Showing posts with label portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portraits. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2010

Found: Custom Stenciled Portraits

I saw this Etsy item featured on iVillage and had to take a closer look. What a great idea!

For those of us who tend towards "non-traditional", this could be a lovely substitute for the pastel portrait of children. (although I have wonderful ones of those too which my Mom painted).

I can't see this arriving in time for Mother's Day, but why not keep this idea for other gifts? This kind of personalization, is what I love. Faces, places, memories...and reminders of those special times. Here is the link to the Etsy shop. You'll find other options open too.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Portraits from Africa

A while back I found a lovely slide show with these artistic African portraits on the internet. Unfortunately, I can't find the name of the photographer and the details of these beautiful people who were the subjects.

I saved the photos, because they spoke to me as an artist. I know that someday, I would like to do a series of glass beads that are based on these photos and the others from this series that I have stored.

These are in my "inspiration" file. I keep a folder on my computer's desktop filled with photos, drawings and other sources that speak to me in different ways. It could be colors, the shapes, nature, faces or so many other aspects of things I've found while poking around the internet.

I haven't figured out yet, how best to express the various natural textures combined with these serene faces and do it the justice it deserves, but I'll keep mulling it over until I take time to try it.

Until then, I'll keep leafing through my inspiration file- picking out a photo or two that will be the day's new bead to attempt. I have quite an eclectic mix, so there's a source for every mood and whim.

Hope you have some place to keep your tidbits of what speaks to you. And watch for a short series based on these photos sometime in the future.

See you tomorrow...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Meet Skamp

I wanted you to meet Skamp, who was a recent custom ordered bead through my etsy shop.

I am currently working on four fur friends for a customer in Hawaii and have one other pup to photograph too.

Custom pet glass portraits are a lot of fun. I ask for good photos front and side at least of your pet, and any size requirements, special markings, etc. Then I go to work and make these small interpretations, which can be worn as jewelry pendants, used as holiday ornaments, or little sculptures to hang out where ever you want.

Besides pets, I've also done children, grandchildren and some pretty funny requests- from penguins wearing blue viking helmets, to cats wearing a pirate patch...I love them all.
Visit my etsy shop to see more of my work,