Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Glass & Jewelry Challenge

(A Sunflower's Summer by Dawn Lucero)

Today is your last chance to submit your glass photos to the Glass & Jewelry Challenge sponsored by Mountain Glass Arts. The fabulous prize is a gift certificate to Mountain Glass Arts for $500! They will be come owners of the piece you photographed as well. Today is the final day to enter.

If you aren't submitting and still want to see the entries, it's worth a nice long peek. The gallery is full of delightful work.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Blogging...Easy As Pie

Are you thinking about blogging or have a hard time getting going with it? I found this website that has all kinds of hints, tips and tricks in one place. So today, I'm sharing it with you (RIGHT HERE) It's full of videos and posts to get you going or to increase the traffic to the blog you already have. It's as easy as pie. (and btw, if you haven't figure it out, that's a little glass cherry pie I baked up in my kiln.)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Garden Bunny at Southern Flames

Our Southern Flames lampworking group had the wrapped package/steal from your neighbor type exchange at our past meeting. I decided to embellish my little bunny angel that I had made this summer with flowers from my Dona Bellflower presses and some leaves that I had made as well. (and I wish I had arranged them more nicely before the quick photo too!)

The exchange items were great, and I was lucky to finally end up with Kelley Wenzel's lampwork eggs- 4 of them and so sweet.

Watch our Southern Flames website, http://www.Southernflames.org for photos from the event. Look for the scrapbook heading on the right side. If they aren't up yet, they will be shortly.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Facebook Humor- Galileo vs The Church

I saw this on an Aussie website and it made me laugh. It's not meant to offend, but just to give you an amusing glimpse of what if fb were around when historical events happened. Fun juxtaposition.

See you Sunday!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Animoto and Piazzo San Marco - Fun Combination

I just tried out a video making site, called Animoto. It was a blast. You can make 30 second videos for free and for a small price, you can go more complex. Being a non technical type, it was great to be able to upload the photos easily, add some of their music (legally) and add a little text. I was using the "free" option, but I think there are a lot more things you can do, if you join.

So for my example are just a few of the photos I took when I visited Piazza San Marco in Venice Italy last spring. The architecture, the history and the size were jaw dropping. I might just head back there soon and try some of my collection of other photos from my trip or even my glass art.

And now it's your turn to create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chinese Fad..Dogs as Pandas & Tigers

Just so you know, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. I recently read about the fad in China of transforming your dog into a tiger or a panda. You know, people have been transforming their pets for years- remember the poodles who were dyed to match women's hair long ago? And I did blog about extreme poodles months ago, too. And you can find it here

So I have to say, I don't know if it is a cultural thing and would love for someone to explain if there is a reason other than thinking this is simply fun and cute. Which you might admit- that Panda dog is pretty adorable and far easier to feed than a real panda. (and easier to take places!)

I do admit that I am very tickled when I see someone's pet all dressed up. Those are the types of glass beads and ornaments I enjoy creating as well. Accessories are for everyone, as far as I'm concerned.

But I am wondering a bit about long term effects on their pets, if this is permanent dye. I don't know what product is being used, but somehow think that pet lovers are pet lovers where ever one lives and that they want to keep their pets safe too. Got my fingers crossed on that one. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Girl With A Pearl Earring...and Necklace

I love doing interpretations of famous paintings. You might remember that I've done Son of Man, Birth of Venus, The Kiss, and others. Well, I've added Girl With A Pearl Earring to the list. You might have noticed that there isn't a close up of it. Of course there's a reason. I need to make it again. It's close and gives the impression of the painting, but I want to do a better face on it.

I wore it the other night to our Southern Flames chapter meeting. And I was thrilled that folks knew what it was, without me explaining it. (always a good sign) So watch for another rendition at some point of the painting. And I have a long list of others to do as well. Nice break from sculpture and so much fun too.

If you have a favorite painting that you think might be interpreted, please post and let me know. I'd love to add to my list.