Showing posts with label Paper Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paper Love. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2014

Quilting Cat and Erin's a good day


How is your day going so far?

Dear Watson and I have been piecing our first Irish Chain using this book I've had for awhile: Time for a Chain: The Irish Chain Updated.  We're using purple and brown scraps.  It's sooooooooo pretty.  I need to sew the rows together and we're done. It's a smaller lap quilt I'm going to give to a friend who just lost her sister.  She needs some comfort.

Dear Watson wants you to see what a good helper he is.  He is an excellent block layer outer.


And this is happening.....  
Tomorrow maybe???

Please, please, please let tomorrow be the day I get my Erin Condren Planner.  She's having a sale on planners and labels, 40% off, so I decided to splurge and get me one.  I never spend money on myself and it actually felt good, to do something nice for ME, for a change.  Do you feel uncomfortable when you spend money on yourself.  I need to get over that!!  LOL  

Tim has been telling me for years to write stuff down.  I always tell him, "I did!  I wrote it down in my head".  LOL

She's also having a sale on notebooks and labels.  Go check out the site.  It's all so pretty, inspiring and motivating. 

If you are interested in Erin Condren products, please use  Sweet Woodruffs as a Referral.  We'll both get $10.00 towards product.  Go us!  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  :)  

Choose Joy!  
See you tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

10 Tips for a Courageous 2014


Plant them.  Climb them. 

King Pooh roars to his subjects, "Don't look down. 
Fearlessly jump. 
You'll land on your feet." 

~ The End ~

Monday, December 31, 2012

Because we miss Princess Peach

My son and his sweetheart. 

"An aware parent loves all children he or she meets and interacts with - for you are a caretaker for those moments in time." - Doc Childre. 
(one of my all time most favorite quotes)
Princess Peach is a little camera shy, as well as my 17 year old son.  I thought this set of photos was funny.  My son was protecting his princess from the
wicked, fire breathing dragon mother with a camera. 
Princess Peach is a teeny, tiny thing and my son is a beastly offensive lineman type. 
They are like Beauty and the Beast.  They have been friends for 6 years at church.  They finally decided to make a go of it this fall and see where Providence takes them.
They are the cutest couple. 
She's in St. Louis for the holidays and he is MISERABLE.  Poor guy, I feel so sorry for him.  She's a wonderful artist and loves "Smashing" so we cut up 3 magazines full of words and sent her a care package today.  I hope she enjoys gluing on the long trip back home to Florida. 
Enjoy the pictures. 
I hope they make you smile. 

She is a lovely, peachy girl.  We all miss her badly.  :( 
This picture cracks me up.  Tell us how you REALLY feel about your boyfriend's mother???

Domstically Divine Tuesday

Pooh feels it necessary to gently remind you, the kind audience,
to please keep your voices down during nap hours

~The End ~

Be blessed and safe this New Years Eve. 
We're off to shoot fireworks.  Yippee!!!  My favorite are black cats because they are wickedly obnoxious. 


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Free Bluebird Price Tags ~ I'm in LOVE.

One of my favorite blogs and places to hunt for sweet images is over at Free Pretty Things for You.  Not only do I love every. single. thing. posted. she makes it easy for me to utilize, including good, clever, crafty, easy ideas. 
Bluebirds are Top 10 favorite things ever, right up there with strawberries and Santa's White Christmas coffee.  I found these cute little (FREE) Bluebird Tags, printed them out on card stock, punched them out and used them for price tags on some vintage linens in my antique booth
Lovely!  Simple!  Easy! 
I'm very pleased. 
I hope they are eye catching enough to help sell the product, but it also made the monotonus pricing job a little more enjoyable. 
PRETTIES always make things more enjoyable. 
OH, and I just Loooooved the bird with the "Thank You".  I always want to be gracious with my sales, as I am truly grateful. 
I'll be using the Thank You bird a lot.

Sweet huh?  Thank you Free Pretty Things For You
Linking with:
Does a nice price tag catch your eye, or is it silly of me?  I like making the merchandise pretty,
but maybe I'm wasting my time. 
Your thoughts?
Pooh chastises, "All blankets in da house are mine. 
They go in da keep pile.  Not da sale pile".    
If you want a sweet afternoon in an old fashioned town, visit Dade City, Florida.  You'll find my booth at Annetta's Attic.  I'm in the closet, second left at the Pepsi machine.  :) 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Vintage Get Well and Greeting Cards

Worked on my Etsy Store, Sweet Woodruffs, tonight. 
I updated some prices and tweaked some shipping. 
I'm offering FREE SHIPPING on all vintage, INDIVIDUAL Greeting Cards. 
I have plenty of the sweetest "Get Well" cards you've ever seen. 
(Funny too, I have lots of vintage cards with Gingers on them. 
Know any redheads who need a get well card?). 
I have vintage "Missing You" cards and "Gift Cards" for shower gifts, etc. 
OH......and Free Shipping on my hand pieced, Houndstooth quilted cards.
I have lots of Patterns, Photo's and Postcards too. 
If you like what you see in my store, please share a link.  I'm very grateful for even teeny tiny sales.  :) 
We're down to one teenager now, but he still needs college. 
I'm sharing with:
I have a billion things to list, but at some point, I need to decorate our Christmas Tree and bake some cookies for the boys. 
Thanks for your support and kind wishes. 
(((((group hugs)))))
PS:  I'm sorry for photo and link awkwardness.  I've had trouble with Blogger for months, tried to figure it out, whatever.......ain't nobody got time for that. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Busy as a Napoleon Bee

Busy day for us.  I've been listing lots of ephemera in my Etsy store today. 
If you like to send notes, cards or...*gasp* old fashioned hand written letter, I've got hard to find greeting cards
 in my store from the 30's and 40's. 
If you know someone who likes ephemera, postcards, gift cards, photos, playing cards, PAPER...  
Please link them to my store and share with friends.  :) 
I also sometimes make cards.  I have a hard time throwing pieces of fabric away so I usually make something with it, if time allows. 

I would love it if you would share my store with others because....
1. It shows my husband my endeavors are not useless. 
2.  It helps pay the orthodontist and college books stores. 
((((((group hugs))))))

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wedding Quilt Fabric Scraps

Here is the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt I hand pieced for my daughter and son-in-law.
Took me 2 years, lots of Tiger Balm and Advil.  
I saved all my scraps to make smaller hexi's or use on cards.  I never throw pretty scraps away,  no matter how small.  If it's too small to sew, I can at least glue it to paper. 
One of my goals for the wedding, besides being cheap, was to have every single thing hosed down with Pepto-Bismal sentiment.  I thought it would be sweet to use up her wedding quilt scraps on stationery needs. 
It turned out pretty and cost me nothing but my time.  I had plenty of white card stock, glue sticks, my sewing machine and thread.  

Meegan Weaver was the wedding photographer, out of Wichita Falls, TX.  She will travel.   (She took the second photo in this post). 



Be Blessed and Be a Blessing
Hebrews 13:4 ~ Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

Pooh pouted, "Excuse me, but I told you I wanted to read

Harry Potter.  Crookshanks inspires me".

Saturday, December 31, 2011

1931 Environment Science Text Book

If I say I love books with pictures, does that make me "positively prime evil", like Gaston?  LOL 
 Gaston: How can you read this? There's no pictures!
Belle: Well, some people use their imagination.
I love this science book for the pictures.  It's fascinating to see how much things have changed with time.  And how much things have stayed the same. 
It's for sale here in my Etsy Store, Sweet Woodruffs


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