, rush (gotta keep on movin’)

What we've all been waiting for:

You can fill out a form and create your own apology, well, actually, you can create apologies by Michael Steele, Phil Gingrey, Mark Sanford, or soon, Eric Cantor.

And wonderful freshman Congressman has issued his own apology (h/t Howie):
Late this afternoon, in keeping with apologies to Rush Limbaugh from Georgia Republican Phil Gingrey and RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) issued the following statement:
“I’m sorry Limbaugh called for harsh sentences for drug addicts while he was a drug addict. I’m also sorry that he’s bent on seeing America fail. And I’m sorry that Limbaugh is one sorry excuse for a human being.”

The Congressman then rejoined his Democratic colleagues in working on cleaning up George W. Bush’s mess.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gimme that old time religion

That needs a scapegoat to beat to death in the village square:
Discussing actions by individual protesters of Proposition 8, Newt Gingrich stated: "I think there is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us, is prepared to use violence, to use harassment. I think it is prepared to use the government if it can get control of it. I think that it is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion."
Apparently nobody in the Republican party has taken the trouncing they received this past election to mean they need to stop dragging out the same hate-filled talking points and blaming everything from acne to Alzheimer's on them. Obviously the islamofascist-marxist-terrorist-socialist-communityorganizer-sympathizer carnard has served them so well.

crossposted at Rants from the Rookery

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Crying, over you

Just out of curiosity, I ran a highly secret national security style WHOIS search on Here's what I found:
P O BOX 230068
ANCHORAGE, AK 99523-0068

Domain Name: PALIN2012.COM
Created on: 24-AUG-07
Expires on: 25-AUG-09
Last Updated on: 30-AUG-08

Administrative, Technical Contact:
Griffin, Jay
P O Box 230068
Anchorage, AK 99523-0068

Dunno about it, but obviously someone(s) in Alaska are looking ahead. Good luck on that.

Update: Jay Griffin is a lying sack of crap. The phone # on the domain registration is NOT his, and belongs to someone else. The real owner contacted me, upset, but polite, asking that I remove it. Of course I did. Griffin is not only optimistic, but thoroughly dishonest.


You won't go and say goodbye

Uncle Tom? Uncle FUCKING Tom?


Sit down, shut up. Listen. You may have been relevant once, although you were wrong about the Corvair. But you just stepped in your own shit, and now, finally you own your shit.

No, be quiet. Just STFU and listen.

No one likes you.

No one has any respect for you.

You're a narcissistic idiot with dreams of grandeur.

Look in the punchbowl, Ralphie boy. See that turd? That's you.

You may be right about Obama being a corporate suckup, but if the contents of your own portfolio are any indication, so are you.

Ralph Nader: proud hypocrite, useless tool, pompous blowhard.


Oh, and fuck you. On your way out the door.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Something's not right...


Bringing you the weekly top ten conservative idiots. Number 9 I just had to copy in full:
Daniel Pipes

For the longest time, Republicans had a winning electoral strategy: simply tell everyone that a vote for the Democrats means that the terrorists will attack America. Unfortunately that strategy doesn't seem to be working any more. Despite the Republicans' best efforts, the voting public steadfastly refused to crap their pants in 2006 and booted the GOP out of the House and Senate.

So what's next? They've got no ideas, they have a terrible record of failure, and their last best electoral strategy is a dud. Where do Republicans go from here?

Neo-con Daniel Pipes might have the answer. While discussing the possibility of an attack on Iran during an interview with National Review Online last week, he said:

What I suspect will be the case is, should the Democratic nominee win in November, President Bush will do something. And should it be Mr. McCain that wins, he'll punt, and let McCain decide what to do.

Or in other words, if you vote for Barack Obama this fall, hair-trigger George will lose his shit and start World War III.

I'm not sure if that's exactly a winning message for the McSame campaign, but it might be all they have left.
Which makes me print this pic again:


crossposted at Rants from the Rookery

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How does it feel?

How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

How does it feel to be the excuse for Bush to continue the war? How does it feel to keep soldiers in the war zone until they slowly go mad or die? How does it feel to be leg-chained to the worst administration in US history and know your name and face will be forever linked with them in the history books?

How does it feel?


I know how I feel just listening to you two.

crossposted at Rants from the Rookery

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nobody does it better

I think the Democratic Underground has covered just about all of it (from number 6 addressing Ralph Nader):
Sit back and watch Bush spend eight years shredding the Constitution, voiding decades-old international treaties, illegally invading other countries, wiretapping American citizens without a warrant, politicizing the Department of Justice, appointing radical conservative Supreme Court justices, whipping the religious right into an apocalyptic frenzy, sinking the economy into recession, robbing working Americans to pay for generous tax cuts for millionaires and generally destroying America's reputation around the world.
More of the top 10 worst conservatives for this week.


crossposted at Rants from the Rookery