Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Step Outside of My Usual Life

The other evening we went to a small Tibetan restaurant not far from our home, which you need to actually drive through a gas station to reach.  Off the beaten path.  Not only is the food delicious, but I enjoy the Tibetan decor.  At night, the bright fabric lamps are lit up, which of course I think would make totally awesome beads...a graduated bicone with intricate surface decorations.

We had just watched a wonderful documentary the night before, "Unmistaken Child" about a young monk's search for the reincarnation of a venerable monk in the form of a young toddler. It is one of my favorite movies.  (warning:  no sex, violence or pratfall comedy) But there is gorgeous scenery, a sweet story of people's lives in the Himalayas and a peek into their world.

So with my traveling daughter's visit home, it put two family activities into a pretty cool package.  Perhaps they weren't on the same night, but close enough to count in my book.  And I guess I can dream of someday heading to that area and seeing it and experiencing it for myself.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Let The Rumpus Begin

Tomorrow, the movie, Where the Wild Things Are opens at theaters. I'm excited. I used to read that book to my children when they were young.

I've always loved children's stories. The imagination, illustrations and stories often resonate with me. Perhaps, I'm just a bit of a kid at heart.

So as I was watching the PR come out for the movie, I decided to do a small interpretation as well. I made the Wild Things assemblage from three free standing beads and my friend, Jim Berry of Blue Moon Glassworks fused the stand. He had been experimenting with ideas for me.

The assemblage is meant to hang out together, but I left the beads loose, so they can be easily removed from the stand and worn on a change a bead type pendant. How slick is that? And even the tree has one side of leaves that isn't quite as round, so it will lay better when worn.

So pop by my Studio Marcy Etsy shop, and check it out, because that where the Wild Things are.