Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Renewing Vowels- Funny

I was supposed to be in Cape May NJ this weekend for a wedding, but the weather kept us from flying in. (darn it). In honor of our missed appearance, enjoy this comic. It makes me laugh.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

From Album to Super Heroes

Tremendously talented illustrator Cliff Chiang has
recently caught my eye.

In this instance, he has taken well known 1980's album covers and reinterpreted them as comic book heroes.

Who knew that the Breakfast Club could become even more iconic and classic than it already was?

If you enjoy this style of art, or the superhero way, check out Cliff's website here.

Being easily amused, I also like his "Loose Lips Bring Down Starships" piece. It reminds me of my grandmother and her pithy saying. Some folks just know how to make an old saying new again.

And as you know, there's usually an additional hook. How it relates to glass in my personal way of thinking...
well, this one is easy.

Comic books and Cliff all show the human form in many different poses. I'm always looking for ways to express movement (even if I'm not doing it well yet) and this is a great way to find more "action" poses to add to my inspiration file. He has some black and white sketches on his site that work really well for me. Action heroes often show the muscles and shapes - as a little simplified, which is exactly what works best for me.

See you tomorrow- same time, same place.. up, up and awaaaaaaaay!