Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2012

If You Bead, You Have To See This...Beaded Laughter

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.  Pop over to my friend, Sylvie Lansdowne's funny new blog...and be ready to smile.  (I'm thinking I might need to print this photo!
Just click here to go...hurry!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Simply Shiny Blog

I really enjoy this blog and think that perhaps you might not have discovered it yet. Kristy writes about Artfire, Etsy and some of the technical things that we artists need to follow as well as her own jewelry that she makes (I really like it!) and a little about life.

Not staying up with the online selling details like I should, I seem to learn something new quite often.

So pop by and take a peek. Click here!

And I'd love for you to post links in the comment section of some of your favorite blogs. Tell us what you like about them. (And of course post your own with a big star!)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Blogging...Easy As Pie

Are you thinking about blogging or have a hard time getting going with it? I found this website that has all kinds of hints, tips and tricks in one place. So today, I'm sharing it with you (RIGHT HERE) It's full of videos and posts to get you going or to increase the traffic to the blog you already have. It's as easy as pie. (and btw, if you haven't figure it out, that's a little glass cherry pie I baked up in my kiln.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Change, or No Change?

So you might have noticed a little change in the layout and background of my blog. It's the first day of summer and I've been re-decorating. I'm not sure whether it's right though. I like the muted colors- but I don't know whether something that looks like marshmallow puffs really speaks to creativity and glass art. What do you think? Does it matter?

The biggest change is that the blog doesn't get wider and skinnier depending on how far you open it, the way it used to. I have a big screen on my laptop and had wondered whether it bothered you a bit when reading it before.

So I need your honest opinion, please. Keep this new style, go back to the old style? What makes it easier to read?

Thanks- I know you all are the experts...and some days, we just need expert advice. Now, I've got to get back to my torch. Lots to do to get ready for my upcoming month of craziness.

Happy Summer! Wishing you sunny days and gorgeous evenings filled with night songs and lightning bugs.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Flower Ring Giveaway & Interview

Have you ever visited The Post-It Place? It's a great blog. There are always giveaways, interviews and fun features. It's one of those blogs that always has something interesting going on.

Well, this week, I'm the "MMM" Meet Me Monday interview and feature. You'll learn amazing facts (okay, maybe they aren't amazing) and see fabulous photos of my work, (okay, maybe not fabulous, but "pretty good")

But this I can say for sure, if you follow the rules, you can be entered in my Flower Blossom adjustable ring giveaway. It's not the one shown in this photo here, but one that is at the bottom of the article.

If you look on the left side of the blog, you'll also see more contests to enter while you're there. It just takes a few minutes, and wouldn't it be cool to win one? That can't happen, unless you try.

This past weekend, I made a lot more of these rings. I think they're pretty. I'm slowly adding them to my etsy shop under the category- "Mothers Day Jewelry", and have a few shown in my Flickr page as well. And even more in my jewelry tray.

Hope you have a minute or two to stop by this fun blog, and please enter my giveaway. Tell you what, if you win, I'll let you choose from any that I have made and are on hand. Just remind me.

Catch you tomorrow...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Are You Here? I Need Your Input, Please.

Like many blog writers, I enjoy seeing where my readers live. I use a service that tells me approximate location, time of day, how many people and what search engine was used. (I'm not sure what I would do with that information .)

I suppose I have it because it makes me feel good that glass artists and other interested people are reading what I write and must find it useful or at least entertaining. And to be honest, I have a strong strain of the "curious" gene. I like knowing what is interesting to others, so I can write more along that line.

So please help my curiosity. Who are you and where do you live? What would you like me to write more about? I'm happy to oblige, but you need to tell me what interests you. More about other glass artists, techniques, tools, inspiration, creativity, personal, general art interest or something else? More photos and less talk? More talk and less photos?

It's your turn to speak up. If you don't want to have your comment printed, you can always write me ... StudioMarcy (at)

See you tomorrow for a feature about a tool that very few people have, but it can make your art a lot easier.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Interviewed on Macaroni & Glue

I love the title of this blog, Macaroni & Glue.

Kelly is the artist behind Retrocrafted and Freshly Crafted which are really unique paper goods stationary shops on Etsy.

Kelly has posted an artisan interview with me which was so very sweet of her.  There are lots of photos and amazingly fascinating little known facts. (okay, maybe not entirely fascinating, but the latter for sure)

So here's my question of the day for you.  Kelly asked me to describe my work in three words.  What three words would you use to describe your art?  Or, you're always welcome to describe mine.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Teaching Glass, Woohoo! Here's the Blog Scoop...

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be back to blogging on Monday. If you want the fascinating details, click to play. (If I sound really quiet and reserved in it. My son was sleeping in the next room.) Please note, I am saving my extrovert hula hoop tap dancing routine while singing karaoke for another video.

Later gator,

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Etsy Glass Artists- Different Strokes for All the Folks

Have you ever visited this blog?  It's the Etsy Glass Artists' blog and I'm a member of this Street Team.  One of the things I like about this group, is that it's a combination of different types of glass artists, so we can learn about each others' areas and ask questions.  It's nice to hear what products they use and get a handle on some tools that I might not have been aware of before.

Some of our EGA members have joined the One World, One Heart promotion, so we have a couple of pieces to giveaway.  You can click here to go to the blog and comment, which will put you in the running to win the gifts.

Here is my addition to the "loot".  It's Loki the elf mischief maker.  I thought with all the Valentines Hearts, he could stir things up a bit.

Hope you have a minute to stop by and comment.  Some great prizes to win and it's always lots of fun entering free contests.  Take a few minutes to poke around the blog too.  You might just find some new information that will help you in your own creative endeavors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One World, One Heart Giveaway- Scoop the Valentine Pup

Before I give you the Info on my give away, please note that I am having a Buy One, Get One Half Off SALE right now in my etsy shop, StudioMarcy- through February 7th. If you enjoy whimsical, one of a kind glass beads, this is a great opportunity.

I am participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway this year. It's where bloggers who craft are each giving away a specific item to one lucky winner who comments here in this post. It has to be in this post to be eligible.

This program ends February 12th and I'll ship out your prize just as soon as you respond to my email.

If you want to see more people who are participating in this event, click on the One World, One Heart blue circle on the right of my blog. It will bring you to the mainpage of the organizer.

Here is Scoop the Valentine Pup who is my giveaway. He is technically a handmade lampwork glass bead that I made, but works well to keep you company as a little statue too. If you'd like to wear him, I'd be happy to add a sterling silver loop so you can put a cord through him. He's holding his tennis ball and a heart between his paws.

So comment away, and good luck- hope you win!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Something Just To Start

Have you visited this blog yet? It's called, "Something Just To Start". You'll probably want to add it to your list of cool sites. Coleen features all kinds of artists and indie shops that are unique and interesting. And she does it out of the goodness of her heart too.

The best part is that I can find lots of stuff that interests me. It's fun and a lot of it is whimsical and funky too. I'll bet you that you will click on some of the offerings. And on the left side of the page are blue moving arrows that have a link to email Coleen. Drop her a quick one and tell her how great her blog is. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.

(Check out one of my favorites is the chakra jewelry in the center column at almost the bottom of the page)

See you tomorrow with more glass chat. I've got a good one planned.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have You Tried the Typealyzer for Your Blog?

Have you joined in and tried the Typealyzer on your blog yet?  I did and this is what it said about how I was thinking when I am writing my blog.

And then it shows me which areas (if any) of my brain are dominant when I'm writing it.  As I'm usually writing it at the crack of dawn, I was thankful to see at least some of my brain was functioning.

And of course it makes me smile to see that none of my imagination section of my brain works while writing the blog.  Looks like I'm going to have to change things up a bit.  Perhaps this is too dry for fellow artists.  But seriously, I do try to include some details and explanation for what I'm doing in glass and how I feel about things, so perhaps it's a little closer than I think.  And I have to say, that  the above paragraph "The Performers" does suit me pretty well.  

Try it out on your blog, if you have one.  Or on other blogs that you read and see how close it gets.  It's a fun activity that gets you smiling no matter what.

And I'd like to thank Julia Benson-Slaughter of "Art of the Fire Bird"  whose interesting and enjoyable blog brought this to my attention.  (and here's an item in her Etsy shop that I really like too.)