Showing posts with label cocktails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cocktails. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hidden Tutorial and Tips Resource- Mid Atlantic Chapter ISGB

I know many of us check out the main forums for hints, tips, tricks and tutorials. But do you know that a lot of the ISGB Chapters have websites that have this info too?

One of my favorite places to visit is the Mid-Atlantic Society of Glass Beadmakers' website. Lots and lots of wonderful beadmakers in that area and many have generously written out tutorials, tips and all kinds of goodies related to it.

One of their members is my friend, Alice St. Germain whose Patty Pan bead I am featuring here. Alice and I co-hosted a fun garage sale when she lived here. As things wound down, we had cocktails in the shady driveway and I taught her the joy of playing Yahtzee while waiting for customers. I miss her.

I digressed, sorry. Anyhow, here's a link to Mid-Atlantic's home page. The top left area of the homepage has the link for tutorials, classes and archives. That's the area that has the really juicy resources, but poke around the rest of it. And don't forget to look at the bottom left section of the home page that has links to other Mid-Atlantic Beadmaking Groups. There's tons more info there too. Enjoy!