Showing posts with label Living Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living Room. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Landscape Gallery Wall and a New Addition

“Creativity takes courage. ” 
~ Henri Matisse ~
I've been rearranging my "Landscape Gallery" lately
I love my landscapes. 
3 are vintage prints.
2 were bought in antique stores (I'm too cheap to buy them there, usually).
A few were inherited.  
The black and white charcoal I drew in college 
My sister-in-law did the wonderful cow skull in blue pastel. 
The rest are thrift store oil painting finds.
I buy what speaks to me, or if it's cheap enough. :)

I'm more of a flower person so my landscape collection surprises me.
And now I love it more than anything and I'm always on the hunt.
And for the record, my living room is not purple. 
It's a rich denim almost navy blue (or maybe Texas Ranger blue??).
(I'll miss you Napoli.  Good luck in Boston)
I'm a terrible photo editor.  Sorry for the funny color. 
And now, for my latest edition...  You'll never guess how much I paid for her... 
.50  cents!!!!!! 
First of all, she's gorgeous. 
I LOVE her pink blossoms. 
I LOVE the lush frame. 
So, so pretty. 
Second, she's a perfect rectangle.  I had a "rectangle" shaped hole in my gallery which needed filling.  She fits into our landscape grouping wonderfully. 
Everyone is thrilled to have her as part of our family now. 
Thank you for visting and following me at Sweet Woodruffs. 
Many Blessings and Much Kindness to you...
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ZuZu my daughter's cat, loves viewing art too,
but she prefers paintings of birds.
~ The End ~

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lazy Winter Days

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
~ Edith Sitwell ~
The above is one my favorite quotes.  It's so true.   Don't you think? 
We don't have a fire place, but we do have open window season in Florida this time of year.  The breezes have been perfect as well as the temperature.  It's making me useless and lazy.  I keep getting up to work, as there is plenty to do, but find my way back to the sofa for some
hot tea drinking-hand piecing-book reading-child cuddling-cat petting

Pooh agrees, "lazy is good."
~The End~

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Into the Woods......

Into the woods

And down the dell,

The path is straight,

I know it well.

Into the woods,

And who can tell

What's waiting on the journey?

The heart shaped rock is my new favorite thing.  I found it on a rocky beach in New Hampshire last fall walking with my best and sweetest friend Deb.  But my Bluebird Czech wall pocket given to me by my mother-in-law will always be in my top 10 favorite things of my life.  :)  I love Czech birds and would love to have more. 
Choose Joy.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. 
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Poo says find a hand and hold it. 

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cheater Decoupage

ETA:  Heads up peeps...personification and figurative language is used in the post below. 
In case there was a problem... 
If you know what I mean... 

About that utilitarian bookshelf in my living room.....
say utilitarian 3 times fast...
It holds larger items that won't fit any where else. 
 I want them within easy reach for the family. 
Things such as photo albums, vinyl and a few family treasures
 I want close so we can see them everyday. 

It's too dark
It's been too dark for a long time. 
I don't have the time to mess with it and I can't bring myself to paint it.  
He hasn't "told" me he wants to be painted, either.   

It's a custom made shelf made from salvaged barn wood out of Georgia.
I love him.
He is constant and faithful.

I was quilting. 
You can see the quilt top on the floor.  :) 
I look over and feel bothered, ONCE AGAIN, by the heaviness of this book shelf. 
He is a mess.   
Bless his heart. 
 I'm not being fair.  He works so hard for us. 

I need him to lighten up and not be such a downer. 
Since I won't paint it, I had an idea. 
Why not slap some paper on him, at least in the back ground. 
It can be a nice temporary fix.


I have tons of old hymnals. 
I took some Scotch mounting squares, and because I'm so cheap,
I even cut the squares into smaller squares. 
It doesn't take much. 

Just start randomly pinning them up there. 
If you need smaller pieces for edges or corners,
I think ripping the paper looks better than cutting. 

One shelf down, 4 more to go. 
Then for my vignettes, I throw stuff up there and play with it. 

Live with it for a day or two, or a week....  LOL 
I have found my eyes get tired and I have to walk away and clear my palette if you will. 
The next morning you can see things you didn't see before. 
Your treasures will tell you when they want moved or removed

It looks a little lighter and fresher without the mess and a big huge commitment of paint or decopage. 


Choose Joy. 

Be blessed and Be a Blessing!

"I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves." 
~  Anna Quindlen

Maggie leaves Poo in stitches


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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Moved to a New House

We just moved two weeks ago. This is our school room. School starts next Thursday. Guess I better hurry, huh? I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I tried to make it my sewing room, but got busted by my family. I'll have to stash my stash some where else. One thing I was really excited to find, after being packed away for a year, was our insect collection. Nothing was damaged and I never thought I would be so happy to see bugs! Now....where to put it????

You envy my mess, don't you?

I'm excited to hear your thoughts. The comment section is a friendly place. Really.  :)  
OH! And please follow our blog.  We want to grow!  

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