Showing posts with label cim glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cim glass. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Color Trends

I was looking at one of my favorite fashion trend sites and they showed this palette as one of the trends for 2012.  (I'll be blogging about the Pantone 2012 Color of the Year in a separate post)

But the first thing I noticed was how perfect some of the Creation is Messy colors are for it.  Wow.
The first photo, their color "Ginger" for the slacks and "Crocus" for her top.  The second photo, "Desert Pink" seemed to fit the bill.  The third photo looks like "Dirty Martini" to me.  Not an exact match, but it would go well with what is shown.  The final photo again would include "Desert Pink".

So if these are some of the color combinations, I think I'll be watching what's in the shops and probably shopping for CiM glass.  I'm a big fan of their colors anyhow, so this will be easy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Thinking About New Fall Colors in Glass

It's that time of year, that I start looking at Fall colors for glass beadmaking.  I know, I'm a little late. Often I'm starting in July.  But I was noticing this Adobe by CiM glass and thought how pretty it would look in some of my Fall Leaf series that I do each year.  It would mix well with the ambers, greens, oranges and reds.  And I know it would also do as well as the more expensive Red Roof Tile in my hamster beads too.

I was also looking at this Honey Swirl (new from Effetre) that seems like their response to Vetrofond's Honey Crunch.  I wish we could see the end of the rod, to know what it is made up of.  I love this shade for my dog beads- but it too, would look nice in Autumn related beads.  Haven't you seen lots of leaves with this color in them?  It would contrast and yet blend well with the other colors.  I have a feeling that it is a blend of transparent amber and an opaque glass.

Are there any other ones that you are thinking about buying for Fall?  Would love to know which ones sing to you and on a practical level... a link to where to find them.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Beads of Courage Purple Hearts

I promised to show you my other purple heart design for Beads of Courage.  You know the kids receive a purple heart when their medical treatment ends for their cancer or other life threatening illness.  

When I was submitting ideas to Beads of Courage, I was thinking, what would seem like a celebration to me?  I knew that it would be hard to portray fireworks- but cupcakes always seem like a little party to me.  I'm making them on Creation is Messy's Crocus glass.  I love that translucent look, and yet, it really reads "purple" to me.  Click on the link to see a more accurate shade.  

Hope you have a wonderful long weekend.  I'll keep my same blog schedule that takes Saturday off, but I'll be back on Sunday for a quick post.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gathering Goodies

I wanted to show you most of my Gathering purchases this year. I've accumulated a lot of tools and fun toys over the years, so some of my choices were planned and others were whim.

From top to bottom and left to right, (kind of) - my new CIM glass from Frantz. There were some colors there that just sang to me. Soft, gentle whispers of glass that will be so pretty in my beads.

And you'll see some sleeves laying on top of the glass. I teach private lessons to younger students. And sometimes, they're a little afraid of the flame. I pop them into my leather apron, but wanted additional protection. The sleeves should help them feel more safe and secure when torching.

There's a little plier type tool with two facing sharp points. I have no idea what it's called and what exactly I will use it for, but it looks interesting. I also bought 2 large cone shaped mandrels. I will enjoy using these. Again- it probably won't be for traditional usage. I use smaller ones for bobbleheads and think these might be used in a similar manner.

And can you see the oval hollow tube? It looks like someone just flattened one end. it will make great oval interior beads that will slide onto flatter ribbons and watch bands, etc. but I want to experiment with it too. I've got ideas- just need time to experiment.

On the bottom left is a package of Gathering postcards. Each year I buy a package and felt quite honored that my postcard was chosen to be on top. How lucky was that!! But I have to say, there were a lot of gorgeous individual and group photos. Katherine Wadsworth's postcard beads are always a standout for me.

You'll also see a disk with The Flow magazine on it. I re-subscribed and bought some back issues. I am resolved to keep up with my subscription. I love the magazine want to do more with it.

And I wanted to point out a gift on the far right. At open torch, Jeb and Julie of Double Helix Glass gave away samples of their fabulous silver glass. What a generous and very appreciated gesture. They were so organized, they had also printed out labels, so we would be able to keep all straight. Very impressive and that kindness has made me want to do more with their glass.

And finally, not pictured, but much anticipated--- an additional concentrator that Ross from ABR Imagery will be shipping to me. I want to tie it together with my existing one and see if I can get enough power to fire up some of my bigger torches. When forming my last big project, I had a heck of a time working within my smaller flame. It will be nice having an option for more complex pieces.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Creation Is Messy's Stone Ground Glass

Recently, I was lucky enough to join the ranks of testers for Creation Is Messy glass.

I have been a big fan of the colors that they provide to increase my palette, especially with my sculptural glass.

My angel shown here was made from entirely CIM glass. I love the colors.

One of the colors that I really love is Stone Ground, which is similar, but not exactly the same as Moretti's Opal Yellow. I used it in my angel's hair and was so happy to have found it. It makes a perfect pale blonde and will go well as part of my "fur palette" as well. Can't you picture a Golden Retriever or Blonde Lab with their coats this color?

One of the cool things about CIM's website is that there are comparisons listed on the website, so you can see the colors being used in real beads and comments by the users. If you click on the angel link above, you'll arrive at a page that showcases what I mean.

If you haven't had a chance to poke around on that website, take a few minutes to enjoy it and scout out new colors.

I noticed an opaque light blue (called "Zachary") that will be fantastic when it joins the ranks sometime in December.

So go hit up their website and enjoy how artist friendly it is. And while you're there, look at all the artist examples using the glass. It sure helps for visualization for your own work as well.

See you tomorrow, right here-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Frantz's Sale- Colors I'd Like To Try

Coral Martian Strata Special Effetre RodSedimentYellow Apricot Premium Opaque SpecialYellow Opal Premium Opaque PastelPink Dark Premium Pastel
L to R: Coral Martian, Sediment, Yellow Apricot Premium, Yellow Opal Premium, Dark Pink Premium Pastel
I can't help but be tempted when I see sale advertisements for glass. It draws me in and even if I don't need it, I still want it. With my stash, I try to resist temptation, but can't always.

So I decided instead to blog about colors I'd love to try. Wish I could get a single rod and just test them out to see if I really, really wanted them as much as I think I do.

Here are the colors from the most recent Frantz Art Glass 50/50 flyer that recently came out.

I have to say that I'm not sure why I want that Coral Martian, but because I tend to horde many shades of good ol' # 420, it must be that same gene. I'm trying to think where I would use this striated rod, but I know I'd find a place. I know flower petals would rock with it and striated stringer on a turquoise base would stand out. And the Sediment looks like "fur in a rod". I think you've probably seen some of the dogs & fur babies that I make and it sure would come in handy. (Am I correct to guess there is a Vetrofond similar one that I own?)

The Yellow Apricot Premium is just flat out luscious to me. Rich and vibrant, I would find many uses for it, and I'm not an "orange" person. But this one is singing to me. And who can resist a good Opal Yellow? This one has "Premium" attached to its name. Hard to resist. I wonder how this batch is? Anyone try it yet?

And finally the Dark Pink Premium Pastel...I can never have enough shades of pink. I need it for cheeks, and cute little beads. It's always pretty cased with Ink Blue or other colors too. I guess I just like girly colors, simple as that.

So these are my current shades that I'm daydreaming about in the Effetre shades. I have a huge list of CIM colors and others too.

What have you been wishing for? Let us know. Add a link if you have one and let us all drool. If you have beads made with any of these, feel free to post a link to them too. Why not?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CIM's New Colors, Frantz's New Blog & More!

Starting today, these five new Creation is Messy (CIM) colors are available through Frantz Art Glass.

I was interested to see them, as I'm a big fan of CIM glass as a supplement to my other 104 COE brands.

Along with the new colors, Frantz has rolled out a blog, which you might have already seen. I like Patricia's beads which illustrate what she's talking about. It gives me a visual which is so helpful.

The top photo is Commando with Triton dots and goldstone swirls by Patricia Frantz. Not only is it a pretty bead, but it shows the variegation in the glass, which is important. A lot of CIM colors seem to do that.

The second photo is Olive with a pink and black dragged design. You know, the top photo with the 5 colors made me think there was more distinction between the two greens. These two colors makes me wonder if they are closer in hue, than they appear. I will probably choose one shade to try first. (and undoubtedly, end up with both at some point.) I already have the deep and lovely olive shade from Lauscha, which I have loved for years. GlassDaddy has been a great source for my Lauscha glass. And besides Frank DeRosa is "dad" to one of my local glass buddies, Jill Symons.

Right now, Admantium is not doing it for me, but the other four have possibilities. I have a feeling I'll end up eating my words about the Admantium too. It's hard for me to find a color I can't find a use for.

So tell me what you think. Which of the five colors do you like? If you were given samples of all 5 colors, which shade would you pick up first? Which would be last. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Tuesday to you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Come Vote For My Glass Entry, Skylar the Bird

Our Lampwork Etc. Street Team is hosting our January Challenge. It's for beads that make you think positively or make you happy.

There's quite a wonderful array, and plenty to choose from. I'm hoping that you will mosey over there and vote for the bead of your choice. Of course I always love your votes, but I'd be just as thrilled if you found another favorite or even voted for someone with fewer votes to even things up a bit.

This is Skylar the technicolor bird- my entry, who is currently living in my Etsy shop. Skylar is based on a heart shape before her extra feathers are added. I think I made her body from Check Glass, and the feathers from Moretti and her cheeks of course from my favorite cheek color, CIM's Gelly Pink. Love that pink. And if you look carefully at the wings, I used various shades of transparents and then blended them together, which I do for fins too. I think Skylar is even prettier in person.

Don't forget to vote and hope your Sunday is wonderful.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat ~ Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Here is my band of trick or treaters that are in the FlameTree Glass Halloween Bead Contest. There are so many wonderful entries, that I have no idea whether I'll even place. But I'm still glad to have entered.

The three children are miniature bobblehead beads. It's cute when you wiggle the stand and the heads move. I tried to include plenty of details to make each one interesting. The child in the bunny costume is wearing a mask, and bunny slippers. She also has a bunny tail. To make her trick or treat bag, I bent a small piece of copper wire around a glass rod to give it the handle shape. After laying down the "palms" of her hands, I placed the wire and then added the rest of her hands to hold it in place. By swiping the orange glass, I could make the base of the trick or treat bag. If you're going to try something like this, be careful about not holding the copper wire in the flame too long, or it will melt.

The little devil boy is wearing sneakers and carrying his teddy bear and trick or treat bag. I gave him some fake facial hair, because I was remembering the year I made my son an Elvis costume. I used doll hair on peach felt to make an inset for his rhinestone sparkley shirt, so he would have a hairy chest, which was pretty funny on a first grade little boy.

The ballerina big sister is standing on one foot. She was made on a 1/16th mandrel, so her leg could be slim enough for the size she is. Her other leg is bent at the knee and the ballet slipper is resting on her calf.

I placed them tightly together on the green stand for a few reasons. Most importantly, that's how kids always appear at my door. Packed together and in groups. And I also wanted the beads to stay pretty firmly in place. Because they are on an open table to be displayed at FlameTree and not in a case, I thought it might keep them a little safer, so they don't move around as much. Each bead can be removed for packing and shipping and then easily set up again.

The rest of this vignette is made from beads too. The dog, the stand and the little pumpkin (which is behind them, so the back side has a little more interest), are beads as well.

But this is only one half of FlameTree's contest. They have even a bigger one for sculptural glass. Check out their website for the down load-able pdf in that area too.
And don't forget my 20% Off SECRET SALE going on in my Etsy shop, just for my online friends. Come on over and read the details in my Shop Announcements .

Friday, October 24, 2008

I've been tagged again. This time by Brenda of Brenda's Jewelry Box. She makes really pretty jewelry and I particularly like these earrings from her etsy shop.

Okay...this is how it works:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

1. The photo of me gazing adoringly at my new glass (or actually wondering if I can hold onto all the glass and push the camera button with my elbow), shows what I chose for my first place prize gift certificate from Artistry In Glass. Here's the blog about it and how you can enter their next contest. I chose all CIM glass, Electric Avenue, Elphaba (what the heck does that mean?), Heffalump, Kryptonite, Halong Bay, Stone Ground, Crocus, Ghee and Rose Quartz. I use the Gelly Sty Pink already and wanted to try out more colors. Thank You Artistry In Glass!

2. I won a three hole golf contest and trophy in Slovenia and had never golfed before. Honestly, it was luck. (If you don't know where Slovenia is, google it and look at photos. It's a beautiful country and we had a great time there.)

3. I love a good game of Scrabble and it's one of the few times I get competitive.

4. Tonight I'm joining Southern Flames Board members for dinner with visiting beadmaking teacher, Jeff Barber who is making this year's 2009 Commemorative Bead for the Bead & Button show and teaching for our Southern Flames group.

5. Unique garden gnomes make me smile and I display two 3ft ones.

6. I'm now on the LEST Top 100 List. Please click on my banner!

7. I was the South Eastern Regional Director for the International Society of Glass Beadmakers a few years ago.

Here are my tagged blogs. .stop by and enjoy these fun ones.