Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Win a Torch Contest! Celebrate with FlameTree Glass

I copied this straight from FlameTree Glass's website,  This is a wonderful half day of celebration and a really nice glass sale.  FlameTree is my hometown glass studio and I think they are great - with advice, customer service and just being really great folks.
Hope you can join them on June 23rd and if not, perhaps grab some of the great deals and enter their contest.  
And by the way, I am not a celebrity.  They were just being kind and I am honored to have been asked to help judge the contest.  And I'm afraid no bribes this time.  I will be scrupulously careful to do my job!
Read on!

FlameTree Glass, Inc. is celebrating their 10 year anniversary on June 23 2012!  Who would have guessed we made it all the way from our small garage to where we are today.  With a beautiful glass gallery, hi-tech studio and international instructors we continue the age old tradition of lampworking glass into fine pieces of art.  We give thanks to all our customers for their support throughout these many years.  We will continue to dedicate ourselves to good customer service and knowledgeable assistance.  We will keep up our commitment to education and active community participation.

 Free torch time on June 23 Sat 12-6pm
Come join the fun as we open the studio for free torch time.  There will be food, fun and some surprise demos.  Bring your favorite tools and eyewear.  We will provide some of the glass and mandrels needed.  Eyewear will be required at all times in studio. 

FlameTree 10th Anniversary Sale June 23 2012!
35% off
Effetre, Vetrofond and Messy Color Rods
No minimums except for the .25 per color.
10% off
Borosilicate Clear Rod and Color Rod
Sale does not apply to assortments, dichroics, stringers, powders & frit. or borosilicate tubing.  While supplies last.  No backorder discounts.

10th Anniversary Themes
Traditional: Tin or aluminum. The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how success needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken.
Modern: Diamond - durable and beautiful.  blue sapphire.  color: silver or blue

FlameTree 10th Anniversary Bead Contest! 
Win a Glass Torch Technologies Scorpion Torch!
Create the best flameworked bead using the 10th anniversary theme; such as, blue glass, silvered glass, metallic glass, silver foils, dichroic, fumed or CZs.  You can use a combination of any of these listed items for your bead.  Entries will be judged on creativity, detail and use of imagination with the 10th Anniversary Theme.  Winning Entries become the property of Glass Torch Technologies to be put on display in their glass gallery. All other entries will be returned to sender.  Only one entry per category per person.  Deadline to receive entry is June 21 2012.

FlameTree 10th Anniversary Marble Contest! 
Win a Glass Torch Technologies Sidewinder Torch!
Create the best flameworked marble using the 10th anniversary theme; such as, blue glass, silvered glass, metallic glass, silver foils, dichroic, fumed or CZs.  You can use a combination of any of these listed items for your marble.  Entries will be judged on creativity, detail and use of imagination with the 10th Anniversary Theme.  Winning Entries become the property of Glass Torch Technologies to be put on display in their glass gallery. All other entries will be returned to sender.  Only one entry per category per person.  Deadline to receive entry is June 21 2012.
Winners will be announced June 23 2012 during open house and at
Send or bring entries to 
FlameTree 10th Anniversary Contest
470 S. Atlanta St.
Roswell, GA 30075
Please include contact information name, address, phone, email and or website.  Shipping for prizes not included.  Return shipping for international entries not included.  Please include a return address on all entries.  Please let us know if you would like to donate your entry to the Beads of Courage Program or have on it display at the FlameTree Gallery.  Contest is open to all levels of experience.
Judges include:
Mega-Superstar Hans Godo Frabel
Celebrity lampworker Marcy Lamberson
also Lance & Maureen McRorie.
Contest sponsored by Glass Torch Technologies

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Things Crafty April Challenge

So many of us enjoy craft.  We have different styles, techniques and mediums, but there's something about "making creative, fun stuff" that always is interesting.

I've recently joined "Things Crafty" website.  The two brains behind it, Ilysa and Kira really do a great job of running it.  And I found that we have a monthly challenge, with prizes! (Yay!)

So come on over and check it out.  This month's contest involves April Flowers.  Who doesn't love a fun flower?  Anyhow, you can draw, knit, build, craft, (make a glass flower) or something to do with a flower, surrounded by flowers, etc.  There are even 4 prizes.  So pop by.  You know you want to enjoy the fun!  See you there.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Soft Flex's Contest

Soft Flex has announced a fun contest in which you must use both their craft and beading wires to make jewelry out of it.  Grand prize is a $500 Gift Certificate!  There are plenty of other great prizes too.  For all the rules, go to this Soft Flex link.  All entries must be in by Sept. 1st, so you still have time!  Let me know if you enter.  I'm thinking that I might just try this one!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bon Jovi Wants You

Jon Bon of the best parts of the old Ally McBeal series... okay, enough daydreaming and back to blogging...

Bon Jovi- the band- is having a contest. "It's My Life" and they're teaming up with animoto to offer the winner either a signed gold record or tickets to a concert. Pretty sweet deal. It takes some photos, a little time and your talent to show how "your life rocks".

I know with all the artists who read this blog that there's plenty of ability and good photos out there. It's a great way to get a shot of your product tucked in there too. Aw come one.. Show us what you've got. And let me know if you enter. I sure hope so.

ps I've played with animoto before to make a mini video and it was a lot of fun

Friday, May 21, 2010

2010 Sixth Annual Glass Addiction Alphabet Marble Contest

2010 Sixth Annual Glass Addiction Alphabet Marble Contest

Oh my! Do you make marbles? The deadline for the Sixth Annual Glass Addiction Alphabet Marble Contest is rapidly approaching. Like June 1st!

Glass artists may choose any letter. The complete rules are here.

You might want to look at the winners and entries from previous years too. What a lot of talent in one place. So much to enjoy.

And please notice Margaret Zinzer's fantastic marble, "Zinser's Zeitgeist" which she hand painted with enamels on a cooled base and then put it back into the flame to vitrify. I love it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Spooky Night ~ Need Your Vote, Please!

It's that time of the year when goblins and skulls are in abundance at FlameTree Glass. It's their annual Halloween Glass Contest and I need you to vote here for my entry, please. If it's not your choice, how about voting for the one you like best. (But psssst, I'm the third one down just in case you want to find me easily.)

My entry is "Spooky Night" and (okay, so I know it's not too spooky, but at least the owl has a bit of an attitude) I'm afraid that really scary...well, scares me. My mind freezes, I break out in goosebumps and I have bad dreams. We don't want that, do we?

But there are some super-duper torches that those generous guys at GTT have donated as prizes and I would dearly love to win one.

And if I win, I'll show you the inner workings on how I put this together and the thought that went behind it complete with photos and perhaps just a touch of interesting commentary about it. My first "Glass-amentary". Scary thought in itself.

Thanks so much for helping me. I promise to make some cool bigger stuff if I win one of the bigger torches. (I'm hoping for second place with the Scorpion that would work on my concentrator, fingers and eyes crossed and knocking on wood.) Here's the voting place again.

See you tomorrow for more glass and creativity chat here at

Sunday, October 18, 2009

FlameTree's Fabulous Halloween Contest Ending Soon!

This contest is near and dear to my heart. FlameTree Glass has the most fantastic prizes from GTT. I think everyone should enter. Why not??

This year, the voting is online, so everyone has a great chance.

Your entry needs to be flameworked- need to email 2 photo views of it to FlameTree, (see specific rules) and of course include a description of your piece and a short bio. Only one entry per person. Deadline is October 24th!!! So hurry up! Voting goes through October 25-30th.

For all specific rules and info, please visit,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

FlameTree's Halloween Glass Art Contest

Wow! Once again FlameTree Glass has teamed up with GTT torches to create a Halloween Glass Art Contest that is no trick - just treat.

Please check FlameTree's website for the complete rules, but here are some of the basics...
• hard or soft glass can be used
• multiple pieces of glass can be used.
• entirely flameworked
• one entry per person
• follow the complete set of rules on the website.

The contest has just been announced, so you're some of the first people to know. Now get moving and make your entry! Such great prizes that can be won!

I'm debating what I'm going to make as I write. I know, it's got to be good, to even be a contender. Winners will be chosen by online voting October 25-30, 2009. Looking forward to seeing your work on FlameTree's website.

I'll have another blog post for you tomorrow. See you then.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Vintage Cookie Jars Inspiration for Beads

You know I'm always keeping my eyes open for different types of inspiration.

Have you ever considered cookie jars?
These were purloined from a blog called Retro District, which I enjoy a lot.

Now to be honest, there are only one or two of these which are my style to base a bead on. But the vintage color combinations are always a lot of fun.

I might just look at them a different way. Here I have a variety of eyeballs. (Yep, still on that kick, I'm afraid to say.) But look - there's quite a gamut here. I like the rounded happy face eyes of the man in the bottom right corner, or the "plus signs" for that traditional clown appearance. Both are simple to make and are great reminders that you don't always need to be complex.

So have you guessed which two? I'll give you a clue, they're on the same row. The first person to post on this blog, the correct response, will receive a $15 gift certificate to my StudioMarcy etsy shop. (Please note, if you're reading this on Facebook, the guess must be posted on my blog-

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Social Designer ~ Goods for the Greater Good

There are just 5 more days to enter the "Think Color" contest and design a tote bag for Social Designer. The winner receives $2000, and the design will be made and sold on Social Designer to benefit Global Green USA.

The competition description is HERE.

Social Designer is a website that "curates and creates smart products that tune into the greater good."

They have design competitions and then offer the winning designs for sale on their website. The funds go to the good causes that they identify. How very cool is that? And all of you artistic types have an opportunity to flex your creative muscles and possible win some dollars while helping others.

I really like this concept. To find cool T's and tote bags for sale, visit the site: And no, I didn't enter (wish I had more time, because this will be fun), but there will be more contests too. If you enter, please let us know because voting starts July 8th and ends July 15th. I know we all would love to support our friends in their endeavors.

See you tomorrow. It's a glass day- and fun.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Glass Olympic Spring Fling Contest- Lots of FUN!

Here's something fun for you to do. Mary "Moth" Lockwood, who makes wonderful beads, is hosting a Glass Olympic Spring Fling.

She is inviting glass artists of all experience to submit up to 3 bead photos by April Fool's Day, April 1, 2009 in the various categories. There will be peer voting, Mary's input and all kinds of factors to decide upon the winners.

The theme is "Spring Fling" which is any interpretation of iconic Spring subjects. You do not need to make a new bead for this. It can be one already existing.

Visit Mary's website for the complete rules and how to upload your photos, etc.

Just from the beads I've seen already, it's going to be a tough competition, but so much eye candy in one place. And while you're there, stop by her gallery and shop too. Her tutorials and beads are wonderful. Oh, and I just found her FREE tutorials too. Here they are.
My entry is complete. I'll be blogging about it at a later date. (after I photograph it!)

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Etsy Glass Artists- Different Strokes for All the Folks

Have you ever visited this blog?  It's the Etsy Glass Artists' blog and I'm a member of this Street Team.  One of the things I like about this group, is that it's a combination of different types of glass artists, so we can learn about each others' areas and ask questions.  It's nice to hear what products they use and get a handle on some tools that I might not have been aware of before.

Some of our EGA members have joined the One World, One Heart promotion, so we have a couple of pieces to giveaway.  You can click here to go to the blog and comment, which will put you in the running to win the gifts.

Here is my addition to the "loot".  It's Loki the elf mischief maker.  I thought with all the Valentines Hearts, he could stir things up a bit.

Hope you have a minute to stop by and comment.  Some great prizes to win and it's always lots of fun entering free contests.  Take a few minutes to poke around the blog too.  You might just find some new information that will help you in your own creative endeavors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One World, One Heart Giveaway- Scoop the Valentine Pup

Before I give you the Info on my give away, please note that I am having a Buy One, Get One Half Off SALE right now in my etsy shop, StudioMarcy- through February 7th. If you enjoy whimsical, one of a kind glass beads, this is a great opportunity.

I am participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway this year. It's where bloggers who craft are each giving away a specific item to one lucky winner who comments here in this post. It has to be in this post to be eligible.

This program ends February 12th and I'll ship out your prize just as soon as you respond to my email.

If you want to see more people who are participating in this event, click on the One World, One Heart blue circle on the right of my blog. It will bring you to the mainpage of the organizer.

Here is Scoop the Valentine Pup who is my giveaway. He is technically a handmade lampwork glass bead that I made, but works well to keep you company as a little statue too. If you'd like to wear him, I'd be happy to add a sterling silver loop so you can put a cord through him. He's holding his tennis ball and a heart between his paws.

So comment away, and good luck- hope you win!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Stuffed Vultures & Other Monday Musings

I couldn't resist this photo and caption that I saw on a website...

"When you give a plush Vulture to someone you Care about....
You'll Make Them Feel Really Special & Loved"

Nothing says love, like a Vulture, I always say!

Now for some musings...
My twenty something musician son was discussing a fabulous group he saw live in Atlanta the other night. He was talking about the music they played.  It included songs that wouldn't be well known to a general listening audience, but to well versed musicians, they would be really cool.  He was talking about the songs being, "musicians' music". That got me to thinking.  Do we have the equivalent in glass?  Do we look at some beads in absolute awe and think they're fabulous, when the untrained eye or person who uses beads in jewelry wouldn't recognize the skill and art that goes into some?  Have you thought about that?  And are there some beadmakers who you think make "beadmakers' beads" who we recognize, but perhaps the public does not?  If so, who are they?

And here are a few kudos and a small pat on the back....
*A huge congratulations to Maureen McRorie of FlameTree Glass who did win the Frabel Novice Glass Award.  I am so happy for her and thank any of you who were so kind as to vote for her.  She deserved it.
*And to blog reader Louise Ingram congratulations for winning second place in the Dec./Jan. contest and a $75 gift certificate for  I won second place in the other category and the same gift certificate.  Louise and I are debating which items we'll choose from their selection.  Lots of brass tools and tough decisions.

So to all of you, I'm sending a virtual plush vulture, because I want you to feel special and loved. Thanks for reading my blog and please feel free to click on the button that says, "Follow My Blog The Easy Way" down on the right hand side.  You won't miss any that way.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kiss My Curvy "S" or What Should I Name These?

Conundrum time. I have acquired a new brass bead press from Mallory. It's for a special project I'm working on, but I wanted to play with the press and try out different glasses in it and styles.

So I made a few and am going to offer them in my Studio Marcy Etsy Shop.
However, I'm just not sure what to call them. It's a "Wiggle" press, but I don't want to use their name.

I've been mulling over other ideas...wavy, curvy, swoosh - (nope, Nike has the corner on that market), worm, squiggle or undulation. I ended up listing this one as an "S" Curve with a little amusing joke written in the listing.

My husband looked at them and said the colored ones look like Gummy Worms to him.

This blue one I etched to look like sea glass. It's a light transparent blue that got a dunking in acid etch. I've got a few of these in other sea glass colors made too.

I'm open to ideas. Anyone have a name for these? If I choose your idea, I'll send you one that is a funkier version than these shown. I think you'll like it.

Thanks for your help. I'm taking suggestions through Thursday 10 am Eastern Time. Now get out there and put on your thinking cap. I need YOUR help!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Two For Tuesday ~ Artisan Beaders Give Away & Silver Glass

I've bitten the bullet and finally have tried silver glass. Our local glass chapter has a new member who makes it and he brought some to sell at our last meeting and to show us how he uses it.

To be honest, I had been kind of avoiding it. The cost of $100/lb of glass, seems so expensive to me, and yet, as a true glass-aholic, I finally stopped resisting and gave in.

Here's just one photo of my results on this seashell. (I have more views in my listing here.) I got a pretty wide spectrum of colors and it seemed like treating it more like raku, got me the best results. I've seen different results from just about everyone who bought that evening. I know flame chemistry makes a difference, as well as striking it over and over, chilling it and probably singing love songs might change your results too.

Bottom line is that I'm really glad to try it and I'll continue to use it, but in small amounts. It gives a pretty variation of colors and is a lot of fun. If you want to find my new acquaintance, he sells on etsy as Striking Color.

And now for the FREE Giveaway from Artisan Beaders Street Team! Aren't these earrings lovely? They are classically elegant and perfect for just about anything that I wear.
(Including my usual casual jeans and a sweater)

This week, these black faceted glass and sterling earrings are from Kristy of Shiny Adornments. To find out how to win them, you need to visit the Artisan Beaders' blog and get the full directions. Just click HERE.

And if you ever want to read a fabulous blog full of selling and business tips as well as pretty jewelry, Kristy's is one of my faves.
I always learn great information from it.

So because of the multi-faceted post today, I have a few questions for you to answer...
Do you have a favorite silver glass- which one and where do you buy it? Do you have a favorite blog for selling and jewelry/lampwork business tips? What is the url? Oh so much to think about and it's just Tuesday. See you tomorrow... (oh, and p.s.- don't forget my BIG SALE in my etsy shop through this Saturday.)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hurry! Fabulous Giveaway from Orion Designs

Hurry. Don't miss this one. You have until 5 pm EST TODAY!

Vicki of Orion Designs is giving away this cutie pie pair of earrings. (I love her jewelry) They go with everything and are made from glass and brass. Vicki is a member of Artisan Beaders Street Team on etsy, and this is part of our preholiday promotion.

Here's how you do it. Go to Vicki's etsy shop, (click here) and choose your favorite item. Then go to the Artisan Beaders' blog and leave a comment. (here's the link) Visit the blog first if you want all the links coming from one page. If you hunt around, you might just find a little of my lampwork incorporated in her jewelry, which of course is a wonderful option for your favorite item!

I know you want to win. And besides, you'll be the coolest person on the postal route receiving a package from Chugiak, Alaska. Not everyone can claim that one!

Happy Friday to you, unless you're in the Antarctic like my daughter, who is a day ahead. Anyone else here celebrating the weekend already?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat ~ Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Here is my band of trick or treaters that are in the FlameTree Glass Halloween Bead Contest. There are so many wonderful entries, that I have no idea whether I'll even place. But I'm still glad to have entered.

The three children are miniature bobblehead beads. It's cute when you wiggle the stand and the heads move. I tried to include plenty of details to make each one interesting. The child in the bunny costume is wearing a mask, and bunny slippers. She also has a bunny tail. To make her trick or treat bag, I bent a small piece of copper wire around a glass rod to give it the handle shape. After laying down the "palms" of her hands, I placed the wire and then added the rest of her hands to hold it in place. By swiping the orange glass, I could make the base of the trick or treat bag. If you're going to try something like this, be careful about not holding the copper wire in the flame too long, or it will melt.

The little devil boy is wearing sneakers and carrying his teddy bear and trick or treat bag. I gave him some fake facial hair, because I was remembering the year I made my son an Elvis costume. I used doll hair on peach felt to make an inset for his rhinestone sparkley shirt, so he would have a hairy chest, which was pretty funny on a first grade little boy.

The ballerina big sister is standing on one foot. She was made on a 1/16th mandrel, so her leg could be slim enough for the size she is. Her other leg is bent at the knee and the ballet slipper is resting on her calf.

I placed them tightly together on the green stand for a few reasons. Most importantly, that's how kids always appear at my door. Packed together and in groups. And I also wanted the beads to stay pretty firmly in place. Because they are on an open table to be displayed at FlameTree and not in a case, I thought it might keep them a little safer, so they don't move around as much. Each bead can be removed for packing and shipping and then easily set up again.

The rest of this vignette is made from beads too. The dog, the stand and the little pumpkin (which is behind them, so the back side has a little more interest), are beads as well.

But this is only one half of FlameTree's contest. They have even a bigger one for sculptural glass. Check out their website for the down load-able pdf in that area too.
And don't forget my 20% Off SECRET SALE going on in my Etsy shop, just for my online friends. Come on over and read the details in my Shop Announcements .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Adding A "Twist" To Your Beadmaking Voice & A 48 Hour Quick Contest

I'm just going to admit it and get it over with... I like quirky things. I don't like violence or scary, but I like a touch of "off beat" if it has humor or makes you think.

I found this Tarot deck. At the time, I had never had my cards read, but I was amused and interested in the illustrations. They fit my criteria....they look like inspiration for beads, so I bought the deck. I like the contrast of the bright colors with Graham Cameron's
oddball group of characters. So here is one bead I made using this tarot deck.

Often I give them names and stories. Let me introduce to you Heyward the Musician who travels with Cirque de Soleil. He plays the banjo and mandolin. His pet crow is Rasmussen. Needless to say, Rasmussen is always whispering in his ear and telling him what to do.

I have one other bead in my shop that is directly inspired from this tarot deck. I know, others may fool you, but there's just officially one of them. For the next 48 hours, anyone who comments and posts the bead's name, will have their name put in a drawing for one of my beads. (if you are an "anonymous" person, please be sure to let me know how to reach you, or check back on Friday) And if it is too hard commenting in public, I'll count an email sent to me, at

Start looking for it... and good luck!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Artistry In Glass Contest & Fun Website

I've been told by family members that I don't toot my horn often enough, so today I'm practicing.

Hooray, I won first place in the Advanced Category of's most recent contest. My little vampire was my entry.

Because he's rather dashing, I combined his photo with this fun website,, where you upload a photo of yourself or others, and they have some ready made "magazine covers" that go over your photo.
I made some with my own photo too, but those will have to wait for another time.

So beadmakers, check out, for their next bead photo contest. I think it's an every other month type thing, with gift certificates from their online store as prizes.

And I'd like to mention that some of my friends also won prizes. I am so happy for you.
Deronda, Paula & Louise, you all sure deserved winning a prize. Hopefully more of my blog readers will enter and win next time too. (I'd love to hear from you about it.) See the winning beads here...

So, now that you're almost famous, stop by It only takes a minute or two and sure makes you and your beads look almost famous.
