Showing posts with label lori greenberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lori greenberg. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Designing Philosophy & Watch Me Create

I recently read Lori Greenberg's Watch Me Create post, which really resonated with me.

Lori is showing and writing about her creative process in designing jewelry with these fabulous funky lampwork Venus beads that she makes. (Aren't they fun!)

I love how she tells us how her brain works. But most of all, I guess I agree with her creative process. You see, she likes figuring things out for herself. She says she experiments and sees what comes from that.

Experimenting is one of my favorite pastimes. So often my experiments don't turn out as planned, but that's the joy in it. As Dr. Seuss said, "Oh, the places you'll go!". Limitless possibilities right in front of you.

Please stop by Lori's Watch Me Create post and read where she's going with these beads and how she is getting there. And pop by the other articles. They're being posted at least a few times a week or more- rotating by the authors. You can click on any of the authors' names on the right side and read what each person has written in the past too. (Don't forget my posts too!)

See you tomorrow. We'll chat some more.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Watch Me Create- It's My Turn

If you haven't visited the Watch Me Create blog recently, may I suggest that you might take a few minutes and stop by?

Okay, it's not just because it was just my turn for my article about "Whimsical Interpretations of Art & People", but because we have more writers adding diverse commentary on their art and craft styles.

Now there are 15 of us. And who would have known that each of the 15 artists have something interesting to say. (Well, I bet Lori Greenberg knew, she's the mastermind behind it.)

I read about inspiration for things they're doing, what books they're reading, and enjoy learning about their creative processes.

And when you find someone who really interests can look for their name on the right hand side of the blog and click on their name for more of their posts, or click on their photos on the left, and be taken directly to their websites. (Find me at the very bottom of the artist totem pole- strong shoulders you know...).

Let me know if you've stopped by too. You can leave a comment there. If you have nothing to say, just use the secret code word, "cupcake". I'll know what you mean. (and if you're in my Etsy shop looking for Frida, there will be another one added very soon.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Have You Entered?

If you haven't seen this gorgeous book, Frit Secrets: A Flamework's Guide to Using Reactive Glass Frits  by Val Cox, you've missed out.  It's 120 ages with over 250 photographs and has technical information as well pictures to drool over.

You can find it on Val's site, here. can attempt to win one of the two copies that Lori Greenberg is giving away here.

One way is to comment at the bottom of Lori's review.  Let me tell you, there were 90 responses when I last looked.  I've got my fingers crossed on that one.

The other way is to take some great photos of your best bead made with frit and submit it.  The directions and requirements  are easy.

I don't know about you, but perhaps today will be my day to make my best frit bead.  I'm definitely going to give it a try.  Only a few more days in which to enter, so we all had better get going!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Craft Gossip- The Glass Art Writer and Her Many Websites

Do you ever notice someone and think, "This person really rocks. I need to keep an eye out and watch what she's doing." I've found that person, her name is Lori Greenberg.

You probably know her or have heard of her. She's a glass artist and a writer and recently started writing for the Craft Gossip Blog Network. She covers glass areas like casting, lampwork, stained glass, fusing, blowing, mosaic, sea glass, etc. You can find her almost daily posts by clicking here.

Lori featured my Free Ice Cream Tutorial
the other day, but the best part about it was the amount of exploring and information that I found on that website when I went over there to look. You want to know more about glass...or Indie Crafts, Quilting, Jewelry Making, etc., pop by, but plan on reading for awhile.

Lori told me that she feels like she has all this info and thoughts inside of her that need to burst out. "When I find something interesting or that works for me, I want to share it with the world", she explained.

Lori is also the mastermind behind the "Watch Me Create"blog. I'm lucky to be one of the bead artist writers there who write about their creative processes. If you haven't, check it out.

And of course as a bead artist, Lori has her online bead shop website called, Where you can find her latest offerings.

But for me, I saved the one that I love the most for last. Her Bead Nerd site covers everything you want to know about the art business side- it is packed with technical information, (I really need this) selling skills, how to be more efficient, and so much more. If you read and practice her tips, I promise you'll come out ahead.

And now I'm off to read her article from a Wiki about "How To Dress Like An Artist". The title brings back a funny memory of when an out of state student came to my home studio for private lessons. I saw her physically surprised when she met me, which made me laugh to myself. Later, we chatted about it. I told her what I noticed and asked her whether she was expecting me to look differently? She said "yes, you're an artist. I expected you to look like one." I responded that when I had previously left a message, her answering machine had classical music on it. I didn't know how old she was or anything about her, so I dressed in some of my more conservative "Suburban middle-age Mom" clothes, which is partly who I am too. We shared quite a laugh, but it also taught me a lesson about mistaken assumptions. So I'm off to read Lori's post and find out which wardrobe adjustments I need to make.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I've been tagged two more times. Kaye of (who is currently showing some lovely Etsy offerings), recently tagged me and so did Lori Greenberg of (here's a huge hint- read everything she writes if you want to be a smarter bead makers!).
Now try to catch me to tag me.

So, here are the rules:

1. Link on your blog to my blog that tagged you.

2. Give your 7 factoids.

3. Tag 7 other blogs by leaving a comment on their blog letting them know they were tagged and list them (and their links) in your own blog.

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1. I don't like roller coasters- that's one of my computer backgrounds in the photo.

2. I just made a bead based on this piece of art for a creativity group I'm in. I'll write about its complexities in another blog.

3. I used to write a weekly newspaper column as part of one of my old jobs.

4. My very first real job was as a janitor for an art center.

5. I collect children's picture books that have wonderful illustrations

6. I tested out of 24 hours of college credit before entering the University.

7. We used to have an 18 foot tipi in our backyard that had a fire pit in it.

My 7 tagged buddies both current and past Etsy Glass Artists Street Team