To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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Be All That You Can Be...


Well now that everything this great nation once stood for is in the proverbial toilet...Mr. Handpuppet Guy is deserting at the darkest hour. How typical of that sort of person. I won't use the term man...because I don't think any of them knows what it is to be a real man. I personally find them to be cowards of the worst sort. They sold their nation (ours too) to the highest bidder because of their vast greedy natures. it's time to reflect on their damage...and quit in the face of adversity? The adversity that they helped create! It must be nice to be able to walk away from it all. But we...the collective...are smarter than that. We've always been smarter than they've ever given us credit for.

These people have reasons for everything they do...and there is a reason for his departure. I don't think it is an altruistic sir...I don't. He's got something up his sleeve. Some people have speculated that the DC Madame business might be a factor...but I don't give that any credence. Who could possibly want to bump uglies with this guy eh? I just don't see it. He looks too anal retentive to me for that anyway. If he can spurn the touch of Cheryl Crow...there's something seriously icky wrong with this guy.

He's got some weird priorities. Maybe his family just simply got so sick and tired of the beating he's been taking in the eyes of the country...that they just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe his Missus threatened a huge ugly divorce on him...with some secrets thrown in. Just a thought. Maybe he has children that are adversely affected by all this in a major way...and he absolutely has to put their well being first. Seems far fetched...but you never know! It's probably just a strategy to get started on the dirt for smearing the Democrats upcoming in 2008. They are desperate to try and get a Republican back in office...and Rove is probably the best mud slinger in town for it. It could be as simple as that.

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There probably is some deep dark reason why he's finally going to leave. Wonder if we'll ever find it out?

Howard Fineman says Rove is going to be spearheading a massive swiftboat against Hillary so his supposed exit is a ruse to enable him to sling dirt more freely.

Remember a dog always returns to his vomit.

I've heard the same thing Larry and it would be no surprise. My hope is that one or more of the investigations of his activities was getting to close to Bush and that he is taking an preemptive fall. It is already going to be an ugly campaign and if Rove is in it even uglier.

He was just one germ, the disease still remains and will for a long time.

Yes, POP is right. But I am glad to see the germ go!

I dont think you could pay enough money for most women to be near him!

Ok, well maybe you could but they would have serious PTSD.

good post.

i think larry called it right tho

I'm with Larry. Rove will be the GOP attack dog saying unofficially and organizing unofficially, all the sleaze that no candidate could get away with. his supposed exit is a ruse to enable him to sling dirt more freely.

Plausible, but personally I think that Rove is going to become Fred Thompson's campaign manager or strategist.

This will be an interesting twist on a dark tale.

With the departure of Karl Rove the Bush administration now enters its last throes.

Rove's story is a rags-to-riches saga of a political serial killer. His first involvement in a political campaign was to conduct a dirty trick against a candidate running for Illinois state treasurer. After Rove dropped out of the University of Utah, his promise was recognized and he was appointed executive director of the College Republicans.

Donald Segretti, ringmaster for the Committee to Reelect the President of a gang of dirty tricksters engaged in what he called "ratfucking," recruited Rove. Rove conducted one session training young Republicans to sift through the garbage of opponents. In the Watergate scandal, Segretti was sentenced to prison for forging campaign literature. The FBI questioned Rove, but dropped its investigation of the small fry. Yet he would become the greatest "rat fucker" of them all.

We now take leave of the Architect, Turd Blossom and the Mayberry Machiavelli his grand experiment in political realignment collapsed, and remember him as he wants to be remembered, rapping onstage as MC Rove at the 2007 Radio and Television Correspondents Association dinner as members of the Washington press corps bopped and shimmied as his backup dancers.

Sh*t always floats to the surface. I wonder where he will turn up next?

Where will Karl turn up next? Maybe he will join Jimmy Hoffa somewhere as part of a skyscraper cornerstone or as a bridge support or as fish food...? Nah, those thoughts are too nasty, right?

I'm with Kvatch on this one, I think he will be working for Fred Thompson, whether it is publicly or behind the scenes. I believe he will be helping Fred smear the GOP competition until convention time, advising Fred on how to use his "celebrity" to get voters to bypass their critical thinking skills, and working to set up a massive "swiftboating" of whoever gets the Democratic nomination. We have to know he already has huge informational files on all the Democratic candidates...

If Rove ends up helping someone secretly, I think we need to use whatever legal means necessary to prove that Rove is helping whoever he's helping. Given the public's current distaste for the guy, it could really create trouble for Thompson or whoever the GOP nominates if people know Rove is definitely helping out.

Of course that may all end up being a moot point if Rove ends up having to testify and if enough dirt is turned up on him between now and next summer. I think the Dems still need to try and "get him" between now and then. He is probably one of the world's slipperiest fish, but damn it, the lefties need to get him in some real trouble so his influence can be at least partially neutralized.

And of course this is all assuming we will actually have a presidential election in 2008... heh...

pbs...we'll probably be wondering for years to come.

Larry...I wouldn't be surprised at all!

Monk...I too hope that those investigations will yield some fruit on ol' Karl.


Lynn...ewww...the thought of that guy naked it just too much! do I.

TomCat...official sleaze our Rove.

Kvatch...I've heard that about Fred too. Fred must not have scruples then!

Glenda...right on!

Earl...LOL! Karl is a floatie!

Snave...slippery fish...that's a compliment to him...and an insult to fish everywhere! Heh!

i see him turning up in the next election cycle. he's too good for them to let go at such a critical time in the nation's history. we need a strong, heartless leader to ensure the complete dominion of business over to of us who breed, in the traditional roman sense.
but prosecuting him now will clearly do absolutely no good. bush will just set him free before he leaves office. it has to start before the election but not finish until after.

On further, thought, I think he's now attacking the candidate he WANTS the Dems to nominate in the hope they will rally around her.

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