Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2011

Beads of Courage Purple Hearts

I promised to show you my other purple heart design for Beads of Courage.  You know the kids receive a purple heart when their medical treatment ends for their cancer or other life threatening illness.  

When I was submitting ideas to Beads of Courage, I was thinking, what would seem like a celebration to me?  I knew that it would be hard to portray fireworks- but cupcakes always seem like a little party to me.  I'm making them on Creation is Messy's Crocus glass.  I love that translucent look, and yet, it really reads "purple" to me.  Click on the link to see a more accurate shade.  

Hope you have a wonderful long weekend.  I'll keep my same blog schedule that takes Saturday off, but I'll be back on Sunday for a quick post.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Camillia is hanging around my Etsy shop and needs to be adopted. Know anyone who loves hammies? She is a little shy, but has a sweet personality. You can find her hanging out here.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beads of Courage Party-

I'm one of those people who tend to avoid most medical situations if possible. Whether I know the person or not, I feel a strong empathy and continue to worry long after meeting someone. Especially when it comes to children.

So attending Bead of Courage's First Annual Party was a bit of a concern. Would I be able to hold it together in front of the kids and their families. Heck yes! These kids are the

ones giving everyone else courage. How amazing! Dr. Jean Baruch the BoC founder and leader is pictured above left with Nancy Campbell, our local contact. Together and with the rest of the team, they've formed a brilliant network and program to support these kids.

Pictured below is Aidan- a little toddler who signs to communicate. He loves to keep moving in his special walker which is connected to all kinds of equipment. Aidan has been through a lot already as his 4 lbs of beads signify. (they're the crown on the AFL
AC stuffed duck). His delightful Mom told me about his upcoming trip to Disney with Make a Wish prior to his big, very serious surgery in November.

Aidan loves his beads so much, that they are used in his occupational therapy. Apparently he enjoys the tactile quality of them and practices stringing them after running his hands through them.

I'll post another time about the Dream Bead program. But I just wanted to say how lucky I am to be associated with this non-profit. We beadmakers are a small, but important and very appreciated cog in the big picture. Anyone can get involved. Please click here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Naked Snowmen

I saw a naked snowman and couldn't resist putting it up on the internet.

Just for the record, this is not snowwoman porn, but a cute 32 page story that has great discussion points for kids and parents.

And of course I can't help but make a joke of Flakey trying to cover his snow balls.

Bada bing!

See you tomorrow.