Showing posts with label super hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label super hero. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2010

From Album to Super Heroes

Tremendously talented illustrator Cliff Chiang has
recently caught my eye.

In this instance, he has taken well known 1980's album covers and reinterpreted them as comic book heroes.

Who knew that the Breakfast Club could become even more iconic and classic than it already was?

If you enjoy this style of art, or the superhero way, check out Cliff's website here.

Being easily amused, I also like his "Loose Lips Bring Down Starships" piece. It reminds me of my grandmother and her pithy saying. Some folks just know how to make an old saying new again.

And as you know, there's usually an additional hook. How it relates to glass in my personal way of thinking...
well, this one is easy.

Comic books and Cliff all show the human form in many different poses. I'm always looking for ways to express movement (even if I'm not doing it well yet) and this is a great way to find more "action" poses to add to my inspiration file. He has some black and white sketches on his site that work really well for me. Action heroes often show the muscles and shapes - as a little simplified, which is exactly what works best for me.

See you tomorrow- same time, same place.. up, up and awaaaaaaaay!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Are You a Superwoman?

Are you a Superwoman?  Or do you have one in your life?

The other day, I was thinking about Mothers' Day and what would I buy for my Mom.  She's a tough one to buy for- has everything she wants and generally I'm limited to tennis related items.  Sometimes when trying to figure out this hard to buy for type, I do a mental "free-association".   The word, "Superwoman" came to my mind.

I won't go into family history and details, but suffice it to say, she's pretty amazing and that was the birth of the big "S" focal bead.  I know there are so many other women out there who are just as cool.   Are you one of them?  

I'm going to make more in different colors.  I'm hoping that women will find their free association in the symbol as well as get a good smile out of it.  Superwomen of the world unite.  Now if we could just get the rest of the super powers.  I'd sure love to be able to fly.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Made By Hand. By Me UWIB

One of my beads, Jake the Super Hero, is being featured in this
Unique Women In Business (UWIB) Spotlight. My thanks to Rachel of Etsy's Bookwormz (really cool bookmarks) for including me. Come see the rest of the page here and explore a bit.

This spotlight features fellow members of UWIB, which is a group I recently joined.
I have found all kinds of marketing information and good products from my fellow members.

I like the way it's run. You have to be referred. And you need to buy something from that person who referred you. After that, one of the requirements is that you buy something from one of the members each month. So far I have bought a beautiful journal and some delicious smelling lotion. Although there are very inexpensive items available too.

Most of the members are artists or artisans, but there are some who represent commercial companies too. I like this aspect. It helps keep the group diversified. The same company can not be represented by more than one person, so it stays unique.

I have not had any sales yet from the group, but I'm hoping that I can meet more of the jewelry makers and other artisans and that they'll choose some of my work one of these months. In the meantime, I'll just soak up the marketing tips and see where it takes me.

If you would like to know more, feel free to email me. I'd be happy to refer you. StudioMarcy (at)