To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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Be All That You Can Be...


Well now that everything this great nation once stood for is in the proverbial toilet...Mr. Handpuppet Guy is deserting at the darkest hour. How typical of that sort of person. I won't use the term man...because I don't think any of them knows what it is to be a real man. I personally find them to be cowards of the worst sort. They sold their nation (ours too) to the highest bidder because of their vast greedy natures. it's time to reflect on their damage...and quit in the face of adversity? The adversity that they helped create! It must be nice to be able to walk away from it all. But we...the collective...are smarter than that. We've always been smarter than they've ever given us credit for.

These people have reasons for everything they do...and there is a reason for his departure. I don't think it is an altruistic sir...I don't. He's got something up his sleeve. Some people have speculated that the DC Madame business might be a factor...but I don't give that any credence. Who could possibly want to bump uglies with this guy eh? I just don't see it. He looks too anal retentive to me for that anyway. If he can spurn the touch of Cheryl Crow...there's something seriously icky wrong with this guy.

He's got some weird priorities. Maybe his family just simply got so sick and tired of the beating he's been taking in the eyes of the country...that they just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe his Missus threatened a huge ugly divorce on him...with some secrets thrown in. Just a thought. Maybe he has children that are adversely affected by all this in a major way...and he absolutely has to put their well being first. Seems far fetched...but you never know! It's probably just a strategy to get started on the dirt for smearing the Democrats upcoming in 2008. They are desperate to try and get a Republican back in office...and Rove is probably the best mud slinger in town for it. It could be as simple as that.

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