Showing posts with label glass halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass halloween. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Mad Scientist Handmade Glass Beads

Each year, I love making Halloween beads  I just don't want to make just the traditional ones, but add in a few different styles.  Black cats are expected and of course I do them, but it's good to have some unexpected ones too.  So years ago, I started making "Mad Scientist" beads.  I love designing crazy hair that stands up- kind of Bozo the Clown meets Einstein, and of course add in goatees, beards and the important flask of undetermined chemicals.  I'll be making a few more this year, so feel free to contact me if interested. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Frankie in Soda Lime Times

If you are a flameworking beadmaker, and haven't subscribed yet to Diane Woodall's Soda Lime Times, you are missing a great deal.

This month has the Halloween issue and I have a tutorial for Frankie, (pictured above) in it.  But within the 52 pages, (yes, that much!)  there is tons of content in her monthly subscribtion e-zine.  It is so worthwhile.  I have been beadmaking for about 12 years, and each issue teaches me something new.