Showing posts with label SanMan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SanMan. Show all posts

Sunday 5 October 2008


Just one little finish to show you this time. Autumn by SanMan Originals (forum members only chart). Sandy also made the frame, it is so cute. Not done a lot of stitching this week as I have been making some Christmas cards, not stitched ones but papercrafting ones, hopefully I will be able to finish all the cards I need to make. Still have a lot of stitching to do before Christmas as well. I wonder if I can get anyone to buy me some extra hours in the day as a present for my birthday next month. LOL I think I am going to need them.

Saturday 27 September 2008

Both of the RR's I stitched on have reached their homes so I can show you the squares I stitched. The first on is for Kay, her theme was Halloween and I stitched a SanMan design for her. (forum members only chart).

The second one was for Louise and her theme was snowmen. I stitched a Waxing Moon design for her but I had to change it slighly to fit into her square.

I also finished one of the SanMan Halloween pieces I stitched a while ago. It is a chart for SanMan forum members only.

Thursday 11 September 2008


I'm working on a RR at the moment so cannot show you it yet but I did finish a piece from my stitched but not finished pile into an ornament.

I think it is really cute, it is from SanMan Originals (forum member's only chart). I also stitched a Lizzie Kate which has added itself to my stitched but not finished pile. Hopefully it will be finished by Christmas.

Well back to my RR.

Sunday 31 August 2008

Strawberry House

Finished the Strawberry House, it was lovely to stitch. Not sure how I am going to finish it yet, probably frame it.

Also finished my first pinkeep using a SanMan design (forum member's only chart). It looked OK until I scanned it now it looks uneven along the bottom. I will have to pay more attention when I make my next one.

Not sure what I am going to stitch next there are so many I want to do. I really should finish one of my WIP but I expect I will start something new.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Halloween Tucks

Here are the Halloween tucks from SanMan Originals (forum member's only charts). I love these and so do my boys they want loads and loads stitched for Halloween. LOL


A Halloween Tale

I'm going to give Halloween a rest for a while as I want to stitch Strawberry House by Little House Needlework. I want to try a pinkeep as well so I have found a little piece I stitched a while ago and will see how I get on.

Monday 25 August 2008

A few finishes and a disaster

Well it's been a while but with the holidays it's been a bit busy here. One more week and the boys go back to school. I have managed to stitch a few things and finish a couple of ornaments I stitched a few years ago.

Halloween Jars by SanMan Originals(Forum member's only chart. The chart has writing down the side but my boys just wanted the jars. I'm going to make it into a banner. Just need to find some material for the banner.

Not sure who the designer is, but it must be from one of the JCS Ornament magazines.

Snowflakes falling by Rosie's Garden

Scare Who? by Sanman Originals (forum member's only chart). Sandy from SanMan also made the tuck, it's so cute.

I have also stitched a couple of little SanMan Halloween pieces, I'll put them in the tucks and show you them tomorrow. Now for the disaster...........

I joined a SAL on OakHaven Designs. I stitched the first part, stitched the second part and then I realised I had stitched with the fabric the wrong way! I cannot believe it I have never done that before. Oh well I will leave it a week or two and then start it again. It is a lovely design. Here is the disaster piece.

I'm going to do something with this maybe turn it into a fob so that it will be there to remind me not to do it again. LOL

Wednesday 23 July 2008

1st cube

Well I did it my first cube and I love it. I used a Christmas Cookies by Sanman Originals (forum member's only chart). I can see a load of these being made for Christmas and Halloween.

I also made a Floss Tag with another SanMan design (forum member's only chart), a Halloween one this time.

I also remembered to scan the Frozen Banner, another SanMan design (forum member's only chart).

I have almost finished a flat fold as well, just need to put the braid on then I will show you.

Monday 30 June 2008

Finished and framed

Well I have finished the needleroll. A bit skinny but it was my first one. Need to practice my photography skills as well I think. LOL

I have also finished one of the SanMan charts from the June Newsletter it is called Flip Flop Fun and came with the frame.

Tomorrow I am going to try and finish Sally Snow, I've found some fabric for the back so fingers crossed I can make her into a stand up ornament. I also want to start Joan's Summer SAL (Sapphire Stitching).

Thursday 26 June 2008

26th June

Well not sure where to start as I have never had a blog before, never even kept a diary but here goes. I'm stitching a Lorri Birmingham needleroll at the moment and hopefully it will be finished soon, I'll post a photo when I have finished it but here is one I finished not to long ago from one of my favourite designers Sandy at SanMan Originals.

It's called Halloween Outing (forum member's only chart). Not a very good photo but I loved stitching it.

Postman has just been, he did not have my stitchy goodies from Sandy's newsletter but he did bring me some bee charms from my friend Michelle, Thanks Michelle. So I had better get on and finish the needleroll.