Showing posts with label fall colors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall colors. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fishing Around for Inspiration

So what kind of shops do you go to for inspiration?  I hadn't been into a salt water fish store for a long time, so I popped in to have a look.  I love the big fish especially, or the ones with the bright colors and beautiful patterns.

This one wanted to be my new BFF.  He kept coming over to have a better look.  Right up against the glass.  I've never really noticed any alive thing with real blue lips before.  Pretty awesome (and one of my favorite colors too!) 

And the colors- I think this moving item (what is it anyhow?) was gorgeous.  It is my inspiration for Fall colors. I love the warm, rich shades - red, purple and gold together.  And the shape would make a gorgeous bead too.  Watch for this one!

So what do I find in a store like this?  A lot!  I find nature's gorgeous color combinations and patterns.  I find shapes not only in the fish, but in the corals, and that unnamed purple/red/gold unit that I love, and I even saw some little creepy crawly things that looked like they could be inspiration for Halloween, when it comes around.  Not bad for a quick visit.

So tell me, where do you like to go for off beat inspiration?  We'd all like to hear.  See you tomorrow on my blog,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Thinking About New Fall Colors in Glass

It's that time of year, that I start looking at Fall colors for glass beadmaking.  I know, I'm a little late. Often I'm starting in July.  But I was noticing this Adobe by CiM glass and thought how pretty it would look in some of my Fall Leaf series that I do each year.  It would mix well with the ambers, greens, oranges and reds.  And I know it would also do as well as the more expensive Red Roof Tile in my hamster beads too.

I was also looking at this Honey Swirl (new from Effetre) that seems like their response to Vetrofond's Honey Crunch.  I wish we could see the end of the rod, to know what it is made up of.  I love this shade for my dog beads- but it too, would look nice in Autumn related beads.  Haven't you seen lots of leaves with this color in them?  It would contrast and yet blend well with the other colors.  I have a feeling that it is a blend of transparent amber and an opaque glass.

Are there any other ones that you are thinking about buying for Fall?  Would love to know which ones sing to you and on a practical level... a link to where to find them.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Watch Out!

Need some color inspiration? How about a place to waste a little time? Then just pop over here.

There are a couple of free games, (time wasters), that are kind of fun. From this ball game where you click on the different balls and it separates them into four more balls to my favorite puzzle, Boxspin, where you are trying to spin the boxes and get them all the same color. Even "guess the tag" will keep you working.

So when you're ready for a 5 minute break, pop by here for a few minutes and enjoy.
See you tomorrow and I promise not to waste your time.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fall Colors

Okay, so they are not exactly what Pantone has told us, but I couldn't resist the caption of "Fall Colors" for these folks all dressed up and looking at the shoe kiosk.

I'd toss in a little deep purple & rust and call it my personal list of what people should have for this upcoming season. And just imagine making spacers and posting this photo with the caption, "these colors are what everyone is wearing.". That would make me smile.
See you tomorrow at http://www/