Showing posts with label lampwork beads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lampwork beads. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Bead Peeps Swap 'n Hop Reveal

I was lucky to be partnered with Marybeth Rich who is "Forest of Jewels" online and on blogspot.  She sent me such a super fantastic array of materials (see remaining ones below) that I had a hard time deciding what to do.  The top is the necklace I made.  I added some bits of "me" to her lovely copper clasp and turquoise and natural stones.  The copper pieces I found when visiting AZ and had been waiting for a chance to use them.  I already had some of my lampwork "eggs" and the shell bead, which I think tied it together.  Above the shell it looks like a chunk of wood, but is some of the polymer clay stash, which Marybeth sent.  See below for my cute bracelet that I made with more of it.

These are my extra beads that I still haven't used.  (I use white paper plates to see the beads better- no 20/20 eyes anymore!) See how amazingly generous she was?  And what made each packet seem like a special gift was that she packaged them in her handmade paper envelopes.  
And here is the wire bangle I made from her polymer clay pieces. 
I love the sparkle and the opaque textures mixing together.  I kept the pink cord on the focal piece, because I like the mix of the hard beads with the soft cotton.  If I had more, I would have added it between some of the bead sections.  I left the largest design piece on the end.  I like it like a big dangle, instead of in the middle. And of course, I had to add a touch of "me" in it too.  Just the simple purple lampwork beads which blended in well.  

Here is the list of the other Swap Hop Members.  I swiped it from Marybeth's page. (shhh, don't tell) Please visit Marybeth next, if you haven't been to see her already.  I linked her name with her blog to make it easy for you. 


 Our Hostess: Linda Anderson from http//

KristinaHahn Eleniak
CatherineLa Vite
JaniceWarden Bergeron
Ingevon Roos
KellyHosford Patterson
Sue Kennedy
MarcyLamberson  (you are here)
Maria RosaSharrow
Seed Beaders
RebeccaRobertson   (White)

I am selling through Facebook mostly now, so message me through my name, Marcy Lamberson and I'll help you find lots of fun beads and cool stuff.  xo

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sixty Ladybugs for Beads of Courage...Done!

It's bug season.  Ladybug Stars for Beads of Courage have been populating my studio recently.  You can see most of the 60 that I completed in this photo.  I have made it as a limited edition 100 beads and all are completed now. (can you see me doing a happy dance over here?)

This bead was designed by a young Pittsburgh patient for Beads of Courage.  I took her drawing, and did my best to interpret it in glass.  We even emailed, so we could come up with a design on the back-  which is the flower that you see.  You can buy these fundraising beads from Beads of Courage here.

And of course, I have to tell you about the BoC book.  My bead is on the cover along with the Jester bead that my friend Stephanie White made.  You can find the $14 book here.  It's a small book that has photos of each of the beads offered.  The different ones were each designed by someone associated with Beads of Courage- patients, medical staff, etc.  And then interpreted by members of the lampwork community.

So I know that this post is kind of a sales pitch, but it's for a great cause and not for me.  I love this organization and have personally seen what a difference it makes in these kids and their family's lives during their illness.  And it makes me see the strength and courage it takes to get through all of it.  I am in awe.

Hope you have a wonderful week.  See you right here tomorrow!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Slightly gruesome and very Halloween.  You can find this little glass lampwork bead guy in my StudioMarcy etsy shop and ready to come scare you and your friends.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Whale of a Time Making Memories

My sister just celebrated her birthday in San Diego with her darling young grandson and his family.  Of course Sea World was on the list of "have-to" places to visit.  I was trying to come up with an unique present and decided to make her a small pendant that would bring back memories of her fun trip.

I found that making a small glass orca whale is pretty easy.  This one has been eating well, but anyone looking at it will know what it is.  

I was thinking of making a tutorial for one, if enough people are interested.  Please post or shoot me an email to let me know if you think it might be something you'd like to learn.

See you tomorrow

Friday, September 30, 2011

Glass Honey Badgers Don't Care

The Honey Badgers have given up on snakes and are after Santa!  Luckily, he's magic and this is what happens...

I think he made them the official bouncers for the North Pole and even with that awesome title, we all know...Honey Bears Don't Care!

I'll show you next week what they encounter next.

pssst....these Honey Badgers are available from my StudioMarcy Etsy shop.  Get them, before they get you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pollination in Glass

When I started learning glass, I thought I'd be making floral beads.  Well,  I seemed to have taken a right turn over the years, but just recently found that I still want to make them, but sculpturally.

And I've been making a lot of flowers, which I'll show you in a later blog post, but first I wanted to show you this honey of one.  Bee-lieve me, it's a keeper.  (okay, got the jokes out of my system)

I'm in an exchange on LE in which all members post a picture of something that they like and the rest of us make beads that "go" with the photo. (the "Pick 6" in the Patio, if you're on LE)  You might remember that weeks ago, I showed you what I chose right here.  But this inspiration came from another member's photograph of a bee sitting on a flower which I knew I wanted to interpret sculpturally.  This is the one for the exchange.

So now I'm experimenting and refining my designs.  I want to do a lot more with this and include other sculptural pieces in my flowers...bugs (caterpillars & ladybugs), butterflies and perhaps a lightning bug with a glow in the dark tail for fun.  (I haven't grown up from loving to see them at night).

I might even do a small hummingbird gathering nectar some time. I have an idea of how I can do to make it sturdy enough.

So, my smart friends, here's the question of the day...what kinds of flowers do you think I should make, and what should the "extra element" be?  If you have other ideas than what was on my list, let me know.
I'll be selling them soon in my Etsy shop and at the Gathering.  Just want to make a few more to have some variety available.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Don't Forget - See Me at Pismo's Reception Today

Pismo Contemporary Art Glass's reception for their Bead 12 - 5 pm.  Come visit and see all the glass goodies.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gnome Arrangement

I was so happy to see my friend Ann Bremer when we were both visiting Asheville a few weeks ago and meet her delightful husband,  Fred.  Last year at the Gathering, Ann bought one of my gnomes for him.  And I could tell he must have a great sense of humor, when she chose the one holding a skunk.

Of course there's a story behind that- when I was a kid, my Dad had a skunk for a pet.  His name was Hercules (the skunk, not my dad).  Herc was a fun little fella who had been "de-scented" for the most part and acted kind of like a cross between a cat and a dog for a long time.  We would pick him up and carry him around and take him for walks.  So it's a good skunk that this gnome is holding.

Anyhow, Fred was so kind to send me this picture of his gnome, which I think is great.  According to Ann, the gnome must be of the traveling gnome clan, because this one doesn't sit still and has his photo taken in a variety of places.

If you need a traveling gnome of your own, please contact me.  I'd be happy to make you one- even without a skunk.  (Usually they are holding a bird, a magic ball or even a dog.)  And I think there might be one in my StudioMarcy Etsy shop right now too.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Come To Austin With Me for Class!

I'll be teaching "Take a Walk on the Wild Side" at Austin's Blue Moon Glassworks June 25 & 26th  and I'd love for you to join me.  (just scroll down the link- lots of classes listed on that page)

We'll complete a full garden necklace before you leave which features a variety of imaginative sculptural flowers, a lampwork and wire clasp and of course a little creature with wings- (maybe bird, butterfly or bee) to hover over your flowers.  You'll have it done to wear home.  AND we'll also make a tree branch bail that teaches you the technique to apply to other sculptural items to make into bails.

Of course we'll have fun and it sure will be nice to have something totally completed to take home with you too.  And as many of you know, Jim and Rose Berry treat their students so well, you can't help but smile while you're there.  (And Austin is such a cool city!)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Asheville Torching

By the time this posts, I will have been in Asheville, NC for the long weekend at Fire On The Mountain with about 30 other lampworkers.  Organized by Marjorie Langston and Terry Hale, this twice a year gathering of beadmakers, is such a delight.  It's held in an old Fire House which is Touch of Glass and owned by Gary Newlin.

Not having photos yet to post, I used the little gorilla that I taught up at this retreat quite a few years ago.
And below is a class photo from the students who watched my demos.

You see, there are a variety of demos for the participants to watch and then attempt.  This year besides lampwork, we will be learning some metal jewelry techniques as well.  These will be done by Angie Ramey, Melanie Hazen and Carol Crye.

Hopefully in a few days, I can show you what I learned and give you a bit more of a recap.  But until then, I'm just going to bask in the wonderful sharing that is going on, and cross my fingers that I don't get lost on the way driving home, like I usually do.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Beads in Space..Part Deux

Ready for another chance at getting your lampwork beads in outer space?  Mission Endeavour Contest is now announced.  Beads need to be at Beads of Courage headquarters by February 26.  Click here for all the details,'
ps...Like that little yellow alien?  That was one of my beads that went into space on a previous NASA mission. Replicas of the beads in space are available for sale through Beads of Courage.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Razorbacks- A Face That Only A Fan (or their Mother) Could Love

So I've been asked to do my rendition of an Arkansas Razorback bead (as a gift-not for sale).  And anytime I do something new, I have to do a little research to see what exactly I'm doing.  Here is their logo. Kind of mean looking critter, isn't it?

And then I also found this close up shot, that would make a more fun bead to do, because there's more personality and different detail.

Rather oozing charm, wouldn't you say?  I do like how his teeth are so rectangular and his face is expressive.

But my favorite form of the Razorback is this picture.  I'm hoping one of you reading this is a fan and can tell me that you own one of these hats.  They sure make me smile.  It kind of looks like an angry red relative to Alf.  (remember him?)

So when I'm done, I'll show you my bead. And in case you're worrying, no need to be concerned about copyright- it's not for sale, but it is for some Beads of Courage parents.  And I'm guessing they need that strength that the hog portrays.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jewelry Design Dilemma

So you probably remember my post from Monday, where I showed you some of my new flowers in pastel colors.  I've been dithering over what I want to do with them still.  This is one of my options that I pulled out  I liked the silvery gray sparkle with the opaque flowers and some of the transparent bead in here.  I was thinking perhaps this one should be made into a bracelet?  What do you think?  Stringing ideas?  Change it up to something else?  What would you do?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Garden Flower Jewelry

Pastel Flower Garden on Really Stiff Stems

So recently I've been on a funky flower and leaf kick. I've been choosing color palettes and then spending the day working on them with the long range goal of making some jewelry for myself and then selling the other components.  

This is an example of my very light pastel mix.  Atlanta had unseasonal snow and ice, and I think looking out my studio windows at all the white, gave me the inspiration.  We usually only get about 2" a year, and we got over 8" which quickly turned to layers of thick ice and shut down the city.  Kids were out of school for over a week.

But I digress.

My pastels in this palette were fun.  I don't usually work in this combination and was enjoying gray, white, pale pinks, soft blues, lavenders and a touch of CiM's Dirty Martini green, which I love.

So now here is my hard decision..what to design with these "parts"?  I've got such minimal experience in making jewelry.  Any ideas?  Tomorrow I'll show you what I was thinking, but meanwhile, please chime in all of you experts and give me some ideas please!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Don't Miss This Calendar

Aw come on, even if you don't use old school calendars, this one will bring a chuckle. United Bamboo's very cool calendar is now on sale and it sports all these hipster kitties wearing United Bamboo clothes.

And if you still can't figure out what to do with it, just cut it apart and frame some of the photos. For me, there's something about cats wearing clothes, that just gets me grinning!

See you Sunday right here,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sting Wears Lampwork? Help Figure This One Out...

My friend, Robin Snuttjer sent me this photo of Sting (*sigh*) wearing a bead. She was wondering if we can track down who made it or any details? What a great idea. Who can help?
And while you're at it, if you too are a fan, feel free to post your favorite song. Here is one of my favorites at a James Taylor Tribute concert.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Wishing all my friends a day with friends and family, laughter, happiness and of course, someone else doing the dishes!

Happy Thanksgiving....and rest up, because tomorrow starts the shopping season.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Garden Bunny at Southern Flames

Our Southern Flames lampworking group had the wrapped package/steal from your neighbor type exchange at our past meeting. I decided to embellish my little bunny angel that I had made this summer with flowers from my Dona Bellflower presses and some leaves that I had made as well. (and I wish I had arranged them more nicely before the quick photo too!)

The exchange items were great, and I was lucky to finally end up with Kelley Wenzel's lampwork eggs- 4 of them and so sweet.

Watch our Southern Flames website, for photos from the event. Look for the scrapbook heading on the right side. If they aren't up yet, they will be shortly.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hearty Laughter

I just love this bead by talented glass artist Michael Dean of If it hasn't been sold, you can find it here. Michael also makes lovely encased floral beads, which are also some of my often visited and sometimes bought beads.

Got any favorites on Etsy that you want to bring to folks' attention? Post the url here. and let us know about them.

See you tomorrow- same time, same place.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pandora Puppies

Pandora bracelets with the big center holes have been around for quite awhile. I love their chunky yet delicate look and how the glass lampworking community has been able to tap this market.

Pandora, Biagi, Trollbeads and other large holed bracelets are perfect avenues for our industry's beadmakers. Whether your personal niche is encased flowers, boro, organic or silvered glass, there's a place for you.

So needless to say, I love making custom beads for pet owners. I'm showing you a little Bichon Frise that I recently made.

For me, the hardest part is is getting enough detail in the tiny bead. Even though they have a big hole, they still need to be quite small and sit properly on the wrist. Because of the head being relatively large, I try to balance it out with widespread feet and a bit of a tail, if appropriate.

I've found that some breeds don't translate as well for me. Skinny dogs with long slim legs- like greyhounds, just don't have enough room on the bead to fold up the legs and make them look like what they are. Too small a palette. Dogs with easy to spot features seem to always work well and I love the ones with lots of fur- perhaps because I really enough adding the texture in glass.

I've also made lots of beads that are theme beads for customers, whether it's college logos, pets, grandkids, babies, beads that represent favorite sports, hobbies and other pastimes, it's all been fun. Custom work is a favorite large part of my business, because each order is a new puzzle to figure out.

See you tomorrow, here on