To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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Not So Quick Fix...


See...we don't even have any quick fixes for things that happen in our own country...much less what can be done in other countries. Our country probably has its hands so full being in everybody's pies at once that nothing substantial gets done. If we can't get it done properly for our own country and its people...why would be be able to get anything done for others that depend on us. Thanks to Bushco and friends...they have so thoroughly ruined Iraq that people don't even have water there a great deal of the time.

Now how right is that Mr. Decider? So he figures that money grows on trees and we can spend non-stop on his dumb war...and it will just keep rolling in. But in the meantime...areas of our own country suffers at the hands of time...and the lack of funds for appropriate expenditures for repairs of...oh let's just say for the sake of argument...some bridges. We the tax payers can't just pay for everything...there will come a day when we are tapped out...maybe not even able to buy our own gas just to get to work to earn the money to buy more gas for work...and of course taxes to pay for Dumbya's illegal war. There does at some point come an end to everything. And I'm thinking an end to this madministration would be a good thing. Here's some of the good things Chimpy has been able to do for us...

The occupation of Iraq, along with the Afghanistan occupation, has only furthered the spread of failed states and increased authoritarianism, savage violence, instability and anarchy. It has swelled the ranks of our real enemies -- the Islamic terrorists -- and opened up voids of lawlessness where they can operate and plot against us. It has scuttled the art of diplomacy. It has left us an outlaw state intent on creating more outlaw states. It has empowered Iran, as well as Russia and China, which sit on the sidelines gleefully watching our self-immolation. This is what George W. Bush and all those "reluctant hawks" who supported him have bequeathed us.

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