Showing posts with label glass decoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass decoration. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lego Stilettos...For That Playful Party Look

So I saw where artist Finn Stone (check out his fun fiberglass furniture and public sculpture)  had constructed these Lego Stilettos and is showing them in a gallery in  England.  And it got me wondering.  If you wear high heels, would you wear these?

And wouldn't ones with some of our glass beads look sooooo much better?  Have you made any shoes that incorporates glass beads that you made?  (Yes, I know they're glass...but look what it did for Cinderella)

I want to hear about them...or plans for what you'd like to do.  How about joining me in a movement for world class glass domination (wouldn't that be cool?)  in the fashion shoe and accessory industry.