Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Petaloo Post and Some Sketchy Inspiration

I have lots of goodies to share with you today!!!

First up is my first Petaloo project! I love how well the jewels in the Color Me Crazy Jeweled Florettes coordinated with this new line from Bella Blvd (All Inclusive). Although you can go crazy with coloring, stamping, inking these pretty petals, I chose to leave them plain. I like the touch of feminine class that the white flowers added to my layout.

I am so thrilled to be a part of Petaloo's very talented team and look forward to a creative and exciting 2010!

based on a sketch by Cherie

journaling: When I found out I'd won a scrapbooking cruise for 2 to Bermuda, I couldn't think of a better person to take as my +1 than my mom. She'd never gone on a vacation and I thought it was time she visited some place tropical. She had a ball...we both did! 10/2009


Here are a few more layouts that I created for the Sketch Class at You can read more about it in this post. I completed all 10 sketches and cleared 33 pictures off of my scrap desk...I'm so happy about that!!

Does Xander look like he's having a great time or what? I took these photos of him at the park this summer. This little boy mastered the slide!! He went up and down like an old'd swear he'd been on one before the way he's walking up the slide. He is my little dare devil! I remember taking Donovan to the playground when he was the same age and he was so apprehensive. I had to walk him through everything time and time again.

I used Cosmo Cricket's chipboard and rub-ons and Imaginisce Teacher's Pet papers here.

based on a sketch by Bree

This next layout is a testament to how quickly time flies! I remember this day like it was yesterday, but it was 3 1/2 years ago!!! Donovan was about 2 1/2 and the 2 of us joined a few of my friends and their kids at Sesame Place. I remember him crying so hard when he saw the characters. As long as they weren't in his site, he was fine. He loved the water park, though and the fact that I let him roam around instead of riding in the stroller all day! It was HOT that day, too!

I used new Graphic 45 and October Afternoon papers and Bella Blvd's new coin alpha here.

Based on a sketch by Tamara

I had fun playing around with Basic Grey Sugar Rush and smooch spritz on this layout.

based on a sketch by Diana of Sketchy Thursdays

journaling: getting a photo of the 5 of them has proven to be quite the task! Either someone makes a funny face or looks away from the camera or there's a distracting background. Xander's fingers...Jasmine's get the picture. Though the photos aren't perfect, the love shared between certainly is! They look forward to spending time together and always have a great time together! Jan 2010

I got a little creative with the title here. I searched and searched the internet to find out what a person who loves the snow is called. I came across the word "chionophobia"which means "fear of snow". I figured if I changed -phobia to -philia or -philic, it would change the meaning from fear of snow to love of snow.

I have never known a child who loves snow more than Donovan! He could stay out in the snow forever if I let him. He's always loved it, too. I guess that has a lot to do with the fact that he was born in January and it snowed the day I bought him home from the hospital.

How perfect are these papers from My Mind's Eye. Can you believe they're Christmas papers? Love when I can get more than one use from supplies!

Thank you so much for your support and lovely comments!!! Hope you have a scrappy day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Setting Sail To Bermuda

This is a quick video of my mom and I on our cruise to Bermuda (her first vacation ever!)--we're so silly! LOL!

...and boy did we eat! When you go on a cruise, be sure to check your diet at the door...err...gangway that is!

Thanks for taking a peek! I'll have pictures up some time soon.

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I live in New Jersey with my husband and our 2 sons. I work full time as a Medical Technologist and volunteer for the Community Emergency Response Team in my town. I've been scrapping for the past 8 years and I truly love it because it allows me to combine my love of photography and my love of paper into one art form. I love teaching scrapbook classes and providing freelance work. Please contact me via email if you are interested in commissioning my services:

All content, including text, photographs, and artwork are copyright 2011 by Tanisha R. Long (except where noted). My original artwork is shared for personal inspiration only, not for commercial use. This includes contests, submissions, and publications. Any other use requires my expressed written consent. Registered & Protected

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