Showing posts with label innovative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label innovative. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why should I expect anything less?

Update: Innovative, William Morris Putting Assistants Out On The Streets, from Defamer via The Hollywood Reporter. Emphases mine.

As it turns out, those call-rollers who were told that they'd be sacrificing their overtime pay to help their companies weather the writers strike were the lucky ones, as THR confirms that Innovative Artists has laid off about 10 of its assistants, a move the agency's head says is necessary for the firm's survival while the flow of executive-nourishing commission checks slows to a trickle . . .

"If in my judgment I need to make changes ... (or) cut expense accounts, I'm going to do what every one of my competitors is doing," Innovative owner Scott Harris said. "I need to take measures to survive what could be a very lengthy strike. My priority is to keep this business running." Harris said that he has no plans at this time to lay off any executives but that more assistants will probably be let go.

Oh, Scott Harris. One can only hope that none of the assistants you have harmed in the name of "business" end up being your future boss, a boss that emulates the caring and compassion you have consistently displayed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


From today's Defamer: Innovative Assistants Get Their Health Coverage Back.

The free bagels enjoyed each Wednesday by Innovative Artists' overworked, undercompensated, and recently uninsured assistants will be slathered with the delicious schmear of victory this morning, as Variety is reporting that agency president Scott Harris has recanted his belief that benefits were being wasted on his young, hearty workforce and reinstated their health coverage through COBRA.

And from the related Variety article, Innovative benefits return, by Peter Gilstrap, emphasis mine:

The good:

"...non-contracted employees are not the only workers upset by this issue. Presently, several agents have offered to share salaries with their assistants to help compensate for our loss of benefits, several outside employers have solicited our services for rival companies, and most assistants are questioning their rationale for continuing to work at Innovative."

The not so good:

Though they've seen "nothing in writing," the mood within the company "is better," the source stated. "People are happy that we won a small battle, and hopefully things will continue to get better. We know it was a big step for him to do this. And now there won't be a boycott on bagel day."

As usual, the comments on Defamer were both entertaining and informative:

Everybody Likes Pandas says:

...The article says they're covered by COBRA until he chooses a plan. Which they would've been anyway, I think, so is this news? Unless Innovative is paying for the COBRA. Or bartering bagels for it.

papa_bear says:

Countdown til all of the people who put their names on the letter are fired for various "unrelated" reasons...3...2...1

Then have fun interviewing elsewhere when suddenly you have "too much experience" for a PA job on a cable access show.

Ahhh, Hollywood, love it.

Finally, the longest, yet completely accurate comment:

D Day says:

So you got your HMO plan back (kind of)...congrats.
If you work at this, or any other lower level agency, you can now look forward to 2-3 more years of making $450/wk and working 50+ hours a week, plus the expected night time and weekend schmoozing (at your expense), and getting yelled at by some douchebag with a drug problem. Then, when you're up for the BIG PROMOTION, you'll be presented with a shitty contract that pays you probably about $40K/yr to start. Raises? Oh yeah, they'll dangle some nominal annual bumps, but only if you sign a long term contract that resembles indentured servitude. When you've finally "made it" you'll be 29 or 30 years old, making $55K/yr (plus HMO!), living in the same apartment and wondering why you ever dropped out of business school. Unless of course you get lucky and break a hot young client. Unfortunately for you that client (who has always expressed their undying gratitude for all your hard work) will leave you at the drop of a hat as soon as they find out they can sit on someone else's client list next to a few bigger names. And you will sit there justifying why you should continue squeezing your soul to pay for someone else's mansion and service every little need of a bunch of C-list narcissistic actors who could care less about you.
Have fun!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Way to go, Innovative.

From today's Variety: Innovative cuts health benefits, by Michael Fleming, emphasis mine.

Talent agency Innovative Artists instituted a cost-cutting innovation that had 50 or more assistants and mailroom staff threatening to call in sick on Monday -- because they no longer have health benefits.

In a memo from agency president Scott Harris dated Friday, staffers were informed that their health benefits had been eliminated, retroactive to June 1. In the memo, a copy of which was obtained by Daily Variety, Harris told the staff the decision was made "after much deliberation in the face of the ever-increasing costs of medical premiums." Staffers were told they could continue their coverage through Cobra.

Move does not affect senior or junior agents or administrative staff working under contracts. Several assistants on track to make agent also were excluded. Support staffers were reeling, and agents were unhappy because they risk losing assistants who will have to pay higher premiums to get coverage through Cobra, which is usually retained when a person is between jobs.

One Innovative employee who was affected by the maneuver told Daily Variety that as many as 70 employees lost their health insurance, some with families. They had no warning before the memo arrived. The timing of the move was particularly galling, the source said, because recipients learned they unknowingly had been without insurance for two weeks, and because the bomb was dropped while Harris was on vacation. Assistants who made low wages will be hard-pressed to afford coverage, and the expectation is that some will leave.

I have never even worked at Innovative, and I am appalled. Entertainment assistants and mailroom staff, especially those who work at agencies, are overworked and grossly underpaid as is. Now their medical benefits are being taken away, too? That is some nonsense.

Harris estimated via email that 50 were affected by the move, which he made after evaluating health care costs. "Most Innovative assistants are very young and do not have medical issues (and hence do not get much value from the coverage)," he wrote. Harris said the agency would institute a new pay structure for assistants that would allow them to make more money, which he felt was a higher priority for them.

Let me tell you, I'm "very young," and I get very much value from health insurance. And I'm not even on the molotov cocktail of prescription medications that I know for a fact many of my peers in the industry are on. Drugs are very expensive. So are doctors visits that aren't covered by insurance. Why didn't Harris give them benefits and a new pay structure? Because he wanted to save a few bucks, at the expense of his most expendable, least respected employees.

And Harris delivered his proclamations "via email?" while he was "on vacation"? Where was he?

Harris said he was in Germany to have medical treatment on a knee -- a procedure not covered under his own health plan.

It's nice that Harris can A} take time off from work, B) afford the cost of plane tickets to and accommodations in Germany, and C) find a doctor in a foreign country that can treat his medical afflictions. He better hope his newly-screwed assistant reeeally likes him. I couldn't imagine telling the person that runs my life, "I know I make you work long hours doing menial tasks at a job you are grossly overeducated and overqualified for. And I compensate you poorly for your efforts. So to reward you for all this, I'm eliminating your health insurance. Don't get sick. And don't have any sick kids."

Edit (6/18/2007 3:38pm): Speaking of Defamer, I totally beat them to re-reporting this: Benefit-Reducing Innovative Artists Faces Possible Uninsured Assistant Mutiny. Yeah, I only make an average of one post every other day, as compared to their 10+ posts a day. But I still think it's cool that I scooped them.