Showing posts with label rabbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rabbit. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Valentine Season Already!

I am starting off the season with little animals, cupids and non traditional ways to say you care to people you love.  This little fellow will be listed today in my Studio Marcy Etsy shop.

Look for more fun ways to say you care, that will last through the ages and make your loved ones smile.

Remember, some bunny loves you.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Time For Christmas Yet?

I guess I'm one of "those" who could skip Thanksgiving and go directly to Christmas. Yes, I'm thankful for so many things, and I do love turkey and apple pie, but I still love Christmas. I like giving gifts, and I love red and white and green together and best of all, I love the smiles that the holiday elicits.

So I know it's just November 1st and some of you will strongly disagree with me and discuss the commercialism of the holiday, etc. Point taken, agreed with and I understand completely.

I just wanted to say that I'm excited.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Impatiens With Bunnies

I love bunnies. No doubt about it. But I have to say, my resident rabbit has been snacking on my flowers- impatiens to be exact, a little too often.

Sure, I understand that the flowers are lovely in their bright coral, pink and purple colors. And I also know that they're nestled in a nice patch of shade near the bunny hangout. But I just didn't know that they were that tasty.

All summer, they've been disappearing. I get a little sad, because I sure love the bursts of color- almost like exclamation points in my yard. I'm afraid the exclamation is turning into an apostrophe.

So here's my lampwork glass bunny bead named Juniper. Hopefully she will somehow telepath my wishes to the resident living breathing one and my poor impatiens will live through the end of the summer. And if you need help with bunnies in your yard, maybe she can help you too!

See you tomorrow

Sunday, June 14, 2009

12 Tricks

I saw a link on Twitter about 12 Tricks Your Mind Plays On You, which seemed like it might relate to a lot of us, so I'm sharing it.

If you've followed my blog, you'll know that I'm an eternal optimist who tries to find the good in as much as possible. We have a saying in our family..."No stinking thinking". I must say, ridding oneself of as much negativity as possible sure helps.

And I also like the part about being responsible for oneself, one's life and one's actions. Okay, that's my take on it. And here's how it relates to my view of our glass industry in these economic tougher times...

If you aren't selling enough in these tougher economic times, I'm asking you, what are you doing differently to make your glass beads, jewelry or whatever you sell- unique and stand out? What are you doing to market yourself? This is always in the back of my mind. I write down ideas & sketch my thoughts. Some come to fruition and others get discarded. But it's good to think about, nonetheless.

As for my Rabbit in the Hat bead, it's an old favorite that I sold about two years ago. I'll be making more. It was the closest thing I had to the title of the post, and perhaps it will remind me to keep learning a few more tricks and to try to keep some magic in my beadmaking. Visit my Etsy shop for some fun, new lampwork beads that I've just listed.

See you tomorrow.