Tuesday 31 January 2012


Don't faint but I finished the Embroidery Guild.

Hopefully I am properly back in stitching mode, I have so many charts I want to stitch and there are alsways so many more to add to my list. LOL

Must dash, I have to make a chocolate cake before the boys come home from school.

Friday 27 January 2012


I cannot beleive it is almost the end of January and I have not finished one piece of stitching.  I know things have been busy but I should have finished something.  I have stitched a bit but I must stitch more from now on.

Here is my new project

Embroidery Guild from Little House Needleworks

and here is my Late Stroll 

 it is one of the  cross stitch kits from Yiotas xstitch

I am going to try and finish the Embroidery Guild this weekend so hopefully I will be able to post it early next week.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Sorry for not posting again!

I have been so busy over Christmas and since but hopefully things will be back to normal from now on.  Not much stitching done since Christmas I have started a Little House Needlework chart called Embroidery Guild but I will show you that another time.  I have a couple more things I finished last year so will post them today.

First is Moose Be Christmas from SanMan Originals

Another SanMan Originals snowman tuck

This one is from Oakhaven designs, I left off the words at the bottom.  I love owls and have lots of the Oakhaven owls to stitch.

Well I will try and get back into blogging and not leave it so long before my next post.  I have my big project to continue as well it is called A Late Stroll and is one of the  cross stitch kits from Yiotas x-stitch . I will stitch some more of it this weekend.

Monday 19 December 2011

Sorry for not posting

Sorry I have not posted in a while, you know how it is this time of year so much to do.  I have done some Christmas stitching but not finished them properly yet

Two LHN ornaments that need making up, not sure if I will have time before Christmas but I hope I can finish them in time

Baked Goods

Bringing Home the Tree

Three SanMan Original tucks, I need to iron the stitching and put them in the tucks properly but I have popped them in for you to see now otherwise it could well be next year before you see them.

Popcorn Snow

Ginger Cookies - Gingerbread

Chubby Penquin,  Ooops I have forgotten to add his bow must do that in a moment before I forget.

Must go time to cook the dinner or I will have a riot on my hands. LOL

Monday 28 November 2011

The Chalet School books

Two updates for you but I have not done as much stitching as I could, my son asked me to reserve him a library book online.  While I was doing it I looked to see if they had any of the books I used to read when I was a child.  My favourite series was The Chalet School.  I could not believe it they had the first two in the series so I reserved them and when I collected the first one I could not put it down.  It was written in 1925 (no I'm not that old LOL the last one was published in 1970) so some of the language made me smile but I really enjoyed it and I have already started the second  Jo of the Chalet School.  Not sure how many of the 58, yes 58 books in the series they have but I will enjoy reading the ones I can. 

Here is Autumn House by Bent Creek, 

looks a bit crooked but that is just the way the stitching was laying when I took the photo.
Here is my 'A Late Stroll' project, one of the cross stitch kits  from Yiotas xstitch

I would like to have done a bit more on it but as I said reading took a bit of my time.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Fog, fog and more fog

It has been foggy and misty here for what seems like forever.  I's foggy when the boys go to school, when I walk Charlie the dog and even now it is lunchime and you still cannot see very far.  Oh well best stay inside and stitch.  

I have two finished projects today
First is Autumn Snow from SanMan Originals

Sorry not a good photo, the fabric is ivory so the snowman shows up a better in real life.

Next is another lovely SanMan Originals design

This one is called Jolly Jumping Reindeer

I'm stitching a Bent Creek design at the moment called Autumn House, then I must stitch a bit more on my 'A Late Stroll' project.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Lime Green Snow

Another one of SanMan Originals tucks

I love these tucks, they are so quick to stitch and nearly always come with a charm.  This one came with the green snowflake.

I have also been stitching on 'A Late Stroll'  one of the cross stitch kits from Yiotas X-Stitch .  

It is coming on nicely and I will stitch a bit more on it later in the week.  I want to stitch a few more Chrsitmas ornaments first.