Showing posts with label decorating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decorating. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cakes Make Great Beads

Needing another creativity source?

So you've used the typical Google photos, magazine pictures, fabric from the store, toys and nature around you inspirations and perhaps you are ready for another idea?

Have you thought about cakes? I've written before about the Ace of Cakes which is one of my favorite shows. (I swear, the employees could all be people I know). And I love them for the funky sculptural look.

But what about looking at the more traditional side of cake decorating as well?

Often times I look at these cakes and think that they would make wonderful bead sets or focals on traditionally shaped beads like bicones.

I've used these two photos of cakes from as examples.

I think the dogwood blossoms would be gorgeous on a bead. I would buy something that looked like that.

And the bottom cake with the four layers gives you a variety of ideas for some whimsical ones as well.

One of the similarities of cake and bead decorating is that both require a simplification of pattern and detail. Often, they are on similar shapes as what you would normally use too.

Cruise around the internet and see what you can find.

And if you find a great website, how about sharing it with all of us, so we can have a look too?

Thanks for stopping by See you tomorrow!