Showing posts with label studiomarcy. marcy lamberson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studiomarcy. marcy lamberson. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's That Time Of Year..Show Season

You haven't heard from me much, and it's because I am busy trying to get all my inventory together for my show this weekend.
I will be in Acworth on Saturday and Sunday all day.

Trying to find the right mix to sell is really hard, as many of you know.  What to have that is different and appealing to the shopper.

This show last year seemed to appeal to lots of families and their dogs.  And glass doesn't always mix with that group, but with Mother's Day coming up soon and the weather so nice, I am trying to appeal in that way.  Sun catchers, garden ornaments, functional glass objects and some jewelry are all in the mix.

Wish me luck and good weather.  Fingers crossed.  See you soon...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Snappy Twitter Attire

Pretty snappy, eh?  I saw this and knew you'd want to as well.  I couldn't find who made it or its origin.  So sorry.

But while (or is it "whale") you're here, how about if you friend me on Twitter?  We can be tweet buddies.

You can find me there under " StudioMarcy ".    And if you want others to find you too, feel free to comment below and let us know how to find you. It's like a mini marketing opportunity!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lego Stilettos...For That Playful Party Look

So I saw where artist Finn Stone (check out his fun fiberglass furniture and public sculpture)  had constructed these Lego Stilettos and is showing them in a gallery in  England.  And it got me wondering.  If you wear high heels, would you wear these?

And wouldn't ones with some of our glass beads look sooooo much better?  Have you made any shoes that incorporates glass beads that you made?  (Yes, I know they're glass...but look what it did for Cinderella)

I want to hear about them...or plans for what you'd like to do.  How about joining me in a movement for world class glass domination (wouldn't that be cool?)  in the fashion shoe and accessory industry.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Laura Zeiner- Amazing Artist


My Bead Soup Partner, Laura Zeiner of Stick Lizard Designs,  knocked it out of the park as far as I'm concerned.  After a few emails discussing "likes and dislikes" and checking out her etsy shop, I came to the conclusion that her love of nature, neutral colors and specifically the beach would be a great jumping off point for my bead gift to her.  We needed to provide a focal, clasp and plenty of goodies in between.

I couldn't help tossing in some "etched beach glass" and some other turquoise rings for a pop of color, just in case she wanted it.  If not, I knew it might go into something else later.  In fact, I sent what I thought was enough for a couple of pieces and was amazed to see almost every last piece incorporated into her gorgeous necklace.

But if you want to see the best photo of all, you'll need to visit her blog.  It's at the bottom of her post and I love it.  I'll give you a hint...a non human is wearing the necklace and looking very happy doing so.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shoes- Patterns, Textures...Mix It Up!

Daily, I receive an email from, advertising their shoes du jour. Now, how I can survive this punishment and avoid going broke while perusing all the enticing shoes is beyond me.

But practicing meditation and maturity, I try to look at the ads through an artistic eye, instead of the "I wish/want" point of view. Which brings me to the focus of today's blog.

Did you happen to see how many stripe/line/color patterns and textures are on this particular model by Marc Jacobs? Wow!

And of course, I look at it as how does it relate to beads? (Can't help myself)

So all the colors, patterns, textures... just how do they relate to glass? I'm not sure exactly. But what I did notice, was that I like the smooth and woven texture together- which could be interpreted through stamps or even acid etched glass with some part of the smooth glass reserved. And the four different stripe patterns-did you notice how that caramel color unifies them? Have you made anything in glass (or another medium) that would be an interpretation of the multi patterns and textures? If so, post a link in the comments section. We'd all love to take a peek.

And I'll see you tomorrow, same time, same place...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Studio Marcy Hits the Treasuries This Week. Woot!!

Here are three of the five treasuries that my lampwork beads are currently featured in on Etsy

Isn't it fun seeing the color combinations and the diversity of items being featured? Every time I go check them out, I end up spending lots of time checking out the artists' work. (and sometimes buying an item or two also)

Enjoy these and then stop by and look on the left side of the page for Treasury button. Click and have a great time. And don't forget you can quickly check your favorite Etsy shop quickly by going to and typing in the shop's name in their Treasury Search section.

See you tomorrow for a feature on a new Etsy glass shop.