Showing posts with label Art Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Quilts. Show all posts

November 7, 2013


Nisa Kiley named her business Fabrics of Nature because that is where she finds her inspiration! Her quilts are richly textured and worked, coming alive with light and shadow, shape and context. She often finishes them off with a piece of driftwood to hang them, a perfect complement.

Nisa is from Hereford in the UK and we invite you to visit her profile and connect with her there:

TAFA Profile

September 30, 2013

Quick2Listen Fiber Art by Jeannie Sredl

Quick2Listen Fiber Art

Jeannie Sredl of Chicago, Illinois (USA) creates art quilts that explore color and texture, often through Nature themes. Her pieces often play with boundaries, going out of the "box", hanging in free forms rather than the traditional square shape. 

Connect with Quick2ListenFiberArt on TAFA:

September 29, 2013

Quilts by Valerie

Quilts by Valerie

Valerie Goodwin is one of our pioneer members, joining TAFA a couple of months after we launched back in 2010. She has become especially known for her stunning architectural quilts, exploring the idea of maps both conceptual and realistic ways. 

September 21, 2013

TAFA Market: Using Merchpin to create a virtual shopping experience!

TAFA Market

Recently I wrote a post about Selling on Etsy that got quite a bit of feedback and attention. One of the comments left by Beverly Rustica suggested that we look into Merchpin, a service that allows you to pull in product feeds from different places and display them on any site. We were sold on the idea and moved ahead to create our own marketplace!

Merchpin behaves much like an Etsy mini, but you have more control over how it displays, so you can build themes (like treasuries) and organize your products in different ways. It works seamlessly with Etsy shops, creating an easy import into a huge main catalog that can then be sorted by tags. The great thing is that we can include other TAFA members who are not on Etsy, thus being much more inclusive about who we can invite to participate. The service is not cheap, costing us $99/month to run and is quite labor intensive to set up, especially since I wanted to have lots of pages and feature different collections. Right now we have about 11 members participating and I am hoping that many more will join us.

There are a couple of downsides in using this and we are trying to figure out work arounds for them. When you click on an image, it takes you to that person's shop, leaving our site. So, it makes it hard to keep people on site to explore other pages. Another big problem is that the currency doesn't convert over to the service, so it doesn't reflect our international base. It took a lot of pressure from Etsy shops for a long time to finally get Etsy to display other currencies besides the American dollar, so it is disappointing to be back to square one on that again.

The great thing about this service is that any group of friends could band together for joint marketing efforts and display the code on their blogs or sites. We have our Team blog here, so I have added a redirect page to the Market as most of our participants will have Etsy shops. But, one wouldn't need to have a dedicated site.

We invite you to visit our TAFA Market and please share it with your friends! Comments are enabled on the Market pages, so please feel free to use them over there or over here. Sign up for our blog updates over there, too, as we will announce new shops and collections on that blog.  Lots of eye candy!

July 6, 2013

In Memorium: Heather Lair

It is with great sadness that I share the news of the death of our TAFA Team member, Heather Lair.  Heather was from Gimli, Canada, and actively involved with the quilting community in her area and online.  She was funny, joyous, sweet, and a beloved teacher.  She made beautiful art quilts and carried smaller works in her Etsy shop: art cards, pouches, etc.

Please visit a tribute to her on our main site: In Memorium, Heather Lair

She is sorely missed!

June 2, 2013

Smudged Textiles Studio

Smudged Textiles Studio

Lynn Krawczyk from Plymouth, Michigan (USA) is well-known in our circles for her thermofax techniques, instruction, and services. She offers lots of ready made screens and will create ones from your images through her Etsy shop. She also makes beautiful collages, layers of fabric and paint finished off with stitching and beads.

Learn more about Smudged Textiles Studio on TAFA!

June 1, 2013

Delighted with Colin's Creatures!

I am Clairan Ferrono, a member of the TAFA list, an art quilter.  Recently I saw a post about a new member, Colin's Creatures.  My daughter's birthday was coming up and she loves goats, so I thought I'd check it out on his Etsy site.  Colin Richmond makes engaging porcelain and wool animals, usually sheep and the like.  I was going to order one, but he had a good deal on a set of three Nubian goats, so I decided to go all out. His prices are very reasonable.  I was absolutely delighted when I received them.  Each one is individual, has a personality, and is a lovely collectible.  I am totally satisfied with my purchase. It's a pleasure to support a fellow artist, and to be able to give a beautiful piece of handcraft.

April 11, 2013

CherScapes Fiber Art Studios

CherScapes, one of our pioneer members, joined TAFA in July of 2010. Check out her profile for her gorgeous textiles, garments and the launch of her new book, "Fabric Surface Design".

April 5, 2013

Donna Burkholder

Donna sells beautiful quilt patterns and kits that she designs in her Etsy shop.  She also dyes fabric, also available for purchase!

February 25, 2013

Julaine Lofquist-Birch

Julaine Lofquist-Birch

Julaine Lofquist-Birch is a mixed-media artist from Rockford, Illinois. She sews, knits and embroiders and has just started working with nuno felt. Come visit her profile!

October 17, 2012

Deborah Babin

Washington artist, Deborah Babin, creates dynamic and colorful textiles. 

September 24, 2012

Fall Into TAFA Treasury by Ruby Wings Designs

Great play on words from Peggy Wright of Ruby Wings Designs!  And, look at that orange!  Comes right out and grabs you!  Click on the image or title above to see the treasury live on Etsy.

Make sure to also visit Peggy's profile on TAFA:

September 11, 2012

Sally Gould Wright Quilt Artist

Sally Gould Wright Quilt Artist

Sally is a quilter from Los Angeles.  As you can see from this quilt, she does an amazing job with her quilting!  For those of you who do not know what "quilting" means, it is the stitch work that is done to hold the top, batting and back of a quilt together.  The stitching could be very simple "in and out" or masterful as shown in this one.  Sally's quilting adds another layer of depth, texture and imagery to her design.

September 3, 2012

Karen Anne Glick Creative Design Studio

Karen Anne Glick Creative Design Studio

Karen Anne Glick decided to make a small art quilt every day.  They are wonderful studies of color and composition.  And, you can buy them in her Etsy shop!

July 22, 2012

Louise Schiele

Louise Schiele

California artist, Louise Schiele, has a wonderfully varied body of work, focusing mainly on art quilts and coiled baskets.  She has smaller pieces in her Etsy shop and can be contacted on her member profile for larger work or commissions.

July 15, 2012

Christine Marie Ford

A talented artist from Toronto, Canada, Christine showcases her quilts, books and jewelry on her Etsy shop.  She has also contributed to this blog with business tips in her Savvy Seller Café posts.

July 5, 2012

Linda Miller Designs

Contentment - 15" x 26.5"

© 2011 Linda A. Miller 
Private Collection
Cotton pieced, acrylic paint, applique, thread painted, machine quilted 

Linda Miller just opened up her Etsy shop!  Primarily an art quilter, she also makes these fascinating thread bowls.  Make sure to check out her wonderful Prayer Flag Project, too!  Linda lives in California.  Find out more on her TAFA Member Profile:

June 22, 2012


Julia lives in a fishing village off of the Oregon coast in the United States.  An art quilter, she also works with felt and is prolific in what she makes.  Her Etsy shop is packed!

March 21, 2012

Ruby Wings Designs

Member Profile

March 19, 2012

Terry Aske Art Quilts