Showing posts with label cricket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cricket. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Donate to Beads of Courage & Win A Cricket Torch!

This is the Cricket Torch!
I am so excited!  It's time to for a little "pay it forward".  I was so lucky that my friends and family supported me in FlameTree Glass' Christmas contest and how fantastic-- I won a torch.  This one!  But on the other hand, I own one almost exactly like it.  (it's purple too!)

So I thought perhaps it's time to give back to all of you, my friends and it's your turn to win it.

I've started a blog with all the details right here.
It has all the details and fine print, but essentially here are the basics.

For every $25 or 25 bead donation to Beads of Courage, you receive a chance to win this GTT Cricket torch pictured above. This promotion is ONLY for the month of February starting on the 1st and ending on the 28th at midnight.  If you donate 200 beads, then you get 4 chances...easy peasy!

Please read the blog and check out the details.  There are some specific, (but easy) things you need to do to be sure you are entered for your donations.  Like send a photo of your donation to me, Marcy Lamberson, to post on that blog.  There are a few more minor points to be sure you can be contacted if you win!

Please join me in supporting kids with cancer and other life threatening illnesses.  Let's make their healing journey a little easier through our art and Beads of Courage.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

FlameTree's Fabulous Halloween Contest Ending Soon!

This contest is near and dear to my heart. FlameTree Glass has the most fantastic prizes from GTT. I think everyone should enter. Why not??

This year, the voting is online, so everyone has a great chance.

Your entry needs to be flameworked- need to email 2 photo views of it to FlameTree, (see specific rules) and of course include a description of your piece and a short bio. Only one entry per person. Deadline is October 24th!!! So hurry up! Voting goes through October 25-30th.

For all specific rules and info, please visit,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My New Cricket Torch Arrived!

Woo Hoo... It's My CRICKET!

Here's my actual torch taken with my computer's camera.
Please do not notice either the dust or the messy bookshelves behind me.

I know I've been blog tagged, but that will wait until tomorrow, because I have a new torch to tell you about today.

My new GTT Cricket torch arrived and I'm excited. I haven't connected it yet, but wanted to show everyone what one looks like, if you haven't seen one. Mine is pink with lime green knobs. I know the price of this one sure caught my attention quickly. (Introductory sale base price $139 USD, plus color upgrades that I chose.)

I tried this out at the ISGB (International Society of Glass Beadmakers) Gathering this summer while it AND another Cricket were hooked up to a 10 LPM concentrator. It had a nice strong flame and could focus down to a small point pretty well too. My try out time was short, and it was late at night, but I sure liked the idea that I could hook two torches to my 10 LPM Regalia concentrator at home. It was designed specifically to maximize the abilities of low flow oxygen concentrators like a 5 LPM.

If any of you readers out there know whether there is a torch mounted marver that fits with it, please let me know. That's part of my delay of hooking it up. I use my marver so much, I'd like to have one before I switch over. My trusty Minor needs to go get a good cleaning. Once that happens, I'll try hooking both up and see how well that experiment goes and let you know.

Do you have a Cricket? Or a torch that you think is exceptional? Tell us about it. So often people ask for recommendations for torches, but I'm always reticent to suggest, unless I've used a certain model extensively.

Tomorrow will be tag day about me and I'm sure something about glass and beadmaking. Next week, I'll be announcing two 2-day classes that I'm teaching in February and how to sign up for the lottery to get into them.

Until then, happy torching!