Showing posts with label marcylamberson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marcylamberson. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Movember!

Happy Movember!  You know what that is, don't you?  It's when manly men grow their facial hair for mens health awareness and fundraising for it.

I'm a big fan of Movember (Moustache + November).  I love mustaches.  When I met my hubby he had an awesome one and so did his brothers.  If you are old like I am, he looked a lot like Father Guido Sarducci on Saturday Night Live.   I've been trying to get him to grow it back for awhile, but for some strange reason, it has a lot of grey in it now and he doesn't like it as much.

And by the way, if you like mustache items, this necklace can be found here.  But I really enjoy heading over to and doing a search for them.  I even found mustache cookie cutters there.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back From the Frozen Tundra

Okay, perhaps it wasn't frozen tundra, but I am back from visiting my delightful relatives in Wyoming. (40 mph winds and -10 degrees!) In typical Lamberson fashion, we were snowed in, and couldn't leave town. This is a photo of the road as we braved the just opened highway.

Taking a few days off gave me time to think about creativity and working in glass. Do you ever just sit and think? Where you want to go, what you want to do?

The cold and wind chill did not inspire my creativity, nor did the extra splash of kahlua in my coffee either. But there was one funny thing that did.

Have you ever played Apples to Apples? It's one of those fun family games that just about anyone can play. You are given a topic and you have to match as best as possible, one of your cards to it. I kept thinking that there is a connection there to creativity. It was fascinating to see how different people thought. It made me wonder how that could relate to my glass art.

And then I realized that it reflected the way I think sometimes. I enjoy putting two things together that don't exactly fit. Whether it's monkeys wearing hats, or birds wearing jewelry, having two pieces that are a little atypical, tends to make me smile.

So tell me about your holiday. Were you inspired somehow? Or have a brainstorm in between the sugar overloads? I'd love to hear.

See you tomorrow, right here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sure Happy It's Thursday

Tonight I'm joining some other artists and crafters at a local gallery for an evening show.  This is my first time there and of course there's always a bit of apprehension.  It's geared toward a young, hip crowd and for those of you who know me, I'm neither.   Yet, they selected me from the applicants, so perhaps my art is part of the right mix.

The Atlanta gallery is on a cool block of old brick shops with uneven wood floors filled with vintage clothes and home decorations, and even a bakery with cowboy cupcakes in the window.  Yep, they are frosted with cowboys on top.  Of course they'd be great inspiration.  I'll check them out again  and ask first if they mind me doing that.  

So if you see cupcakes with funky western decorations on top in my etsy store, you know the behind the scenes story.  This is in line with some I've already done like an octopus draped over a cupcake.

But meanwhile, I'd better go heat up my kiln and get going.  I have custom orders for 4 darling dogs and perhaps an order of sushi.  Days aren't dull around here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bringing Home the Bacon

What are some of your favorite foods?

I've been translating food into glass beads for awhile now and in a very unscientific survey, I've noticed that bacon, well... brings home the bacon.

It's one of my best sellers in that category. I know that pies and cupcakes and even fried eggs do well too. Some veggies seem to be popular as well as snack foods. And just for the record, no one has requested a custom order for stew. Go figure.

What are your favorite foods that you feel should be interpreted in glass and why? Do you have childhood memories of it, or perhaps it's something that reminds you of one of your kids?
Maybe it's just a food that you think would look cute on a necklace. Let me know.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You Meet The Nicest People On Etsy

You meet the nicest people on Etsy. My longtime customer and friend, Debbie Gilroy (of DG Designs) is now selling on Etsy. She has been a customer of mine for quite a while and over time, we've become friends.

Well, I sure was excited when Debbie and her husband came through Georgia on their annual vacation and they came by my house for a visit. We finally got to meet!

Debbie and husband are both delightful people. It felt like we had known each other forever, and what fun it was to see each other after all the emails we've traded over time.

Here is a link to a necklace that Debbie made with some of my lampwork, so you can see her pretty work.

Thanks Debbie for taking the time to go out of your way to stop by for a visit. It meant a lot to me and I treasure our friendship.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

15 Minutes of Fame, Part 1

My 15 minutes of Fame starts NOW!

Today and for a few days, I am one of the people in VickiDianeDesigns' Etsy treasury

It shows the faces behind the etsy shop names and there are 10 guys and 2 of us gals. I think it's a great concept and I take great delight in seeing what the other shopkeepers look like. Oh, we're a diverse group!

Here's the scoop on the photo...I took it with my computer! How's that for being snappy? I sat on the floor of my studio, (had to do it quickly because those tiles get a little hard), and hunkered down a bit so that I would have some of my glass rods in the background. I wanted the viewer to see what I melt, when making my glass beads.

So stop by the treasury, and the photo is also a listing in my shop, so you can see it there too-
