Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Demo Daze at FlameTree Glass

Thursday night, Sylvie Lansdowne and I had a great time demonstrating some of our whimsical glass art at FlameTree Glass in Roswell, GA.

I went first.  Yikes, that tanked oxy and phantom torch were quite a difference from my small concentrator and Minor that I generally use.  But what fun!  I could make such different and much larger pieces using that great set up.  I chose a one of a kind seahorse focal bead to demonstrate.  The gooey dark ivory Moretti glass combined with the heat, made it both a challenge and a delight.  I'll post a photo after I pop by FlameTree to pick up my work.

Because my allotted time wasn't up, per request,  I also made a little spotted dog with his long tail extended and a bird sitting on the end of it.  I love playing with heat control and seeing what I can do to stretch the glass.

Sylvie entertained us with funny comments as she made one of her gorgeous multi part mermaids.  Oh they are so pretty and she is generous with her tips and tricks.

Maureen and Lance McRorie were the consummate hosts too.  Food, drink, and lots of air conditioning were offered along with the free demos.  You can find more dates, topics and presenters for future Demo Daze on their website,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chub...One of Santa's Helpers

Little Chub just adores Christmas. Each year he dresses up in his antlers and gets ready to daydream about the big day. He still wishes he could fly, but honestly, who doesn't?

Chub is waiting for adoption in my Etsy shop. Pop by and give him an "attaboy".

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crackers and Mini Me

I wasn't sure whether I had shown you one of my custom orders with the real deal. Meet Crackers and the little glass Crackers that I made. Sure love these orders and making their owners happy. My beads make great holiday ornaments, statues and of course, jewelry pendants. Contact me, if you'd like a special someone interpreted in glass too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Meet My Latest Custom Order

This little guy is very, very ill and his owner's friend asked me to make him into an angel. What a sweet gesture. He's a clumber spaniel with white wings and has a little brown spot on top of his head, that they call his kissing spot. I know other owners who kiss their pups right there too.

In fact, once a neighbor told me that her pet had a permanent red mark where her lipstick would slightly color the fur, because she kissed him so often. That sure makes me smile.

So join me in thinking warm thoughts for this little guy. My original photos show that he's just precious and I'm sad for the owner. I hope this little token will bring a smile to her face, when she's thinking of him.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cool Jewelry Design ~ Artfire

I just love the cute way Cool Jewelry Design on Artfire has displayed one of my dog beads. This one has been named, Rascal and you can see the entire listing here.

This mother of pearl frame around the lampwork bead gives the jewelry a unique, dimensional look.

Pop by and check out her shop. The designer lives pretty close to me, so I was lucky to have met her in person. She has a cool personal style, which translates well into her work.

See you tomorrow. Check out my blog archives,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playing With Paint

I received some new software as part of my birthday present a few weeks back. It's Corel Painter Essentials 4.

I've never used it before, but decided I'd just jump in and start playing.

I learned a long time ago that if I mess with bead photos, it looks far better than if I choose a photo of a family member. The change in colors and varied brush strokes can make someone look like an alien pretty quickly if you've got my expertise.

So I picked a little pup that I recently listed. She's a lampwork bead who needs a home.

Here's my modern art twist. I like the soft effect of the pastel colors blended together. I guess they're colors I would use in glass beads. Now my question is whether I want to try a bead that blends colors and looks like this?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've Been Puppy Blogged

I've been blogged!  Fellow glass sculptural beadmaker, Louise Ingram included my pup in her Friday blog about making dog beads.  Louise makes wonderful "monkee" beads.  I love the ones in astronaut gear.  Visit her blog and see what she's up to as well as dog photos by a variety of beadmakers.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Glass Puppy Dog Buddies- Postcard Material?

Do you ever make similar items and photograph them together?

Last summer when I was making so many bobbleheads, I had a lot of fun of photographing them together.  They looked like a wacky version of the old band, The Village People.

A few days ago, I took a picture of a few puppies that I had made the day before.  As of right now, only the one on the right is listed, but the others will join her soon.

I'm thinking this would make a fun postcard.  I'm just debating whether I want a different background.  Do I need to make a fire hydrant, or some other prop add a little more whimsy, or do you like it as it is?  I need some opinions please, folks.  How would you style the photo and what would you do for a good marketing postcard photo?

And I'd like to add a big thank you to all of you who reached out to help the family that I posted about below.  I really appreciate it.  I could tell by emails and posts of the forums that our beadmakers and friends are a generous group.  And through tomorrow, for any item sold in my shop, I will donate $5 to the fund.  Please read the post below for additional ways to help.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Day for Lucky Winners...One World One Heart Giveaway

And the winner of this year's One World, One Heart Giveaway is........ (drumroll please).......Bella Modiste.

She was chosen fairly by the "FaceBook" method. Let me describe this uber unscientific, yet very fair method...
1. Sign into facebook
2. Ask your friends for a number between the range needed, but don't tell them why
3. Take the first number and use it.

It works for me. And beadmaker extraordinaire, Nancy Tobey was the first to answer.

So congratulations to Naomi, who also has Etsy shop, "She Sews by the Seashore", and I'll be contacting you.

By the way, if you're on Facebook and want to friend me, just let me know that you're one of my blog readers. I'm there under my name, Marcy Lamberson. And if you'd like to follow me on, I'm there under StudioMarcy. (I forgot that italics can be so much fun!)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter Snow Scene...Choosing Colors for an Assemblage

lampwork glass winter snowman scene
Here we go... the last glassy post for 2008!

Today I have a photo of my entry for the Winter Challenge.

It's a three bead Winter scene, with a bobble head snow woman and a child with a carrot for her nose and a dog with a tennis ball.  They are on a white glass stand which is a bead also.

Today, I wanted to write about how I made some of my color decisions for this scene.

Of course I knew that the snow chick would be basically white.  I wanted her to look "girly", so decided to have her wear some clothes.  Periwinkle looks so pretty with white and as light blue is associated with winter sometimes, this would be a little stronger color that would show up better.  I added the swirls on her apron for interest and to tone down that amount of color in one place.  Her hat is periwinkle also with band of variegated greens, one is the bright key lime green that you also see on the child.  There is a crow sitting on the side of the hat, and that black is mirrored in the faces of all the characters.

I wanted the child's clothes to complement the snow woman.  I used the bright green on the jacket which would draw the eye in towards the face and make the child the focal of the assemblage.  I added some purple swirly details to the jacket and a small scarf.  Lapis blue is the other main color which although it's bright, still recedes a bit compared to the green.  The child is wearing blue gloves while holding the orange carrot.  They are opposite colors on the color wheel and will frame and bring more attention to the carrot this way.

The little dog adds a touch of detail to the scene.  Often I make white dogs with brown spots.  I knew that I needed a neutral color that would show up against all the white, so I made him from dark ivory glass with silvered ivory stringer spots for fun.  (Just had to try it to see what it would look like.)  He has a bright green tennis ball in his mouth, which helps your eye travel down to notice him.  I had thought to have him turned more to cover more of the snow lady, but liked this angle in the photo, because it looks like he's in motion.

And finally, the base.  I used four rods of white glass for it.  Holy cow, it got a bit heavy.  I had made a "pattern" out of play-doh in advance.  I figured out where each piece would stand and how much room was needed between them to keep them close enough together, but so they would easily fit too.  That play-doh is great stuff for working out logistics.

One of my 2008 New Years Resolutions was to be more "deliberate" in what I made and how I made it.  I still have a long way to go.  But today, I wanted to show you the thought that went behind this particular assemblage regarding one single aspect of it... choosing color.   We tend to talk technique, patterns, shapes and other more technical aspects, but deliberate color choice can be equally important.

Wishing you a happy ending to a crazy year.  I'm sure you can guess...tomorrow I'll write some of my beadmaking and glass resolutions for 2009.  Start thinking of yours, because I'm going to ask you to join in and post them.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

BUST Magazine Product Showcase Advertising Opportunity

Are you familiar with BUST Magazine? It's a young, hip (slightly edgy/feminist) magazine for primarily 20 - 30 something year old women.

BUST has a "Product Showcase" advertising section in it. The above is a sample of what the ads look like. They reach 400,000 people and cost $150. You include your website, your product name and price as well as the photo. That's it. It's 1 1/4" wide and 1" tall. Here's what I like, you can pay by Paypal. I don't know how many spaces are left, if any. It's important to first analyze whether your product fits these demographics. Grab an issue of the magazine, or at least go online to check it out. If it does, then good luck!

I advertised in the December issue and have received one great response. So if you find an issue, look for my white puppy dog bead in the product showcase.

Anyone else know of some wonderful advertising opportunities?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Visit Me at Watch Me Create

I'm being featured on Watch Me Create where I talk about blending two techniques of lampwork and why encased florals really do go well with sculptural glass. (As illustrated by my little Lori La Rue the puppy) Stop by for a little encouragement and tell me which two techniques you'd like to combine and where you want to go with it.
I have space for another online sculptural coaching session. If you're interested, you can contact me by posting here, or email me through my website,

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Meet Skamp

I wanted you to meet Skamp, who was a recent custom ordered bead through my etsy shop.

I am currently working on four fur friends for a customer in Hawaii and have one other pup to photograph too.

Custom pet glass portraits are a lot of fun. I ask for good photos front and side at least of your pet, and any size requirements, special markings, etc. Then I go to work and make these small interpretations, which can be worn as jewelry pendants, used as holiday ornaments, or little sculptures to hang out where ever you want.

Besides pets, I've also done children, grandchildren and some pretty funny requests- from penguins wearing blue viking helmets, to cats wearing a pirate patch...I love them all.
Visit my etsy shop to see more of my work,

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kids, Dogs and Other Fun Stuff

Usually I choose a bead that illustrates what I'm thinking about, but today I just chose one that makes me smile. Jenny with an Attitude, does just that. I have seen my share of little girls who get in a huff, and they make me laugh.

For you bead lovers who read this, Jenny was made on a 1/16th mandrel and started as a tab. I had some extra green stringer that made a nice base and then added the head, arms, legs and extra details. The puppy came next, because she really needed to be carrying something special, and the sunglasses and tiny details are stroked on last.

I'll be posting again soon. Lots of thoughts floating around in here.

Take care,