Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Mad Scientist Handmade Glass Beads

Each year, I love making Halloween beads  I just don't want to make just the traditional ones, but add in a few different styles.  Black cats are expected and of course I do them, but it's good to have some unexpected ones too.  So years ago, I started making "Mad Scientist" beads.  I love designing crazy hair that stands up- kind of Bozo the Clown meets Einstein, and of course add in goatees, beards and the important flask of undetermined chemicals.  I'll be making a few more this year, so feel free to contact me if interested. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Home Again and Listing New Beads...Finally!

We're in October, so it must mean that it's time for Halloween Beads!  I am home from Asheville and will write about it this week and post photos.  But in the meantime, I wanted to let you know that I'm filling my Etsy shop back up.

Yes, I know it's been awhile, and I have been busy with so many other things, but I miss listing fun, new beads- especially the one of the kinds on Etsy.  So, if everyone is patient with my traveling schedule, I am so happy to be back.

If you give it a peek, (, you'll see stacked pumpkins with a small black crow perched on top.  Justinstein, brother of Frank, The Penguin from Batman, which is not only a bead, but at 2.25" a pretty cute ornament as well, and other beads.  I will highlight them more through the weeks.

Happy to see you again and let's have some fun!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Wishing you oodles of Trick or Treaters and lots of sweet treats.  Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Slightly gruesome and very Halloween.  You can find this little glass lampwork bead guy in my StudioMarcy etsy shop and ready to come scare you and your friends.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halloween Beads

I've been making Halloween beads with my students and for my Etsy shop already.  It may feel a bit early to you, but jewelry artisans want them in time to make up their scary jewelry for the holiday.  Here are a few that are new to my repertoire.  The black cat is really a dark blue transparent that I was experimenting with.  You can see the shade in her tail and ears.  The little black crow on the stack of pumpkins is really black, however.

And here's a tip if you're a glass artist making a cob of corn...
I used the end of a small hollow mandrel to make the kernels.  I had cased the yellow with a transparent amber so when pressed down, there would be a little bit of color difference which creates depth.

You can find these in my Etsy shop, (StudioMarcy).  Needless to say, they'd all love to go to new homes.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Wishing you a wonderfully scary Halloween full of tricks and TREATS!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rock Star Owl

Mick the Owl is decked out in his best clothes. I started to design a very different owl and this one just kept getting crazier and crazier. Almost like my hands and head were not connected. Perhaps my hands were ready to make a bird of a different feather?

Mick revels in showmanship. He loves to stand out and be noticed. I think in his owl life, he is the front man of a successful rock band. He does look like one who enjoys strutting his stuff.

Mick has a 1/16th vertical hole and is a little over an inch tall. His base color is a muted purple which shows up more on his back side.

Hope you enjoy my fine feathered friend. Although a little full of himself, he's really a great guy deep down.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Goodies

I couldn't let Halloween pass without showing you some fun products.

But first, a quick word from our If you haven't taken a minute to vote for the glass art piece of choice, (got my fingers crossed that you like mine- the third from the top "Spooky Night", please pop over to here. It will just take a minute and means so very much to me. Voting ends today.

And now on to our main program...
OUCH Skulls and Bones Bandaids
I know there are some folks who go for traditional (a little boring) tan bandaids and then there are those trendy folks who think that they need bacon slice or pirate bandaids. I say, show your dangerous side with these cute Skulls & Bones bandaids. Neutral colors and bada#$ pattern.

Or...look at what else I found. It's like a Nightmare Before Christmas one sided chia pet.

Skeleton Nyokkis are Japanese ceramic egg shapes filled with soil medium and rye grass. You can change its hair by snipping it or even adding a barrette or paperclip.

It's amazing how something so simple can bring a smile to my face so easily. Like a little touch of cute macabre in an eggshell.

Meanwhile, with Halloween on a Saturday night, I hope that all of you and yours stay safe and have a great time. I'm still debating what kind of candy to pass out. If you have a favorite, I'd love to know. I think kids should get tasty stuff that they really want to eat, not just the cheap stuff.

See you on Sunday. Don't forget the time change, if you live in the States.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Spooky Night ~ Need Your Vote, Please!

It's that time of the year when goblins and skulls are in abundance at FlameTree Glass. It's their annual Halloween Glass Contest and I need you to vote here for my entry, please. If it's not your choice, how about voting for the one you like best. (But psssst, I'm the third one down just in case you want to find me easily.)

My entry is "Spooky Night" and (okay, so I know it's not too spooky, but at least the owl has a bit of an attitude) I'm afraid that really scary...well, scares me. My mind freezes, I break out in goosebumps and I have bad dreams. We don't want that, do we?

But there are some super-duper torches that those generous guys at GTT have donated as prizes and I would dearly love to win one.

And if I win, I'll show you the inner workings on how I put this together and the thought that went behind it complete with photos and perhaps just a touch of interesting commentary about it. My first "Glass-amentary". Scary thought in itself.

Thanks so much for helping me. I promise to make some cool bigger stuff if I win one of the bigger torches. (I'm hoping for second place with the Scorpion that would work on my concentrator, fingers and eyes crossed and knocking on wood.) Here's the voting place again.

See you tomorrow for more glass and creativity chat here at

Sunday, October 18, 2009

FlameTree's Fabulous Halloween Contest Ending Soon!

This contest is near and dear to my heart. FlameTree Glass has the most fantastic prizes from GTT. I think everyone should enter. Why not??

This year, the voting is online, so everyone has a great chance.

Your entry needs to be flameworked- need to email 2 photo views of it to FlameTree, (see specific rules) and of course include a description of your piece and a short bio. Only one entry per person. Deadline is October 24th!!! So hurry up! Voting goes through October 25-30th.

For all specific rules and info, please visit,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

FlameTree's Halloween Glass Art Contest

Wow! Once again FlameTree Glass has teamed up with GTT torches to create a Halloween Glass Art Contest that is no trick - just treat.

Please check FlameTree's website for the complete rules, but here are some of the basics...
• hard or soft glass can be used
• multiple pieces of glass can be used.
• entirely flameworked
• one entry per person
• follow the complete set of rules on the website.

The contest has just been announced, so you're some of the first people to know. Now get moving and make your entry! Such great prizes that can be won!

I'm debating what I'm going to make as I write. I know, it's got to be good, to even be a contender. Winners will be chosen by online voting October 25-30, 2009. Looking forward to seeing your work on FlameTree's website.

I'll have another blog post for you tomorrow. See you then.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat ~ Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Here is my band of trick or treaters that are in the FlameTree Glass Halloween Bead Contest. There are so many wonderful entries, that I have no idea whether I'll even place. But I'm still glad to have entered.

The three children are miniature bobblehead beads. It's cute when you wiggle the stand and the heads move. I tried to include plenty of details to make each one interesting. The child in the bunny costume is wearing a mask, and bunny slippers. She also has a bunny tail. To make her trick or treat bag, I bent a small piece of copper wire around a glass rod to give it the handle shape. After laying down the "palms" of her hands, I placed the wire and then added the rest of her hands to hold it in place. By swiping the orange glass, I could make the base of the trick or treat bag. If you're going to try something like this, be careful about not holding the copper wire in the flame too long, or it will melt.

The little devil boy is wearing sneakers and carrying his teddy bear and trick or treat bag. I gave him some fake facial hair, because I was remembering the year I made my son an Elvis costume. I used doll hair on peach felt to make an inset for his rhinestone sparkley shirt, so he would have a hairy chest, which was pretty funny on a first grade little boy.

The ballerina big sister is standing on one foot. She was made on a 1/16th mandrel, so her leg could be slim enough for the size she is. Her other leg is bent at the knee and the ballet slipper is resting on her calf.

I placed them tightly together on the green stand for a few reasons. Most importantly, that's how kids always appear at my door. Packed together and in groups. And I also wanted the beads to stay pretty firmly in place. Because they are on an open table to be displayed at FlameTree and not in a case, I thought it might keep them a little safer, so they don't move around as much. Each bead can be removed for packing and shipping and then easily set up again.

The rest of this vignette is made from beads too. The dog, the stand and the little pumpkin (which is behind them, so the back side has a little more interest), are beads as well.

But this is only one half of FlameTree's contest. They have even a bigger one for sculptural glass. Check out their website for the down load-able pdf in that area too.
And don't forget my 20% Off SECRET SALE going on in my Etsy shop, just for my online friends. Come on over and read the details in my Shop Announcements .

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Inspiration Monday Part Deux

You saw Monday's frog costume for inspiration, now here is the bead.

Meet baby Abby who is wearing it. She is currently living in my etsy shop and if you'd like more views of this little cutie, just click here.
Of course she would be perfectly happy to hop over to your house too.

I thought if I wrote about inspiration, perhaps it would be a good idea to show you my final translation too. And if you missed Monday's blog, just scroll down to see the original photo.

Catch you tomorrow!


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Online Coaching Follow Up with Pam's Witch

Pam sent me these photos of her second attempt at a witch's face, which I think turned out really well.

I see all kinds of improvements that she was aiming for from her first one.
Although I really liked it too!

Pam had said that she wanted to make the black dots on her eyes, and give the witch a pointier and more pronounced chin.  Her hair looks exactly like what I try really hard to keep mine from looking like.  Perfect for a witch.  And Pam added decorations on this witch's hat which wa another goal.

Well done Pam!  I know it's harder to make a second round of a bead after it's been discussed so thoroughly, but it just goes to show how quickly we can make changes and see a big difference.  You can find these witches in Pam's etsy shop.

Next week I'll write a mini tutorial for you and then the following week we'll have an online coaching session.  If you're interested in being a student, please contact me.  

Happy Saturday to you.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Artistry In Glass Contest & Fun Website

I've been told by family members that I don't toot my horn often enough, so today I'm practicing.

Hooray, I won first place in the Advanced Category of's most recent contest. My little vampire was my entry.

Because he's rather dashing, I combined his photo with this fun website,, where you upload a photo of yourself or others, and they have some ready made "magazine covers" that go over your photo.
I made some with my own photo too, but those will have to wait for another time.

So beadmakers, check out, for their next bead photo contest. I think it's an every other month type thing, with gift certificates from their online store as prizes.

And I'd like to mention that some of my friends also won prizes. I am so happy for you.
Deronda, Paula & Louise, you all sure deserved winning a prize. Hopefully more of my blog readers will enter and win next time too. (I'd love to hear from you about it.) See the winning beads here...

So, now that you're almost famous, stop by It only takes a minute or two and sure makes you and your beads look almost famous.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ask Studio Marcy ~ Online Coaching: Witchy Woman Face with Pam of My Cabin Creations

Pam Dansie of My Cabin Creations/Wild Sage Lampwork has offered this wonderful witch who is ghastly green and has a lovely black wart on the end of her nose. Pam's Etsy shop can be found at .

To be honest, I tend to make more "cute" style beads, so this was kind of fun to look at and to see how I could answer Pam's requests to make her more like the Oz Wicked Witch

Here's what Pam wrote:
"Hi. My original vision was the Wicked Witch of the West kinda long mean face. Well obviously I ended up with the shrunken apple kinda face. I wanted a longer nose and chin but didn't want to fool with it more, worrying that I would totally mess it up. The hair is made with white and grey twisties that didn't come out right when I put them on. I wanted to put black where the eyes are and a flower on the hat. I didn't do the eyes because I should have done it before the hat and the flower was just another way to mess it up. So any help is great. I think the wart would have looked better in green maybe. Thanks Pam"

So let's take each of those comments separately.
1. How about starting out next time with a longish bicone type shape for a head? It would start you out with a longer more narrow face, and almost a blue print for adding the other features.
At the bottom, you can add some extra glass for a long chin. Where the bicone gets wider, that's where your nose and cheeks go with room for your mouth.

2 I'm not sure what the problem was with the hair? I thought you did a good job with it. If you want it to look a little more straggly, you can encase your cane with clear, before you twist it. The clear provides a little more separation between strands. I'd love for it to be more visible and stick out more around her face.

3. You figured out what to do with the eyes already. And here's one extra little pointer. If I'm making eyes with a white background and a pupil type eye, then I'll make the initial white dot and wait until almost the end of the bead to add the black pupil. Otherwise, the pupil melts in and doesn't stay where I placed it.

4. A flower on this witch's hat would have added a touch of whimsy. If you're worried about losing control, perhaps it could be done as soon as you make the brim. I'm hoping that when you're doing a sculptural bead, that you aren't rotating her in the heat like a traditional beadmaking style, but moving your hand so that the heat hits all directions of the bead all the the time.

When making a sculptural bead, often you have thinner and thicker areas. This creates problems with keeping every part warm enough, so it doesn't crack. I tend to add the thinner and more fragile parts towards the end, so they have less chance of getting too cool. And because of this, sometimes the order of feature placement doesn't seem as logical to new sculptural beadmakers. But it really is.

5. And finally, let's address the black wart on the end of her nose. I like it. If it were green, it wouldn't have stood out. And because she doesn't have other black features competing with it, this makes it more visible and add a focal point to bring the viewer's attention to her withered face.

Blog readers, what do you think? What would you do differently. Pam and I would love to hear what you have to say. Please feel free to comment.

Tomorrow, I will show my version of this witch face and discuss what I did. To add variety, I've made it as one of my bobbleheads. Stop by for another twist on this subject.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting Out the Vote by September 30th (Halloween Vote)

I belong to a wonderfully supportive Lampwork Etc. Street Team which is made up of Etsy lampwork sellers. (LEST)

We are having our monthly challenge and surprise, it's a Halloween theme. (October's challenge relates to a more important topic: Breast Cancer Awareness). So we're celebrating early. Come join us.

Participating members have added a photo of their Halloween beads, (<----that's my Vlad to the left ), and we'd like you to come vote for your favorite.
Just look through the photos and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to vote. There is no prize involved, but the fun part is that you can discover more glass beadmakers .

Here's the link:
Voting ends September 30th, so hopefully you'll have a chance to stop by before then. Of course I'd be remiss if I didn't say, "Please vote for me". (I'm working on learning how to ask for what I want.)

And while you're there, look at the red bar on the top of the page. It has a list of our members' etsy shops. I bet there are hours of fun just in visiting them.

See you on Monday. I'm taking the weekend off.