Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Getting Ready For Blue Moon In Austin

I am excited to be teaching in Austin next week at Blue Moon Glassworks. My two day Pets Class is so much fun. It is the same one I taught at the ISGB Gathering last year. We will work on a range of dogs and cats, of course, but will also touch on a small rodent (we actually had a pet rat when my kids were little, but no fear, this one is the much cuter hamster) and of course we will do a bird too. But my favorite part is when each student will use their photos and will design and make their own personal pet! I love how excited students are when they make their special family an inner glow comes forth. Totally awesome.

Tomorrow I will tell you about my other class.
If you are interested in classes Blue Moon, you can reach Jim and Rose Berry by emailing. Or check out the website at

ps  I had to include a photo every blog, so this is yesterday's test kitty with a bird on her head .  Haven't made this style before, so have plenty to tweak.  But wanted to show you my first try.  It will be fun to see where it goes.  Can you tell I wanted to try one with color?

Monday, November 22, 2010


Camillia is hanging around my Etsy shop and needs to be adopted. Know anyone who loves hammies? She is a little shy, but has a sweet personality. You can find her hanging out here.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pack of Friendly Dogs

Last week I taught sculptural soft glass at Austin's Blue Moon Glassworks and here is the group of dogs that my students made. I was so proud of them and their cute little guys. This was the first sculptural glass class for most of them. Hooray!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

From Photo to Pandora Bead

 I get some fun requests around the holidays and this was one of them.  One of my past customers had bought for her Mom, some large hole sculptural beads that were significant to her for Mothers' Day last year. 

Well, I received a frantic email a few weeks before Christmas telling me that her Mom knew every gift that she was going to receive and that she had an idea for a surprise.  Her Mom had just gotten a new puppy and she wanted to add to her Mom's Pandora bracelet with a bead.

Meet Katie.  Isn't she a cutie.  She's a Shih Tzu  
I love seeing everyone's pets.  They're all adorable and some day I'll tell you a funny story about one of them.

Katie is a very tiny bead.  She has the large hole bead that fits that specific type of bracelet, but she is only about 8 mm wide.  So when you see the large picture of her, imagine how tiny I was trying to work to get in some of her coloring and the general feeling of the new puppy.

Here's to cute pets, surprise gifts and of course custom orders which make people happy.                                                                                    

If you'd like your pet made into a bead, please contact me through my etsy shop, and we can discuss it.