I felt very flattered this week to receive a Stylish Blogger Award from Julia. Julia's blog specialises in special occasion clothes for girls. Visiting her blog is a great way to check out sewing patterns! Thank you Julia.
In accepting this award there are a few rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person giving the award
2. Share 7 things about me.
3. Pass this award to other bloggers I have recently discovered and think are fantastic.
4. Contact these bloggers to tell them I have awarded them.
7 Things About Me
- I married my high school sweet heart and we have been married now for 24 years - I was a child bride ;)
- I referee and play netball, it is supposedly social, but we like to win - especially against the youngies
- My local cafe knows my coffee order (I love my caffeine fix)
- I am a real mix of ethnicities - Scottish, Swedish etc, but am very proud to be part Maori, my iwi is Ngai Tahu
- I wish I could speak te reo and hope one day that I will make the time to learn
- I have a terrible sweet tooth (and a fattus assicus as a result)
- I used to call my elbow my "wilbowa" and zips "bizzes". I still call Jelly Tips "Wip Wop Welly Whips" and my children thought that was their real name for a long time.
Now to the hardest bit passing along this award to others who I stalk in the blog world. How do you choose, there are so many worthy recipients out there, so in selecting I have tried to think about those I have discovered more recently (so if you are not on the list I have been stalking you for a long time). And have limited it to three.
To Lisa over at Big Little who has just had the most beautiful baby girl and makes the most delicious things out of vintage textiles.
To Mary Jane over at Sweet Emmelie- I covet one of the quilts that Mary Jane has made and I want to come to the next birthday party!
To Megan at Mouse House - I am very impressed how you have gone from zero to hero in the sewing world in such a short space of time. Megan classified as a non-sewist when she first started her blog and look at her now!
Anybody else got some special blogs they want to share?