Showing posts with label crocus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crocus. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2011

Beads of Courage Purple Hearts

I promised to show you my other purple heart design for Beads of Courage.  You know the kids receive a purple heart when their medical treatment ends for their cancer or other life threatening illness.  

When I was submitting ideas to Beads of Courage, I was thinking, what would seem like a celebration to me?  I knew that it would be hard to portray fireworks- but cupcakes always seem like a little party to me.  I'm making them on Creation is Messy's Crocus glass.  I love that translucent look, and yet, it really reads "purple" to me.  Click on the link to see a more accurate shade.  

Hope you have a wonderful long weekend.  I'll keep my same blog schedule that takes Saturday off, but I'll be back on Sunday for a quick post.