Showing posts with label soda lime times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soda lime times. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Frankie in Soda Lime Times

If you are a flameworking beadmaker, and haven't subscribed yet to Diane Woodall's Soda Lime Times, you are missing a great deal.

This month has the Halloween issue and I have a tutorial for Frankie, (pictured above) in it.  But within the 52 pages, (yes, that much!)  there is tons of content in her monthly subscribtion e-zine.  It is so worthwhile.  I have been beadmaking for about 12 years, and each issue teaches me something new.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Soda Lime Times

I am blown away by Diane Woodall's Soda Lime Times.  If you are a beadmaker, you will love this publication.

Diane includes interviews, techniques, fabulous photos, tool reviews, tutorials and just about everything you can think of done with flair.  I am impressed with the content, layout and everything else in it and highly recommend it.

You can find information about the Soda Lime Times by clicking here.