Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Big Beads of Courage Drawing for My Cricket Torch!

Perhaps you remember that this Cricket Torch raffle has been going on for the entire month of March.   For every 25 beads or $25, the donor receives a raffle chance.  And  wouldn't you know it, there's been an overwhelming response.  Way over 6,000 beads have been sent in to Beads of Courage.   I'm so delighted with our wonderfully generous lampwork community.  And even better, quite a few folks have stepped forward with additional raffle gifts, so there are lots more to give away.

Here are two photos of the many which have been posted on the raffle blog,  Please pop by and see all of the wonderful beads that are going to the kids.  I'll leave the blog online after the raffle is completed for everyone's viewing pleasure.

So before I do the drawing today, I'm going to double check my raffle tickets to the donations and then I'll be using the online number generator.  You can see it here.  And after that- I'll post to the BOC Blog and start contacting both the recipients and the other gift donors as well.  I'm excited for all of it!

And of course, the big winners are the kids.  Having watched them pick beads at one of our local events, I know that they think about it pretty carefully when choosing.  (and like a complete bead dork, I was watching to see if they'd pick one I had donated.) 

Cheers to the lampwork community - you make me so proud to be associated with all of you.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Save the Date: One World One Heart

Save the dates for the 5th and final One World, One Heart Blog-arama. All the information can be found here.

Essentially, it's one huge connection of established bloggers who each offer a "door prize" or more, for all the folks who read their One World One Heart post and comment. Not only does it give you a chance to win some really cool stuff, but what I really like about it, is that it opens our worlds internationally to more interesting people who do interesting things. I've made some good friends from it and found some fascinating blogs.

So get into condition now...practice visiting other blogs and commenting, lift weights, drink coffee or whatever you need to get in shape. It's a lot of fun and of course, I'll be participating for its last year with something (or things) wonderful to give away. Mark your calendars Jan. 30th. Bet you didn't have any plans anyhow....

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Flower Ring Giveaway & Interview

Have you ever visited The Post-It Place? It's a great blog. There are always giveaways, interviews and fun features. It's one of those blogs that always has something interesting going on.

Well, this week, I'm the "MMM" Meet Me Monday interview and feature. You'll learn amazing facts (okay, maybe they aren't amazing) and see fabulous photos of my work, (okay, maybe not fabulous, but "pretty good")

But this I can say for sure, if you follow the rules, you can be entered in my Flower Blossom adjustable ring giveaway. It's not the one shown in this photo here, but one that is at the bottom of the article.

If you look on the left side of the blog, you'll also see more contests to enter while you're there. It just takes a few minutes, and wouldn't it be cool to win one? That can't happen, unless you try.

This past weekend, I made a lot more of these rings. I think they're pretty. I'm slowly adding them to my etsy shop under the category- "Mothers Day Jewelry", and have a few shown in my Flickr page as well. And even more in my jewelry tray.

Hope you have a minute or two to stop by this fun blog, and please enter my giveaway. Tell you what, if you win, I'll let you choose from any that I have made and are on hand. Just remind me.

Catch you tomorrow...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Day for Lucky Winners...One World One Heart Giveaway

And the winner of this year's One World, One Heart Giveaway is........ (drumroll please).......Bella Modiste.

She was chosen fairly by the "FaceBook" method. Let me describe this uber unscientific, yet very fair method...
1. Sign into facebook
2. Ask your friends for a number between the range needed, but don't tell them why
3. Take the first number and use it.

It works for me. And beadmaker extraordinaire, Nancy Tobey was the first to answer.

So congratulations to Naomi, who also has Etsy shop, "She Sews by the Seashore", and I'll be contacting you.

By the way, if you're on Facebook and want to friend me, just let me know that you're one of my blog readers. I'm there under my name, Marcy Lamberson. And if you'd like to follow me on, I'm there under StudioMarcy. (I forgot that italics can be so much fun!)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Etsy Glass Artists- Different Strokes for All the Folks

Have you ever visited this blog?  It's the Etsy Glass Artists' blog and I'm a member of this Street Team.  One of the things I like about this group, is that it's a combination of different types of glass artists, so we can learn about each others' areas and ask questions.  It's nice to hear what products they use and get a handle on some tools that I might not have been aware of before.

Some of our EGA members have joined the One World, One Heart promotion, so we have a couple of pieces to giveaway.  You can click here to go to the blog and comment, which will put you in the running to win the gifts.

Here is my addition to the "loot".  It's Loki the elf mischief maker.  I thought with all the Valentines Hearts, he could stir things up a bit.

Hope you have a minute to stop by and comment.  Some great prizes to win and it's always lots of fun entering free contests.  Take a few minutes to poke around the blog too.  You might just find some new information that will help you in your own creative endeavors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One World, One Heart Giveaway- Scoop the Valentine Pup

Before I give you the Info on my give away, please note that I am having a Buy One, Get One Half Off SALE right now in my etsy shop, StudioMarcy- through February 7th. If you enjoy whimsical, one of a kind glass beads, this is a great opportunity.

I am participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway this year. It's where bloggers who craft are each giving away a specific item to one lucky winner who comments here in this post. It has to be in this post to be eligible.

This program ends February 12th and I'll ship out your prize just as soon as you respond to my email.

If you want to see more people who are participating in this event, click on the One World, One Heart blue circle on the right of my blog. It will bring you to the mainpage of the organizer.

Here is Scoop the Valentine Pup who is my giveaway. He is technically a handmade lampwork glass bead that I made, but works well to keep you company as a little statue too. If you'd like to wear him, I'd be happy to add a sterling silver loop so you can put a cord through him. He's holding his tennis ball and a heart between his paws.

So comment away, and good luck- hope you win!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weekly Artisan Beaders Giveaway-

Here's this week's giveaway from the Artisan Beaders Street Team.  Featured is Cheery Daisy Pendant from JaelsJewels on Etsy.

Jael is a very talented polymer clay artist.  It's fun to visit her shop and see how much her canes and artwork are similar to glass.  I think both art disciplines could learn a bit from each other.  This pendant is made form polymer clay and has a dichroic glass cab in the center of the flower.  Love the combination of mediums.

Visit the Artisan Beaders blog to get the very quick and easy details on how to enter.

Good luck and check back if you win!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Two For Tuesday ~ Artisan Beaders Give Away & Silver Glass

I've bitten the bullet and finally have tried silver glass. Our local glass chapter has a new member who makes it and he brought some to sell at our last meeting and to show us how he uses it.

To be honest, I had been kind of avoiding it. The cost of $100/lb of glass, seems so expensive to me, and yet, as a true glass-aholic, I finally stopped resisting and gave in.

Here's just one photo of my results on this seashell. (I have more views in my listing here.) I got a pretty wide spectrum of colors and it seemed like treating it more like raku, got me the best results. I've seen different results from just about everyone who bought that evening. I know flame chemistry makes a difference, as well as striking it over and over, chilling it and probably singing love songs might change your results too.

Bottom line is that I'm really glad to try it and I'll continue to use it, but in small amounts. It gives a pretty variation of colors and is a lot of fun. If you want to find my new acquaintance, he sells on etsy as Striking Color.

And now for the FREE Giveaway from Artisan Beaders Street Team! Aren't these earrings lovely? They are classically elegant and perfect for just about anything that I wear.
(Including my usual casual jeans and a sweater)

This week, these black faceted glass and sterling earrings are from Kristy of Shiny Adornments. To find out how to win them, you need to visit the Artisan Beaders' blog and get the full directions. Just click HERE.

And if you ever want to read a fabulous blog full of selling and business tips as well as pretty jewelry, Kristy's is one of my faves.
I always learn great information from it.

So because of the multi-faceted post today, I have a few questions for you to answer...
Do you have a favorite silver glass- which one and where do you buy it? Do you have a favorite blog for selling and jewelry/lampwork business tips? What is the url? Oh so much to think about and it's just Tuesday. See you tomorrow... (oh, and p.s.- don't forget my BIG SALE in my etsy shop through this Saturday.)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hurry! Fabulous Giveaway from Orion Designs

Hurry. Don't miss this one. You have until 5 pm EST TODAY!

Vicki of Orion Designs is giving away this cutie pie pair of earrings. (I love her jewelry) They go with everything and are made from glass and brass. Vicki is a member of Artisan Beaders Street Team on etsy, and this is part of our preholiday promotion.

Here's how you do it. Go to Vicki's etsy shop, (click here) and choose your favorite item. Then go to the Artisan Beaders' blog and leave a comment. (here's the link) Visit the blog first if you want all the links coming from one page. If you hunt around, you might just find a little of my lampwork incorporated in her jewelry, which of course is a wonderful option for your favorite item!

I know you want to win. And besides, you'll be the coolest person on the postal route receiving a package from Chugiak, Alaska. Not everyone can claim that one!

Happy Friday to you, unless you're in the Antarctic like my daughter, who is a day ahead. Anyone else here celebrating the weekend already?