Showing posts with label cushions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cushions. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Playing with Fabric - Summer Nights Lights Cushion

Diane (who works with me at Stitchbird) and I did a small combined project.  When we saw this fabric it just had to be done.  I did the quilting and Diane added the yo-yos (using the Clover Yo-Yo Makers, they come in a number of sizes) .

The finished project a cushion, with a gorgeous wool backing.  It is now in the shop.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

at last some sewing

Now I am cheating a bit as these cushions were made in December, but I did not blog about them at the time.  They are made with Heather Ross's Far Far Away 2 fabrics which is in the shop.

I would post the product of today's sewing but is has not been without its trials - my sewing machine tension was off - I mean way off and no amount of turning the dial would find the right spot.....Sh*t, B.#**$. 

I changed the needle ....... still no good - BUM.  I want to sew!  Plus I am already mentally calculating the repair bill - double BUM.

And then I resorted to getting out the screw dirver and taking off the foot plate and found the dust bunnies of all dust bunnies - in fact a whole family of dust bunnies lurking in there.  Some of it was almost felt.....try again......aahhhh........all is right with the world again, I can sew.

Tomorrow I will post what I have been working on today - a gift for a three year old friend - I just need to get the right coloured thread to finish the top stitching.

I hope you have had more joy with your sewing.

Friday, July 23, 2010

a cushy number and a market tomorrow

Cushions, cushions everywhere.  I am just trying to sort out all the details to offer custom made cushions in the shop and these are some of the cushions I have had made to showcase the fabrics. 
                           Circa 50 Cars - 100% organic


Bird Song in Green (one of my personal favourites)

I am also pleased to say that you can now order custom made lightshades in the shop.  This one is an 18 inch drum in Quiet Ground in Natural.  This fabric has sold out but there is more coming in the shipment in August.

And because there was some left over fabric that I did not want to go to waste I created some instant art for the lounge wall. 

Plus if you need a fabric fix tomorrow I will be at the Frank Kitts Market in Wellington from 10 am to 4 pm.

Have a great weekend and happy stitching.