Showing posts with label phantom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phantom. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Woohoo... I WON- Thanks To You!

Hey everyone, guess what? Thanks to your voting, I won the FlameTree Glass Halloween Contest. And here's a photo of my prize, a GTT Phantom, which is a lot bigger than my other torches that I use.

So thank you. I am taking a boro sculpture class this week, and I look forward to being able to use my new skills when my torch arrives. But first, I need to do some serious packing and packaging of my Spooky Night Vignette.

I did want to chat a little bit about how I thought about my entry other than the glass part. Because I know that there are others here who submit to contests (and might have some wonderful thoughts to post too).

The first thing is to double check the rules and what the focus of the contest is. Halloween was pretty clear and that our entries needed to be out of glass and flamework, but could have minor parts that aren't glass.

So next I needed to get some ideas and decide on how I wanted to put it together. I knew that the photo would make the difference and I needed to keep the photo shot cohesive- like with a focal point. Can you see how I accomplished that. I tried to relate all the parts to each other.

I also tried to coordinate with colors. Again, they didn't need to match all the way, but go together and relate. That helps keep the focus to the vignette. I chose green, purple, orange and black and white as the main ones.

Please add your comments on ideas for putting together your entries for contests. I bet you have all kinds of tips and tricks that would help all of us. And again, thank you for your help. I'll be telling you about the new torch when it arrives and my new experiences with it.

See you tomorrow right here on my blog,
~Marcy Lamberson

Sunday, October 18, 2009

FlameTree's Fabulous Halloween Contest Ending Soon!

This contest is near and dear to my heart. FlameTree Glass has the most fantastic prizes from GTT. I think everyone should enter. Why not??

This year, the voting is online, so everyone has a great chance.

Your entry needs to be flameworked- need to email 2 photo views of it to FlameTree, (see specific rules) and of course include a description of your piece and a short bio. Only one entry per person. Deadline is October 24th!!! So hurry up! Voting goes through October 25-30th.

For all specific rules and info, please visit,