Little Egypt (Lorraine Shalhoub) dances for the Penguin's electoral campaign, backed by Paul Revere and The Raiders, in the TV show Batman. The episode is "Hizzoner the Penguin." Airdate: Wednesday November 02nd, 1966.
You can see the complete bellydance sequence here, starting at 0:59.
And here's a publicity still for the episode, with Little Egypt and the Penguin.
I've been meaning to investigate this phenom further ever since I saw a Goth Bellydance troupe from St. Louis perform at "Goth Night" at the now, alas, defunct Dart Room in Fayetteville. Check out this vid:
Here, for the perplexed, is a guide to gothic bellydance.
And--although I've not read it yet--a link, courtesy wayneandwax, to what I am sure is a great article by Sunaina Mair on bellydance orientalism ("arabface"). And check out wayneandwax's recent post on bellydance here.
(I hope, inshallah, to think about these things a bit more systematically in future.)
Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas. Author of Memories of Revolt: The 1936-39 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past. Co-editor of Palestine, Israel and the Politics of Popular Culture and of Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity.