Showing posts with label monster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monster. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Frankie in Soda Lime Times

If you are a flameworking beadmaker, and haven't subscribed yet to Diane Woodall's Soda Lime Times, you are missing a great deal.

This month has the Halloween issue and I have a tutorial for Frankie, (pictured above) in it.  But within the 52 pages, (yes, that much!)  there is tons of content in her monthly subscribtion e-zine.  It is so worthwhile.  I have been beadmaking for about 12 years, and each issue teaches me something new.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Haunting Beads

To the best of my knowledge, I'm still a glass artisan, so perhaps it's prudent to post a few of my available goodies once in a while. This is a spooky bead (Simon the Goblin) - available in my etsy shop, . (read the story I wrote about him- kind of cute)

And a shout out to Jo who was so kind to post him in her Halloween bead section found here on

I've posted some other new beads this week and hope you have fun poking around and finding some that will make you smile.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Traffic Barrel Art...Stolen Joy

College student, Joseph Carnevale lifted some traffic barrels from a construction site and created this fun monster from them. Although arrested and having to perform community service for the $360 theft, apparently the construction company commented that had they known it would be so cool, they would have given them to him....ah street art. Gotta love it.