Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

November 7, 2013


Nisa Kiley named her business Fabrics of Nature because that is where she finds her inspiration! Her quilts are richly textured and worked, coming alive with light and shadow, shape and context. She often finishes them off with a piece of driftwood to hang them, a perfect complement.

Nisa is from Hereford in the UK and we invite you to visit her profile and connect with her there:

TAFA Profile

October 27, 2013

Caroline Brown Art Textiles

Soft colors, minimalism, stitching pathways through cloth... We have a new profile up on TAFA! Caroline Brown Art Textiles is a new member from the UK. She has a shop on Etsy and sells through her website as well. Poetic work!

October 7, 2013

Arty Moods

Tia O'Connor's journals are inspired by her surroundings in Ireland and literature. Originally from Romania, she comes from a musical background and currently works as a translator and interpreter. Her Arty Moods creations pay homage to this creative past, present and future!

Learn more about her on TAFA!

September 11, 2013



Klaradar (Rakla) is our only member in Bulgaria. Klara paints on silk and has a fun, full shop on Etsy. She also nunofelts. She does a great job with her photography so be sure to check out her vibrant style!  "Dar" mean's "gift" so her shop name translates as Klara's Gift.

Visit klaradar on TAFA:

September 10, 2013

Jacki Sleator - Textile Artist and Feltmaker

Jacki Sleator

Jacki Sleator - Textile Artist and Feltmaker is our newest member from Ireland and makes gorgeous felted garments and accessories. She has a small shop on Etsy, accepts commissions, and teaches workshops. 

Check out her lovely profile:

September 23, 2012

Fall Inspiration Treasury by HEra

Fall is in the air on the Northern Hemisphere!  And, our TAFA member HEra, in Hungary, celebrates it with this treasury!  Isn't it absolutely gorgeous?  Click on the image to visit it on Etsy.  Be sure to also visit HEra:

September 16, 2012

Wai-Yuk Kennedy

Wai-Yuk Kennedy

Wai-Yuk Kennedy is a UK artist who is inspired by layers of texture coupled with shape and form:

"Making my textiles is a search for fresh and surprising 3D forms that can be made from pieces of fabric. I draw inspiration from a number of sources, including the Cornish landscape, Chinese mythology or the flows and rhythms of Chinese calligraphy."

July 7, 2012

Kasia Urban Rybska Featured on Etsy

'Woman in Bath' by  Kasia Urban Rybska

Kasia makes small works of functional art using needlepoint, an embroidery technique that completely covers a canvas.  Her themes often have to do with the mundane: pliers, bottles, pipes, etc.  


Etsy asked the question and Kasia answered.  Read her feature on Etsy:  Click!

And, congratulations, Kasia!  Hopefully, this will get you the attention you deserve!  Woo hoo!

July 1, 2012

Treasury: Sunday Afternoon

Catherine of Bazaar Bayar spent a peaceful afternoon in Turkey today.  Here is how she interpreted it with this beautiful treasury.  All, except the first one, are TAFA members!

April 22, 2012

Treasury by Lente Julcsi

Felt Necklace by Lente Julcsi

Júlia Kovácsné Lente, one of our Hungarian members created a beautiful treasury with our TAFA Members on Etsy.  Clicking on the images below takes you to their listings on Etsy.  She made the felt necklace above and clicking on her member profile tells you more about her on our TAFA site.

April 14, 2012

LaTouchables: Bits and Pieces

LaTouchables featured on TAFA today!  
Read the post, Bits and Pieces.

Dawn made a treasury on Etsy featuring our other Team members!

March 20, 2012

Kasia Urban Rybska

Member Profile

March 18, 2012



Bazaar Bayar

The Rainbow Girl

Sara Lechner

March 17, 2012

Lente Julcsi

Member Profile

DILETTANTE Soutache Hand Embroidered Jewelry

March 16, 2012


Member Profile