Showing posts with label etsy shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy shop. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Snow Folks for Beads of Courage

Our Southern Flames Glass Chapter is doing a test for Beads of Courage and has committed to donating about 275 snowmen for the kids in the Atlanta hospitals who will have to stay there over the holidays.

This is my first batch along with some that I've started selling in my Studio Marcy etsy shop as well.  They are cute on necklaces, but also, I like them as holiday tree ornaments as well.

And just for a smile...imagine trying to get that many rounded body beads trying to stand up at once for a photo.  I should have shot a video as they started leaning and then would bump into another...pretty funny- like those domino videos where they all topple creating a chain reaction.  Funny!

See you tomorrow- I hope.  My computer is acting up and going into the shop today.  If you don't see me tomorrow, I'll be back as soon as it's fixed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halloween Beads

I've been making Halloween beads with my students and for my Etsy shop already.  It may feel a bit early to you, but jewelry artisans want them in time to make up their scary jewelry for the holiday.  Here are a few that are new to my repertoire.  The black cat is really a dark blue transparent that I was experimenting with.  You can see the shade in her tail and ears.  The little black crow on the stack of pumpkins is really black, however.

And here's a tip if you're a glass artist making a cob of corn...
I used the end of a small hollow mandrel to make the kernels.  I had cased the yellow with a transparent amber so when pressed down, there would be a little bit of color difference which creates depth.

You can find these in my Etsy shop, (StudioMarcy).  Needless to say, they'd all love to go to new homes.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Organizing is for Animals

Well I hate to stick my neck out like this over a giraffe purse organizer, but I think this looks rather handy for my "more is more" in my purse way of life.

I'm thinking I might need to get something like this to start out my annual New Year's Resolutions to be more organized. (note: I did say annual. Each year good intentions, but never ending the way I'd really like it.)

If you're like me and thinking your purse could use a little help, you can find this organizer and more fun fabric patterns here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Making Pets Into Glass Beads

Meet Jasmine the Hamster. She's a likable sort. Soft, fluffy, and this one doesn't escape, unless it's your idea.

Jasmine is a glass bead- oh about 1.5" long and a little more than half an inch tall. She's a great little focal bead for hamster lovers, but would also look delightful on a stand or sitting by a computer. I think she'd make a great ornament too.

Jasmine used to live in my Etsy shop, along with a fun selection of other glass goodies. She's been adopted, but stop by and say hi to her friends.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Today is the Last Day of my Impromptu Sale

It's the last day of my 25% off Halloween Beads SALE. Anything that reminds you somehow of Halloween is subject to the discount. You just go to my Etsy shop, choose what you'd like and check out. I will send you a paypal reimbursement for the 25% off. Easy Peasy! If you question your judgment, or think I will, just write me a note and tell me why it relates to Halloween. If it doesn't really, but you write a good line of B.S., you're in! Any way it's fun and you get a great price.

I've been working hard on my Christmas and holiday line which will start filling my shop soon. So you have until midnight Nov. 2nd to pillage. I'll be shipping on Wed.

Catch you later.. and don't forget to stop by my Etsy shop to see what's available..

Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart Giveaway- WELCOME!

This year's One World One Heart theme is Magic Carpet Ride, so who better to ride it, than giving away a handmade lampwork glass sultan bead? This little guy is less than 1.5" tall and can be turned into a focal pendant for a necklace, (if you win, just ask me- it's free), or I can send him with a cute little handmade glass stand as well.

All I need you to do is comment in my comment section. (and make it fun, okay?) My giveaway will be announced on Feb. 15th. It is open to all people- the more the merrier, but just one entry please.

OWOH can be found here. Please join, it's a great way to meet new people and discover some wonderful blogs. My thanks to Lisa who started all of this.

I'm a lampwork glass artist and teacher who lives in Atlanta, GA and blogs 6 days a week about creativity, inspiration, glass art, and other fun topics. I work with a 2000 degree torch and glass rods from all over, but especially from Murano, Italy. Whimsical colorful sculpture is my specialty, although sometimes I can be found making more traditional focal beads.

...and feel free to cruise my handmade lampwork glass bead Etsy shop,, join my creativity, inspiration and glass blog, (which can just be clicked on the right side of this), and of course, friend me on facebook: Marcy Lamberson. It's all fun. I also love custom orders- pets, objects, people, or other curious items.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stop By My Fabulous Fall Sale..Now - 10/26!

I'm having a Buy One Get One Half Off SALE (BOGO 1/2 Off) through Oct. 26 here in my Etsy shop. (

It's so simple...choose the beads and sculptures you'd like and check out as always. I will send you a Paypal refund for half off the lesser priced item. If you buy four items, the second and fourth ones will be half price! Nothing like a good bargain, when you need one, is there? As I'm in class for a few days, it will be a short delay before I send it, but within 24/hours, promise!

I will be blogging about the other Etsy Glass Artist Members who are also participating in this sale. Here are their links, if you can't wait to see what I say. Each shop has a different sale going on, but we're all having sales, and that's what counts! (Marcy Lamberson- that's me!) -- buy one get one 1/2 off -- 20% off everything -- buy one get one 1/2 off -- Fused and Dichroic Jewelry 20% off -- 10 - 30 -- 25% off everything -- 20% off all fused glass items -- 20%off everything -- 20% off all glass items

Friday, October 16, 2009

Glass Challenge Still Going On

Have you entered for this latest edition of the Glass Challenge? I have. My little owl on a branch is right here.

It's in two parts. I made the owl sitting directly on the wood stump and branch as one of my "exercises" in heat control. I do that type of thing regularly. How can I keep everything the right heat and still add unevenly weighted sculptural additions. It's a lot of fun for me- like a puzzle. The base is a second bead, like my typical bead stands with the steel rod holding up the bead. Each one is cased with silver glass to give it that wonderful color combination. The owl was designed with silver ivory to fume it and add details.

The current Glass Challenge has some cool prizes as always. And it's so easy to enter. Just click here to check it out.

And just so you don't make the same mistake I did, below each entry are a series of little dots for rating the submissions. Big blonde moment, I accidentally clicked on the 0/5 dots, instead of the reverse. And you can't erase! Oh duh. So do me a favor, if you're rating them, be careful and don't mess up like I did. Worst is to the left and best is to the right. Snap!

See you on Sunday (remember, I'm now taking Saturday off) here at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Handmade Chic & Interview Chatter

I was so delighted to be featured on Handmade Chic's blog. It's a fun feature with bead photos and an interview.

It's written by Rachel of Inferno Glass Beads, also a lampwork artist and jewelry designer.

When asked to provide information for an interview, it's always good to think about the audience who reads it. Will the information be too technical or broad enough? Are they fellow glassies who read it, or folks who are perhaps just like to look.

I think a good mix of art/craft information, with a generous smattering of personal detail, is about right. I don't think the reader wants to know too much about me, but perhaps a bit that helps them relate to who I am and why I create my style of art. Sometimes I get a little silly like in this interview, where I reveal something that I have been trying to learn for many, many years, but still have not mastered.

Hope you enjoy it. Please comment, so Rachel knows you stopped by. And I hope your next interview is fun to write and just the perfect mix of information. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Introducing Studio Marcy's Whimsy

Introducing my second Etsy shop, "Studio Marcy's Whimsy"

I listened and contemplated all the comments from you. After too much time and thought, I decided on a hybrid name.

Studio Marcy's Whimsy incorporates my other shop's name, thus easier to find, if you already know me. Although I really liked both choices of banners, this funky red one seemed to incorporate best the idea of what I was trying to convey. A shop full of a variety of items...creative supplies both handmade and commercial, vintage goodies, some of my artwork- (did you know I paint watercolors and weave baskets among other things?), and other items that have caught my fancy.

And although I liked the idea of a closet, I didn't want anyone to think it was all clothing. Yes, there will be some cool vintage clothes offered once in a while, (after all, I'm quite vintage myself, and I still have some of the funky stuff from years ago), but I wanted the name to convey more of the big picture. So I changed it to one of the words that often is used to describe my personal style. Whimsy. (I left out "quirky and offbeat" as well as "forgetful" and others I'd prefer not to mention.
So now, I'm rounding up some of my whimsical items (and some not so whimsical- but fun), so I can add at least one new listing every Monday through Friday.

And I'm also trying something new. I have a camera on my Apple computer. I take some silly photos with it. If you are on facebook, the photo of me in front of the Eiffel Tower was taken with my computer. And look closely to what I am wearing as my beret. It should make you laugh. (please feel free to "friend" me on facebook- I'd be happy to add you.) Sorry, I keep digressing.

Anyhow, I cropped a section of my new banner and loaded it as a background for my computer camera. Then I took a quick shot (and a few more), and voila, here's my new avatar for my Etsy shop too. I wanted to include a tie in to give my shop a cohesive look, but make it personal too.

And as a side note, can you see these kicking green ginko leaf earrings that I'm wearing? They're stained glass made out of recycled beer bottles that the artist meticulously consumed, so he could pursue his art. I love them. They were made by my crazy friend Brian of WesternArtGlass on Etsy. If you buy something, tell him Marcy sent you.

So stop by and visit my new Etsy shop. I'm offering a few items so far, but as I mentioned, there will be more added daily.