Showing posts with label studiomarcy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studiomarcy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Mad Scientist Handmade Glass Beads

Each year, I love making Halloween beads  I just don't want to make just the traditional ones, but add in a few different styles.  Black cats are expected and of course I do them, but it's good to have some unexpected ones too.  So years ago, I started making "Mad Scientist" beads.  I love designing crazy hair that stands up- kind of Bozo the Clown meets Einstein, and of course add in goatees, beards and the important flask of undetermined chemicals.  I'll be making a few more this year, so feel free to contact me if interested. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Catching Up with Spirit Animal Totems

So I have been busy since I posted last time.
I added bison beads to my show list.  I kept them neutral with small bits of shimmery color.  I've done them in solid white as well.
And I was lucky enough to get some brilliant colors in my bears.  This is Lori Riley's dichroic glass. I love the color and consistently good product that I buy from her.
And I added a totem spirit bird too.  This one, I wanted to keep quite simple.  I just have the metallic glass on the wing, beak and eye.  I have some refining to do, but I love the large body with the smaller head.  

So I haven't been ignoring you, but had two back to back online sales on Facebook.  If you are interested and are on Facebook, please friend me and message me at the same time that you are doing so. (if I don't know you, sometimes I don't accept the friendship)  I'd love to have you join the private buying groups where I sell my beads twice a month.

So now, I'm working on my Beads of Courage donation beads for this years Iditarod Sled Race in Alaska.  I have two styles of bears right now and am debating whether I have time to get a third style for them too.  They just take awhile.  I'll show you those next time.

Until then, stay warm.  Enjoy life.  And of course, come back next week for another photo or two and to catch up.  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fall Colors in 104 COE Glass

I've been looking at the Pantone fashion Color Report for Fall 2012 and seeing a good number of the hues are already represented in my glass palette.  Have you been thinking about that, too?

I kind of like Messy Glass's Mink for the French Roast and their Stone Ground for the Honey Gold shade.

Pink Flambe (where did that accent mark go?) has me a bit stumped.  I'm contemplating on that one.  No simple solution, but a combination to make it.  (Kathy Seamands- can you hear me?  Could you please make this one, please?)

Tangerine Tango makes me think of Clockwork and Pantone's Ultramarine Green looks like Messy's Jade Palace to me.  The Bright Chartreause I'd head over to Vetrofond's Verde Muschio  Oh I love that color.  Not for it alone, but how it is found in nature and works to make so many other colors pop!

Olympian Blue reminds me of Electric Avenue (CiM) and Titanium could be Effetre's Dark Gray or perhaps Oliphaunt (Ltd. Run CiM).  Rhapsody could be a paler hue of Evil Queen or maybe Effetre's Soft Violet/New Violet.  And finally, Rose Smoke looks like my Vetrofond Seashell might work or perhaps Messy's Chai which is a Limited Run.

I am so open to other interpretations.  Have a better color match?  Please post and let all of us know.  I know there are always more possibilities and interpretations.  Now let's all get out there and sell some beads!  Working with the Fall Colors, might just increase our sales.

See you soon!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halloween Beads

I've been making Halloween beads with my students and for my Etsy shop already.  It may feel a bit early to you, but jewelry artisans want them in time to make up their scary jewelry for the holiday.  Here are a few that are new to my repertoire.  The black cat is really a dark blue transparent that I was experimenting with.  You can see the shade in her tail and ears.  The little black crow on the stack of pumpkins is really black, however.

And here's a tip if you're a glass artist making a cob of corn...
I used the end of a small hollow mandrel to make the kernels.  I had cased the yellow with a transparent amber so when pressed down, there would be a little bit of color difference which creates depth.

You can find these in my Etsy shop, (StudioMarcy).  Needless to say, they'd all love to go to new homes.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Class at the Gathering

Today is my last day of Robert Dancik's class here at the Gathering.  I'm sad it's almost over.  We're doing a variety of things in a "cold connections" concept.  From riveting, to using Robert's "Faux Bone" material, as pictured above in one of the cuffs he uses as an example.  (Mine is nowhere as cool, but I did understand the technique and really enjoyed it.

So today we'll be looking at paper mache and concrete for holding or connecting other materials.  I'm looking forward to that too.  

I highly recommend class with Robert.  He's a delightful teacher who really works hard to give you everything he can.  And oh so patient...I know that from experience as I put my saw blade in backwards first's all new to me, and what a great place to learn so many new techniques and skills.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Step Outside of My Usual Life

The other evening we went to a small Tibetan restaurant not far from our home, which you need to actually drive through a gas station to reach.  Off the beaten path.  Not only is the food delicious, but I enjoy the Tibetan decor.  At night, the bright fabric lamps are lit up, which of course I think would make totally awesome beads...a graduated bicone with intricate surface decorations.

We had just watched a wonderful documentary the night before, "Unmistaken Child" about a young monk's search for the reincarnation of a venerable monk in the form of a young toddler. It is one of my favorite movies.  (warning:  no sex, violence or pratfall comedy) But there is gorgeous scenery, a sweet story of people's lives in the Himalayas and a peek into their world.

So with my traveling daughter's visit home, it put two family activities into a pretty cool package.  Perhaps they weren't on the same night, but close enough to count in my book.  And I guess I can dream of someday heading to that area and seeing it and experiencing it for myself.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bling Rings on Sale HERE!

I love making rings with my lampwork glass.  These use adjustable bases.  Some have a sterling silver base and others are base metal in silver or gold tones.  But each has one of my lampwork glass pieces on it. The sterling ones are the shells, pie, dog face, palm tree and bird.  The flowers are all on the other base metal style of ring.

They are on sale right now, so I have room in my tray for some new models.  (more sculptural ones, of course!)  If you are interested, you can shoot me an email HERE and first email will get it.  I have great little ring boxes for presentation as well as protection to send them in too.

The pricing is as follows...Sterling rings are on sale for $20 and the flowers are $15.  Shipping in the US is $3.00 and insurance is extra.  Outside of the US, it will be actual cost to ship plus $1.25 for packaging materials. (you can tell, I'm trying to keep the costs down)

You can identify them by Rows top to bottom (A,B,C & D) and then across (1-5)  Easy peasy.  For example, the coral bird will be C-3.

Let me know what you'd like.  The sale goes through this Saturday.  Hope you find a great little gift at an even better price.  I will post on the blog, in the comment section as to what is still available.
ps...the top left ring just sold. A-1.  Thanks!

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inspiration Photos for Others

Choosing something that will inspire you, can be daunting.  For me, it's pretty easy, because I tend to view life a little like that.  But recently, I joined a bead exchange on LampworkEtc. and we needed to pick a picture for others in the exchange to make a bead for us.

For me, that was hard.  How do choose?  Colors, form, subject matter and other factors all came to mind.  I thought I'd show you the three that were my final and very diverse contenders.

I love this one, Navaro Rapids.  The movement, the colors, the subject matter and the style of it all speak to me.  I could picture beads with swirls, a little dark ivory with reactions, perhaps even a touch of coral for an accent.

And this one by Kandinsky also is a favorite.  It is playful looking, has some great sculptural essence to it and I think it could be fun for other beadmakers too.  It looks like a happy bead that could be different from what they are used to and would give them a little stretch.

And my other contender is this Maxfield Parish piece, Dusk.  It's the one I chose.  As much as I love the other two, this one somehow touches at my heart in a big way.  It's a place I would want to visit.  The colors are ones I love the most from my favorite aqua/turquoises, greens to the very warm brown of the little house.  I'd love to be inside of it, peeking out the windows at one my favorite times of day.  

Yes, once I put all three wonderful choices together, the decision was easier.  I chose the one that ignored my checklist and instead spoke to my soul.  I'm hoping that the other beadmakers enjoy working with it too.  (and I have to say, I wouldn't be surprised if just a touch of some silver glass makes its way into someone's work.  The colors reminded me a bit of that too!)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Help? Devardi Glass's Frog Green

If any of you out there have some spare Frog Green by Devardi Glass, I'm interested in buying it.  I have been out for awhile, and really miss it for making leaves and of course, frogs.  I know it spits and does some misbehaving glass-like things, but I like it anyhow.

If you have some that you'd like to let go, please contact me this way.  Thanks!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Buildings With A Sense of Humor

I had quite a response with my "face house" that I posted on Sunday, so I went looking for more examples.  Boy, did I find them!  I love the sense of humor that both the architect and the home owner must have.

This first one is in Kyoto, Japan.  I would definitely seek it out, if I were to visit.

I don't know where this house is.  But I read that it has a different face on each facade.  I think one face is enough, personally.  I can just picture little kids getting a bit creeped out, like they do with clowns.

This is my favorite.  It's subtle and just keeping an eye on the neighborhood.  And in my very understated way, (ha ha) I could add more decorations temporarily, if the whim hits.

Of course, I love this one.  It looks like a potentially unloved, drab building has a sense of humor and life.  I can just picture kids daring each other to step inside through the mouth.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

BIG SALE....20% Off EVERYTHING in StudioMarcy

So I said to myself, "Self? Why do you need to hang onto to every bead? Why not spring clean when folks can use these fun beads...before Christmas, instead of a post- holiday sale?"

So I responded to myself, "Self, you're right. Glad I listened to you."

(Well, I don't want to mention at least one of the folks in that conversation is a little off kilter, but with all the wassail hanging around the house and the chocolates, we'll let it go this time.)

But bottom line is that I am having a 20% off sale in my Studio Marcy Etsy shop through Saturday. Use the code "joy2010" at checkout to receive the discount automatically. I will be adding at least two new beads daily if not more. So also feel free to message me, if you have any requests. I might just have what you're looking for.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Contemplating Fonts

It's funny. How you write your business name reflects who you are. And it's as important as first impressions in person. So as I'm working on a long overdue website redo, (, I'm trying to figure out who I am as a glass artist and who I want to be.

I want to show artistic and somewhat whimsical with a side of serious too. Because that's where my beads are. I have a few series of beads and glass that would be unrecognizable as mine, unless I told you, because they aren't colorful and whimsical. But the problem is...I like them too and want to show them.

So I'm searching for the right font for my Studio Marcy logo. If you have a favorite, please post it and let me know. I'd love to see what you find or think would work well. and I have a favorite in the group that I posted in the photo. Do you? Which one do you think fits me the best?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Watch Out!

Need some color inspiration? How about a place to waste a little time? Then just pop over here.

There are a couple of free games, (time wasters), that are kind of fun. From this ball game where you click on the different balls and it separates them into four more balls to my favorite puzzle, Boxspin, where you are trying to spin the boxes and get them all the same color. Even "guess the tag" will keep you working.

So when you're ready for a 5 minute break, pop by here for a few minutes and enjoy.
See you tomorrow and I promise not to waste your time.

Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart Giveaway- WELCOME!

This year's One World One Heart theme is Magic Carpet Ride, so who better to ride it, than giving away a handmade lampwork glass sultan bead? This little guy is less than 1.5" tall and can be turned into a focal pendant for a necklace, (if you win, just ask me- it's free), or I can send him with a cute little handmade glass stand as well.

All I need you to do is comment in my comment section. (and make it fun, okay?) My giveaway will be announced on Feb. 15th. It is open to all people- the more the merrier, but just one entry please.

OWOH can be found here. Please join, it's a great way to meet new people and discover some wonderful blogs. My thanks to Lisa who started all of this.

I'm a lampwork glass artist and teacher who lives in Atlanta, GA and blogs 6 days a week about creativity, inspiration, glass art, and other fun topics. I work with a 2000 degree torch and glass rods from all over, but especially from Murano, Italy. Whimsical colorful sculpture is my specialty, although sometimes I can be found making more traditional focal beads.

...and feel free to cruise my handmade lampwork glass bead Etsy shop,, join my creativity, inspiration and glass blog, (which can just be clicked on the right side of this), and of course, friend me on facebook: Marcy Lamberson. It's all fun. I also love custom orders- pets, objects, people, or other curious items.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back From the Frozen Tundra

Okay, perhaps it wasn't frozen tundra, but I am back from visiting my delightful relatives in Wyoming. (40 mph winds and -10 degrees!) In typical Lamberson fashion, we were snowed in, and couldn't leave town. This is a photo of the road as we braved the just opened highway.

Taking a few days off gave me time to think about creativity and working in glass. Do you ever just sit and think? Where you want to go, what you want to do?

The cold and wind chill did not inspire my creativity, nor did the extra splash of kahlua in my coffee either. But there was one funny thing that did.

Have you ever played Apples to Apples? It's one of those fun family games that just about anyone can play. You are given a topic and you have to match as best as possible, one of your cards to it. I kept thinking that there is a connection there to creativity. It was fascinating to see how different people thought. It made me wonder how that could relate to my glass art.

And then I realized that it reflected the way I think sometimes. I enjoy putting two things together that don't exactly fit. Whether it's monkeys wearing hats, or birds wearing jewelry, having two pieces that are a little atypical, tends to make me smile.

So tell me about your holiday. Were you inspired somehow? Or have a brainstorm in between the sugar overloads? I'd love to hear.

See you tomorrow, right here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Calling All Jewelry Designers!

Calling All Designers - Introductory Jewelry Challenge!

The Fire Divas are hosting an Introductory Jewelry Challenge! This challenge will be for jewelry designers who use artisan lampwork in their pieces. The winner of the Challenge will receive a beautiful group of Fire Divas' work. This is a wonderful chance for jewelry designers to show off their talents and get exposure!

Now for the details:
This first challenge will allow lampwork from any artisan. We require information about the artisan who made the beads used in the submitted piece, so if you submit something, please be ready to provide that information.

The challenges to follow will only allow Fire Divas' lampwork.

We will allow one submission per person per contest, and a maximum of two photos per submission. Entries may be submitted here ( for approval, no later than January 1, 2010. Please include, in the comments section, the following:
Information about the beads:
Description of the piece:
Inspiration for the piece:

Fire Divas reserve the right to approve or reject any submissions.

Fire Divas reserve the right to modify or cancel the challenge at any time.

Ok, the boring stuff is over - go have fun creating!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Branching Out ~ Chandelier Making

I've been working on building a chandelier for a few weeks now. It's a slow process when one is a bit indecisive. I'm not usually, but this really brings it out as it's my first light that I've made.

I bought a simple base at a local shop and decided to change out its decorations and embellish with my own lampwork and bead collection.

What a lot of fun! Because the base of it is so non traditional, I had a bit of a hard time getting started. The "theme" of it changed three times, until I finally settled into what I felt comfortable with. (oops, sorry about that dangling participle there).

I went from a colorful "over the top" style to a neutral, textural earthier kind of "spirit animal" theme. The amount of metal in the base and modern design needed a less-is-more type style than what I originally planned. (which was my more-is-more aesthetic)

So I gathered my supplies of creams, whites, grays, brown, metallics, crystals and various textures and shapes and sorted the beads and embellishments. It made it a lot easier to line things out and test string them to see if they were looking like I had imagined. I used my lampwork glass, bone, ceramic, coconut husk, wood, and other mediums to get the look I wanted. To keep the cost down, I didn't make it all lampwork, but the highlights include sculptural focal beads that I made just for it. Then it was time to get to work. And I'll show you the results of the finished chandelier either tomorrow or Thursday.

Because...well, as I'm writing this, I'm wondering if there's just one more thing that I want to do. Now I'm considering whether to alter the base metal color of the chandelier. Sure, it would be a lot of work, but I just have to ponder that scenario for a little while longer...darn, these aesthetic choices are tough. Darker or lighter? Burnished copper or burnished aluminum?

See you tomorrow at I'm not sure whether it will be the continuing sage of the chandelier or something different. We'll know first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Space in Heather Trimlett's Class in Atlanta

October 22 & 23th (2009), Heather will be here in Atlanta teaching her Marble Beadmaking class for Southern Flames.

We're excited to have her back again. She's an excellent teacher.

But we have a couple of spaces in her class to fill and I'm hoping some of you can come and join us. The class is held at Beads by Design. (just 15 minutes from my house) and about 25 minutes from FlameTree Glass in Roswell. Come and visit, and you can hit the Glass Bonanza!

Speaking of Bonanza, stick around on Saturday evening and join us for the Southern Flames monthly meeting (same location as the class). You get an extra demo by Heather AND you can meet our really fun local members.

So here's the scoop. CLICK HERE for information. And if you are coming, please email me so I can come meet you for sure! (

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Extreme Dog Grooming- Poodle Art

The other night I had the strangest dream about standard poodles wearing jewelry and accessories walking on their hind legs and operating vending machines at a college or art center. (that part wasn't clear)

Not having consumed particularly spicy food, or other strange items, I must say the dream really had me wondering.

I hadn't seen these poodle photos yet, but perhaps they would have made more sense.

These extreme grooming practices have been captured in photos by photographer Ren Netherland.

I picked out just two, but click here for some amazing other shots of poodles looking like bison, pandas, chicken, football players and of course, the ever present peacock. Yes, you read correctly. Actually, the camel one really had me chuckling.

And watch my etsy lampwork glass bead shop for some Studio Marcy beads which might be taking a few of these photos and using them for inspiration.

After all, we always hear, "make your dreams a reality". Maybe I will.

Catch my daily glass and creativity blog at (sign up so you don't miss any of them) and pop by my etsy shop at

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Art Studios Out of Recycled Subway Cars

What a cool idea! The Village Underground is a creative area for a mixed discipline of artists in London, England.
Apparently, rescued abandoned subway cars (or Underground tube train carriages) have been turned into low-rent studio spaces for artists.

There's a restored brick Victorian warehouse below them which can be used as a gallery to show of their work. The subway cars are rented for about 15 pounds a week.

I love seeing something old being re-worked into something wonderful. Great idea! It's a win/win situation.