Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2009

16 Days And Counting...

In just 16 days, on Sept 9th, my baby will take his very first steps into "big kid school". he comes! I hope you're ready for him...he's smart as a whip, he questions everything because as he puts it "I just wanna know stuff", and he has boundless energy.

I'm feeling some kind of way about him starting real school. I don't know why, well in a way I's just in my book, this is the beginning of him officially growing up. Everyday he takes another step towards independence and although I embrace this, I still want hold on ever so tightly to the idea that he NEEDS me for everything.

I'm used to him being away from home during the day, I've been a working mom up until a couple of weeks ago and he's gone to daycare and now preschool so that's not the issue. I just worry and I want to protect him. I'm actually a little over protective, but he's my baby. I don't want him to be judged or have people expect so much more from him because of his size. He's 5 1/2 years old, stands 4'1-1/2" and weighs 63 lbs...about the size of an average 7 year old. I don't want some kid bothering him because he's trying to prove how tough he is by picking on "the big kid". I also worry that he may get bored in school because he's already so advanced intellectually. Maybe I'm just over thinking things, but I can't help myself, I'm somewhat of a worry wart!

On the flip side, I'm excited about him starting Kindergarten! I know he's going to make new friends and love all of the new experiences that await him. I'm looking forward to chaperoning field trips and helping with bake sales (do they still have bake sales these days?), etc...

Hopefully as time goes on, my fears and worries will subside...some...

Check out my big boy modeling his Mohawk that daddy gave him. Look how much older he looks...he's even posing differently! Love this boy!

Stay tuned for more Kindergarten chronicles!

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I live in New Jersey with my husband and our 2 sons. I work full time as a Medical Technologist and volunteer for the Community Emergency Response Team in my town. I've been scrapping for the past 8 years and I truly love it because it allows me to combine my love of photography and my love of paper into one art form. I love teaching scrapbook classes and providing freelance work. Please contact me via email if you are interested in commissioning my services:

All content, including text, photographs, and artwork are copyright 2011 by Tanisha R. Long (except where noted). My original artwork is shared for personal inspiration only, not for commercial use. This includes contests, submissions, and publications. Any other use requires my expressed written consent. Registered & Protected

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