Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts


I Love You, Man!

It's been just barely over a year since I've started blogging.
And from time to time I go back and reread all of that "original" content and cringe a bit.
Back then I was trying to find my voice here, trying to figure out what it really and truly was that I wanted to say, and trying to figure out how much of myself I wanted to expose.

I tried to figure this whole blogging thing out.
And I'm not sure if I've really made any progress in that department or not.
Because much of it still baffles me.
Trying to assign 3-D circumstances to 2-D interactions can be difficult.
And finally letting go a bit and ignoring my statcounter was a HUGE help.

What caught me most off guard is the sea of friendly voices, supportive voices that are so willing to lift others up (including me).
You've done it time and again and I am so grateful and lucky.
I put a post up about a serious thought, issue, a happening, a funny little tale, or where I gush about my kids and my man and you all respond.

Some of you have even been kind enough to nominate me for awards.
Awards that I've lost the buttons for because I've changed my template so many times (and forgot to save those things before I made the change).
Some awards I could easily get the button for, but to be honest have been just too lazy to put up (mostly because I feel that maybe I don't deserve them).
You all always think of me.
And I, you.

Yesterday, Mary-LUE awarded me the following award:

And I believe the deal with this award is that I have to pass it on to 7 people. I really don't know how to pass this on to only 7. So, the only fair way I can think to do this is if you are listed in my blogroll, I am formally passing this on to you. If you have this award already, then bonus. If not, the button is now yours.

Because each and every one of you deserves it.

For any men in my blogroll - that would be you Denguy and Phenom's World - sorry about the girly button. You don't have to display it. But know that I am passing it on to you, as well.

So, seriously....look over there. If you are there, the award is yours. Don't be shy. Take it.

And, thank you for being friends.


Well, Slap My Ass And Call Me Generous

I have never nominated anyone for a Perfect Post Award or a ROFL Award. Nor have I participated in Jen and Mad's Just Post Awards.
It's not that I don't want to.
It's not that I don't read amazing things that fall into any of these categories.
It's simply because I read so much that fits into those categories
mainly because
I'm a slacker.

Somehow though, this month I managed to do a wee bit of nominating.
I've popped my nominating cherry so-to-speak.
And there is no one else I'd rather do that with than Kevin Charnas.
The guy is grab-your-oxygen-mask-and-put-on-your-depends funny.
I nominated his 'Afraid To Move' post. Because well, it was funny. And it stuck with me so that I had an inexplicable dream about Kevin, me, and something to do with that post.

Go on over and visit Chicky Chicky Baby and Metro Mama and check out all of the funny stuff. If you feel anything like me today, you could use a good chuckle.

Are you still here?
GO, sillies! Get your laugh on.