Showing posts with label Know How. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Know How. Show all posts

Saturday, December 18, 2010

standards of studying Internet or technology

A long time ago when internet wasn’t born yet the only technology that humans were able to use is abacus, old fashioned cameras and etc.

As we’ve all know INTERNET the most modern way to communicate with the people around the world. INTERNET began to operate in the 1960’s. In this way a single signal can be sent to multiple users. The old fashion way in sending mails had been thrown out in some people. Mostly now uses E-MAIL for sending mails to different parts of the country or sending it to other countries.

E-mail was developed through ARPANET as did the bulletin-board system.
It has now different qualities; here are some of them;,,, and more. People knew that it was a modern way in sending their mails to their families, friends, loved ones, and other relatives.

In 1991, was introduced to the people of what we call now as the WORLD WIDE WEB.WORLD WIDE WEB is the part of the Internet that most users see and use and which has made it so popular. This gave birth to a big boom in web usage. The web continuous its growth in a very incredible way. There are now a billion of pages of the web and thousands more.

And now that INTERNET has come to be my way of learning, discovering and seeing new things. I feel that I’m very lucky to have my internet to hold on to. For my projects, assignments research and etc. but of course I am not forgetting to study by book, to research from libraries and etc. because I know that internet does really help a lot, but I also know that I should also help myself to relate my studies to my own learning. Because I will bring everything, I have been studying until my college until I work until I grow up and need to live my life with my own budget. Which probably so-called SALARY.

Friday, October 2, 2009

8 Ways to Ease Your Worries

We know Mama was right when she said, "Money can't make you happy." But we also know financial worries can shake us up. As we wait for the economy to turn around, is there anyone who isn’t feeling anxious? If you’ve been laid off and there’s no job in sight, you may feel like life is whirling further out of control with every hoarded dollar you spend.

But that “so-scared-I-can’t-breathe” feeling doesn’t have to take over. You can stop it by deliberately tuning out fear and turning up the volume on other things like love, faith and community. Focusing on life’s positives can help you feel grounded.

“We tamp down fear by noticing the blessings and opportunities the economy has handed us,” says the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the first female presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. “Having less money for eating out can result in healthier meals eaten with family, and more time to build and strengthen relationships.” Being aware that there are others who are worse off may spur you to volunteer.

Here’s another thing: A financial challenge such as an impending foreclosure, a layoff, a house worth less than the mortgage, is just a problem to get through. How we deal with that problem may shape us for good or ill, but the fact that it happened to us says nothing—we’re the same people we were before.

Even in the depths of the Great Depression, when 1 American in 3 was out of work and there were breadlines everywhere, people still managed to fall in love, play with their children, sing along with the radio, enjoy life. A lesson we can learn from those times is that there are always pockets of joy, and many ways to foster inner peace.

1. Accept that troubles are part of life. With all the focus on celebrity lifestyles during the past decade or so, “it’s almost as if we’ve been told life is supposed to be perfect all the time, and something is wrong with us if it isn’t,” says Victoria Moran, author of Living a Charmed Life. “That’s not true!”

Sometimes you just happen to be the person whose car runs over a nail in the road, and you end up with a flat tire. You didn’t do anything to deserve it. Being careful won’t eliminate every last chance of picking up a nail. Neither will being nice and working hard on your driving skills.

In the same way, you aren’t any more unlucky than anyone else if the economic slowdown is creating new difficulties for you. The answer to “Why me?” is “Why not me?” When you keep reminding yourself that life has its ups and downs, you’re better able to “change your default setting,” as Moran puts it. “All of a sudden, ‘Everyone’s healthy, and we’re safe and content, even now,’ becomes as good as ‘Rich and getting richer,’” she says.

2. Don’t obsess over the news. Molly Peter, a real estate agent and mother of four in Bethesda, Maryland, never watches the news anymore. “It’s surprising how much more positive I feel every day,” she says. Instead, she listens to music or an audiobook while in the car or cooking.

This technique is OK to use as long as you’re not in denial about the upheavals going on, says Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, a University of California, Riverside, professor of psychology and author of The How of Happiness. Of course you want to stay informed—just don’t let it overwhelm you. “Your life will be happier if you focus on affirming things,” rather than things that depress you, says Dr. Lyubomirsky.

3. Reach out to friends. The way you cut fear down to size, says Rev. Dr. Forrest Church, author of 25 books including Freedom from Fear, is to avoid the urge to isolate yourself when trouble hits. It’s crucial to be with people, and by “people,” he means more than your immediate family and the dog.

But that’s not what most of us tend to do. When we get laid off, we feel singled out and helpless. We may be furious, bitter or sad. Most certainly, we feel embarrassed. So we hunker down and hide.

“You can’t let yourself do that,” Dr. Church says. “When you do, you get into a conversation with your fear, and it builds.” You may even start blaming yourself. “One neighbor at a time, one friend at a time, break out of your isolation every day,” he says. “When we start engaging with other people, we find ways around that wall that’s in front of us, solutions and ideas we might not have seen by ourselves.”

4. Cultivate gratitude, now more than ever. You may be eating more rice and beans these days, but if there’s food on the table, that’s a blessing. You can be grateful that your son is learning to read, for your health, for the neighbor who waved as she mowed her lawn.

In a 2002 study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, researcher and psychology professor Martin Seligman, PhD, asked severely depressed people to go to a website once a day, before they went to bed, and write down three good things that had happened that day and why. (These were people who were so depressed that just getting out of bed might be worthy of the list.) Listing three good things daily was their only treatment. Within 15 days, 94% felt less depressed.

The study has been repeated several times since. Every time, researchers found that being thankful actually made the subjects feel happier.

“Saying thank you is powerful,” says Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, who recently became the first woman to become executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly, representing Conservative Jewish rabbis worldwide. “It turns us from a mindset of lack to a mindset of gratitude for the good things in our lives.”

5. Decide not to worry. Studies have found that some people worry 10 times more than other people do, although their life circumstances may not be much different from those of people who hardly worry at all. Not surprisingly, the champion worriers were more likely to report being unhappy than those who worried less. Some people are predisposed to worry more than others, says Boston College psychologist Maya Tamir, PhD, but we do have some control over it, meaning we can choose whether to worry or not. Deciding not to worry is not the same as pretending everything is fine. By all means, be practical. But once you’ve made a plan for “what if I get laid off,” don’t continue to fret about it in your head or talk about it to others, advises Dr. Lyubomirsky.

6. This goes for dwelling, too. Dwelling, or replaying a stressful event over and over in your head, can keep you stuck. Dr. Lyubomirsky has documented the negative effects of dwelling. Psychologists call this rumination, and there are tricks to stopping it, she says. One is to see whether you have any worry triggers and to distract yourself when you begin to ruminate.

Try different tactics until you can turn off worry the way you change a TV channel. Solitary exercise may not help unless you work out so hard you don’t think about other things. “I used to go for a run when I found myself ruminating,” reports Dr. Lyubomirsky. “Well, running made me do it more!” Good bets: reading to a child or watching a funny movie.

Another trick she finds effective: Make a worry appointment with yourself. Plan to worry from 9 to 9:30 a.m., for example, and if you find you’re worrying at any other time during the day, tell yourself to put it on hold. Silly, maybe—but it works, Dr. Lyubomirsky says.

7. Work at staying upbeat. In her latest book, Dr. Lyubomirsky makes an interesting point: A growing body of research shows that our sense of well-being is about 50% dependent on a happiness setpoint. This factor is genetic, much like a weight setpoint. Of the rest, only about 10% is circumstantial: big income or small, married or single, gorgeous or plain. “What’s exciting is that the other 40% percent is under our control,” she says. “It depends on our daily, intentional activities.” Even something as simple as smiling can lift your spirits. “Staying positive is really important, right down to the effect it has on your immune system,” Dr. Lyubomirsky says.

8. Take part in your faith. Worship offers transformative power of its own because it “takes us out of ourselves,” says Rabbi Schonfeld. A faith community can feel like a supportive extended family. Going to the church or synagogue during the week to meet friends or volunteer our time can be a mission when we have no job to go to daily or we don’t know what to do next. And there are a lot of opportunities to help with service and outreach projects.

“Miraculous things can happen when we join hands to help one another,” says Rabbi Schonfeld. “It isn’t just the good works, though they are important. Working together also relieves our fear and anxiety, and gives us a new surge of energy.” Another benefit: We can’t shelter our children, especially our older children, from the troubles related to the present economy. “But we can let them see us acting with a sense of faith and purpose,” which shows them that we’re able to cope, says Rabbi Schonfeld.

Maybe you just flat-out know you need help. If you haven’t been involved with a church before, turning up when you need groceries or you just got a pink slip can feel embarrassing, even hypocritical. Do it anyway, suggests Rev. Jefferts Schori. “Many times we change our lives for the good, or begin a spiritual journey, when we’re feeling the most down and vulnerable,” she says.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

During Ramadan, Noordin Only Discussion and Reading of al-Qur'an

Most sought fugitive terrorist Noordin M Top, have a special activity during the month of Ramadan. It was only a discussion with the children's fruit and focus to read Al Quran.

"Based on sources that had lived with Noordin, fasting during the month he does not make the mission planning activities," said observer Dynno Chressbon intelligence when talking by phone, Sunday (23/8/2009).

In the first 20 days fasting, Noordin busy with discussions of the 'ustadz'. Discussion around the issue of the readiness of candidates' bride 'who have been trained to blasting.

"Noordin also ask the question of money and set the busy network of contacts with foreign countries," he explained.

While in the last 10 days in the month of Ramadan, Noordin will not be conducting activities other than mengaji. He will focus Al Quran in this period.

"He will never come out during the last 10 days, because surely busy reading al-Qur'an,".

Saturday, August 1, 2009

fun learning calculus

Subject calculus is a subject that is very difficult for some people, probably because the calculus is a subject that requires accuracy and patience are high. but for you that the difficulties in learning calculus, it is already very easy to find in the Calculus help you to improve your learning in calculus.

one solution is in the way tutorvista Calculus tutor, so that it can help you learn in calculus. because the program is also accompanied Precalculus help calculus as a basic training before the main lesson to tread a more complicated again.

It also provides a free service to free precalculus help, so you do not need to worry for your calculus lessons. Free calculus help with the children you can ask that the lesson has not been understood.

Precalculus is very good for step-by-step lessons you learn in calculus that for some people it is very difficult.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Car of your choice

When the style of vehicle you have seen the ancient, well then you are using a car that has style dodge charger. Because this type of model is the latest model, so that you do with this type of car will be more fun. In addition there is also the type of Chrysler 300 is good enough if you use the vehicle as alternativ to go on holiday on holiday with the family.

You also have many options that you can see here chevy camaro review. So that it can adjust to your taste and desire. Both in terms of models, prices, and the advantages of each car. Of course you have a dream car strong engine and that's prime.

And of course when the time is now for us to reduce global warming, so we also can participate in saving the earth. namely with the use of environment-friendly car that is using a type of hybrid car. With this type of cars we can reduce the impact of pollution that can harm our health. so what are you waiting for?, let us reduce the impact of global warming with the use of environmentally friendly cars for the sake our children and grandchildren later. Type of Chrysler 300 car is very strong for the travel and climb the steep and derivative, because the modifications have been made specifically for the car better all-weather cruiser. So you do not need to worry akan strike in the middle of the journey is equipped with dodge charger. comfortable travel, holidays with the family was so impressive.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Be cool man

Are you a man who always take your appearance, so of course if you'll definitely always be in the clothing trend at this time. Still appear with the style, then as a man, you will get the confidence both in the office, at home, and wherever you are.

With attention to Men's suits then you will look more authoritative before your colleagues, and more important is your face on the pair. And that is also important to consider is Mens Clothing Designers, because the design to match your body, it will be seen and the fit is not too excessive.

There is now Clothing for Men, good clothes, trousers, shirts, jackets, hats and so forth. So you do not select one until the model is really suitable for you.

To complete your look, you need to Gifts for Men with Style, such as glass eyes, tie, perfume, mobile phone, t-shirts, bags and sebaginya.

And one that is not less important, namely Watches. Because the hour hand to add a good addition to your appearance, watches that you also use as a function of time. so that you can fulfill the promise of meeting you.

Make your vacation experience

You want a vacation, want something different from the previous holiday?. Yes all of the questions above you will find in the Myrtle Beach Hotel. Myrtle Beach Hotel is a luxury hotel with full facilities of a very extraordinary that will spoil your holiday, so that you and your family vacation will be more impressive.

Myrtle Beach Oceanfront Hotel is located in the seaside in North Myrtle Beach you will enjoy condominium luxury accommodation that combines the best of both worlds with the comfort and conveniences of home and the gleeful experience of staying in first class.

Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotels is located directly to the lips so that the beach vacation with your family is really fun, definitely. While playing ball voly, sunbathing, swimming and of course the beach is especially biru.Jadi wait?, Kemasi goods immediately and enjoy your holiday with your family in this luxurious hotel.

Get the gift of playing poker

PokerStars Rakeback is a site that will provide you with the benefits you give some money to invest in to it.

One of the factors determine the most poker victory should become a member. The majority of the poker site has a VIP club or frequent player program to give bonuses, gifts, goods, for the more active players. Some sites, but also allow rakeback, which is a part of the cash you pay to play poker.

PokerStars Bonus Code is a service to be able to get a bonus code, so that the code you will get the opportunity to achieve a variety of bonuses. 

Bonus PokerStars is one of the benefits of services from the site, so do not wonder if the site has many members. So if you are interested, then simply register yourself and achieve a variety of bonuses.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Kotareyog [dot] com is a blog aggregator and BLOGGER WAROK, while itself is Warok Blogger Community Blogger Reyog City Ponorogo. Initially, this community is called Ponorogo Blogger Community (PBC) and the start time since mid-2007. After a NgaBar (Ngangkring with) what kopdar first on 29 July 2008, also agreed Blogger Warok stand. It is expected that with this blog can be a place and at the exchange of information between fellow blogger mapun Indonesian society in general and the media as well as information on citizens journalism. With this website can also promote the City Ponorogo much potential that has not been widely recognized by the community.

Blogger Warok is a community for bloggers Ponorogo, who was born and the beginning of the prime KopDar titled Ngabar on .... roasted corn on the stalls square Ponorogo district.

Vision of ideas as colleagues Ponorogo blogger, with a goal together to introduce and promote the district Ponorogo born this community. Where to this community in the virtual world Ponorogo is minimal, this is reasonable because Ponorogo is a small town is rarely known by people except REYOG his art.

Although Blogger Warok is a new community in the blogosphere, but this community is a community blogger in the first ex karesidenan Madiun and Ponorogo particular. In East Java alone there are already several communities, including TPC and Ngalam Blogger. The crowd to its community blogger, Blogger Warok bring a new wind in the developing world of information.

One of the objectives is the establishment of community development of human resources. In the era of information and Technology, HR is strategic. Because of that, this community does not just community-gathered kumpul but also has the mission to promote human resources in the world to introduce Ponorogo with Internet Blog, especially the eyes that still lay people Ponorogo.

Synonymous with Internet pornography and things negativ other. This is the paradigm that you want to change by Blogger Warok community events with the introduction to the blog, especially the younger generation of students. With the blog we will know the internet with the internet we will know the world.

Together with the other community bloggers side by side let's hand, in the promotion of our respective countries and the beloved of the Republic of Indonesia.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

turn on your lights is a site that offers a wide range of lighting needs of your home. in you can search and select the appropriate price in accordance with your money.

By using light Fixtures at home then you will make your home feel comfortable, so you and your family can endure at home. in addition to light home light Fixtures can also be used as lighting a room for children to accompany them to learn.

ceiling light Fixtures also suitable to install in your house roof, because the roof has been designed with the home.

For the kitchen has also been available light Fixtures kitchen, so if you want to cook at night you do not need to fuss, only turn it on.

In addition, the lighting is also available bathroom light fixtures that is designed specifically for your bathroom. to install lighting Fixtures bathroom light, the bathroom you look luxurious and comfortable.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

business gold site has served the community for more than a decade. With that in mind, please remain calm while we represent broad nature of our complaint history. We have a total of 3 complaints filed against us with the Better Business Bureau, and therefore we have received an "A" rating with the Business Bureau. All buy gold bullion ND three complaints have been satisfied . Thats enough track record considering the nearly 25,000 customers who have been satisfied with the results that we provide throughout the year. has a matchless track record that can be calculated. We know how to convey the precious metal in the most secure reliable and affordable way possible. Your local weather any national or Aurum Advisors can give you right to the BUY gold doors. Service is reliable and assets that you can trust. So take the phone and give one of today's call. The experience is world class and is known world.

You buy gold bullion in the right time, to get you in the right gold coins or bars, to keep you updated on market conditions that can impact your precious metal portfolio's value as a whole, to help you out gold ira transfer of the strategy which the a part of the building process and preserve wealth.

importance of home security

House is a comfortable place to rest, where families gather, where we store valuables. because that is the system we should have a good home security to protect our property.

Currently, there are so many tools and systems that offer services. so have the benefits and shortfalls. so we are required to carefully select a tool in the security house before we buy it.

Home Security Systems must be able to protect our house from the hands prankish, which can make our lives comfortable and quiet.

Home Security in addition to the equipment, we can also use the men, the wage with a per-month.

Home Security Surveillance System should have more value. because quality is the number rigorous security detail of the tool before you buy a house.

buy a good lock to secure the gate, we are highly recommended. because the gate is the first door which must be a strong security.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Stop Dreaming Start Action. Yes stop dreaming and wake up right away to immediately realize our dream to become real. This should not only be thought, let's wake up from sleep dreams to Stop Dreaming Start Action. Although from zero even though it is not so on the issue of not doing anything to make our dreams become real.

Monday, June 15, 2009

New and unique social network

Acobay is brand new and unique social network sites. a new social networking site with many interesting features. Bored with friendster or facebook? Earth may be in what social networking can try this one. is ne of the unique social networking.

not only share a status update, but it acobay the parties, the member can join exchange 'stuff'. And a more striking again, the Acobay, people connected to one another with the car they drive, where they frequently visit, a film they like, and so forth.

There are several groups. Eg, groups of animals lover can go to the pet category network, or the like otomatif can go to auto nyoba network. or a friend and I love watching the film that missed the latest update? movie can also network. There is also the network for the Book They like to eat the book.

Satelit Direct To Home

Television has become a very important part in modern life. Traditionally, Direct TV broadcasting services using terrestrial transmission systems and analog direct to homes. To increase the value TV broadcasting, several countries have CATV or Pay TV (subscription television) to distribute TV programs using the network fiber optic cable directly to customers.

Nowadays there is a tendency that the TV broadcasting business global scale you want to distribute programs to the DirectTV all over the world within a short implementation. That is why they use technology, Direct To Home (DTH) as the infrastructure for Link TV beratus send hundreds of programs directly to homes through a network of Satellite Directv.

Review of the subscribers, DTH has several advantages, including: customers can choose a variety of programs, many services can be served anywhere and at any time during the still on the same Direct Satellite TV system. In general, these services are offered by the provider include TV programs for free (the program local, regional, and international and its ad-ad), educational Direct T V, Pay TV and Video on Demand (VOD) or Pay Per View.

Program delivery system in the DTH using digital video compression technology, for example-based program MPEG-II/III with data speeds vary from 1.5 to 6 Mbps per channel. At the reception, our customers are equipped with antenna small (60 - 180 cm), the interface box (receiver and decoder) to a TV receiver, and smart card (smart card) that to access the system.

Some global companies and a number of countries are now implementing this system, including: Direct TV Satellite from Japan, Thaicom, Koreasat, Multimedia Asia Indonesia, Malaysia Measat and some providers in the United States and in European countries.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

shopping needs at online

each person has certain needs that differ. For the present this is the internet, so this makes it easier for you to shop via the Internet. You can also find home and garden needs you via the internet.

if you love cooking barbecue, you can also buy online with barbecue tools. because hoby is fun. and also Grills and Hammocks. Beautiful home that is longed for every family, there to complement your home, you better buy some furniture to decorate your home so beautiful.

You like to keep pets, the Internet also provides equipment for the needs of your animals, including animals and birds are mammals. then, when it's not complete without a home garden. so you immediately correct the garden with garden tool, so that the garden can be a place for a fun place to gather your family. Expenditure on the internet so is the right solution, because it can save time, effort and cost us. Moreover, the cost of internet connection is now more affordable, so that we can save our expenses and the family.

All your needs can find it in the online store, you simply click it. very easy?

Watch direct TV with family

I am very happy today. Have I ever told you yesterday about my family? When she was angry? Today, she is cooling down and be calm to me. Since my family warm backs to huge, I was very happy! My nights are all so nice and hot. Except she was comes back, I can enjoy a luxurious service of Direct TV. So, my family and I spend the time by watching TV. Direct our favorite TV channel is a direct TV in Texas.

Direct TV service is very nice for my family, because the direct TV have directv System. So every weeken, i am and my family always gather in the family room for the direct watch TV. in addition to the TV watching the service directly, we can add pengatahuan especially that we have another country. whether it's cultural, tourism and so forth.

direct tv system is also very good for the children, because it can learn about language, especially foreign languages, so learning about the language they will not lag. so is not wrong if we use the direct tv service in the middle of our family.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shopwiki online shopping place

Shopwiki shopping online is the place for you, you can get the equipment-household peralanat such as DVD, video and other.
Car DVD players are becoming more and more popular, and likewise prices are dropping dramatically. Consumers can now afford a player at a modest price. There has been some criticism and debate on the subject though because a lot of people think that having a DVD player in one's car is overkill. Obviously, if you are the only one riding in your car it would be silly to have a DVD player because you can't watch while you drive. Not only is it illegal, but it is ludicrously dangerous.

But if you own a family car and want to keep the kids entertained while you drive, a car DVD player can be a great device to have in the car. Car DVD players are great for road trips.

How to Choose a Car DVD Player

There are several different ways of going about choosing a car DVD player. The first thing that usually sticks out for most consumers is the price tag. If you have a good amount of money to spend, you should look into creating a surround sound car theater system ($400+). For those of us on a budget, the cheapest car DVD Player systems can cost from about $200 and up.

Many higher end DVD Players for your car are now including GPS Navigation systems as well. These can also include the ability to play your iPod through the DVD/navigation system. Check out the top rated system above and look around for your GPS navigation DVD player combo.

Buying speakers for your car is similar to how you would buy speakers for your home. For those of you buying speakers without much audio and/or technical knowledge (car speakers require installation) think about getting a speaker component system, which will save you money. Or pay to have it installed by someone who knows what they're doing, and save yourself the time and hassle.

Now, if you are up to the challenge of building an awesome system for your car, read on for the basics in buying car speakers.

The Political Parties

Indonesia has an entrenched party system under which they are divided into three main categories - secular (or secular nationalist), traditional Islamic and modern Islamic.

A large number of political parties have mushroomed since 1998. However with restrictions imposed by the Election Commission on the number of members and branches at the national level, only 38 were declared eligible.

The parties which can influence the elections and will have a significant percentage of seats and votes are:

Golkar – The ruling party of the Suharto’s long reign now led by Jusuf Kalla and an ally in the ruling coalition. Traditionally, it is a secular party. Though it secured the maximum percentage (21%) of the total votes polled in 2004, it was much below the expectations.

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) – A secular (nationalist) party and presently the main opposition party led by Megawati Sukarnoputri (daughter of the first President). It has been taking an active part as opposition and is working hard to make a come back.

United Development Party (PPP) – Oldest of the country's Islamic based parties - established during the Suharto era (1971) - earlier supported by the two major social Muslim organizations Nahadlatul Ulama and Muhammadiya. Now these organizations are supporting different political parties.

Democratic Party - founded in 2001 and led by the current President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – a relatively new party with not much of grass roots support at the national level – depends heavily on its allies in the ruling coalition.

The National Awakening Party (PKB) – A religious based party founded by members of Nahdlatul Ulema for looking after its own political ambitions - was placed third in terms of percentage of votes both in 1999 & 2004. Consequent to a split in the party, former President Abdurrahman Wahid who was associated with this party has moved over to the breakaway faction..

The National Mandate Party (PAN) – Formed in 1998 by 50 prominent citizens fighting for democracy and to express their resentment to Suharto’s autocratic rule – party supported by members of Muhamadiya, the second largest Muslim organization.

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) – A Conservative Islamist Party which has been promoting the Syariah – was sixth in the order of merit in the 2004 elections with about 7% of the total votes polled. It is making efforts to improve its performance by embracing moderate Islamic groups and other factions from different religions.

The Presidential Contenders

Susilo Bambang Yudhyono – was elected directly by the people as President in 2004 – He is seeking re-election. His term had brought in some stability. The Aceh problem was solved during his tenure. Terrorism in the country has been tackled effectively and there is a marked improvement of relations with US as well as China. Religious assertion and a weakening economy have been his major problems.

Jusuf Kalla – He is the party Chairman of Golkar and currently the Vice President of the nation. Even at the time of the last elections the media reports indicated that becoming the Vice President was his first step to fulfill his ambitions to the top slot. Opinions are divided within Golkar itself on his bid.

Megawati Sukarnoputri – The former President (2001-04) is working hard to stage a come back and may make it if the anti establishment wave becomes stronger. However, her performance was lackluster and her popularity ratings are also not good.

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X – Presently Governor of Yogyakarta and was touted as the most popular candidate from Golkar according to a local survey. With Kalla’s bid for the presidency, Golkar’s backing for him will be split.

There are some more aspirants including two generals, General Wiranto and General Prabowo. A clear picture on the line up of the candidates will emerge only after parliamentary elections are over and the running mates are chosen based on the alliances between the parties.


With the multi party system and the pattern of voting in the last elections, it is likely to be a coalition of parties which will be ruling the nation for one more term.

If the regulation that the person gaining the maximum number of votes will get the seat is put into force, the present practice of the parties favouring their chosen candidates for allocation seats will come to an end. It will be fair in the sense that the voter’s choice is given precedence in allocation of seats.

There are no major differences on economic issues or ideological differences between the leading parties. The coalition of parties in the ruling or opposition has been more on available opportunities for sharing the spoils, personal likes and dislikes and on religious outlook. For e.g. leaders of Golkar, a traditional secular party and PPP, an Islamic party have agreed to co-operate in this election (The Jakarta Post of 08 March, 2009).

Even though for the second time the president will be directly elected by the people, he still needs parliamentary support to pass legislation. Hence he is bound by his coalition partners and no hard decisions are possible without their support.

The voter turnout of around 70 % is acceptable in comparison to other democracies in the world. However there is concern over this trend of abstentions by a major chunk of voters to convey a strong message to the government.

It is a matter of concern that even in an established party like Golkar, there are more than two presidential contenders with the result that the party’s strength is dissipated to the advantage of other parties.

Indonesia needs a strong government at the centre to lift the economy in this global meltdown, to curb the religious assertion and to tackle terrorism. With the current trend, the next president may not find the task any easier than the last one.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


A startling allegation has surfaced in a Surabaya newspaper about a member of the Kelantan royal household, Muhammad Fakhry (the son of the ruler) who is said to have ‘abducted and abused‘ his 17-year-old Indonesian model wife. According to the Surya newspaper, the family of Manohara Odelia Pinot is now in the dark as to her whereabouts and fear for her safety.

131They also claimed that the French Indonesian model, who was named as one of the country’s top models by an international magazine, was cut with a razor blade by her husband. Manohara’s parent tried to enter Malaysia to reclaim their daughter but was stopped by the Immigration Department, under the instruction of the Raja Perempuan of Kelantan (the ruler’s wife), and Najib, the prime minister of Malaysia.

Manohara’s mother, Daisy Fajarina, said the royalty had forcefully taken her daughter away in a private jet from Saudi Arabia, where the family had gone to perform the umrah (pilgrimage) last month. Manohara’s family was invited to 134perform the umrah between Feb 25 and March 9 this year in order to reconcile with the royalty.

Muhammad Fakhry (The Tengku Temenggong) married this rich and pretty Indonesian girl, Manohara on August 26, 2008. Before the marriage, on New Year’s Eve of December 2007, Muhammad Fakhry had forcefully raped her. The marriage took place in August 2008. This marriage, in the opinion of The Mighty Pen, was forced upon Muhammad Fakhry, who earlier consented only to an informal marriage called ‘nikah siri’. This is the standard practice of Muslim men wanting to marry more than one wife (or even for first timers), not wanting to attract too much publicity. Or you may want to call it a ‘secret marriage’. This is quite common in Indonesia. Many wealthy Malaysians keep mistresses in Bandung, Surabaya, etc under this secret marriage practice, without the knowledge of their wives in Malaysia.

135After a short duration of the official marriage, Manohara left the prince and stayed back in Indonesia, before she was hoodwinked by the Kelantan royal family by inviting her and her family members to perform the Umrah. Daisy claimed that her daughter had run away to Indonesia earlier after a short duration of marriage, complaining of frequent abuse by her 31-year-old husband.

n December 2006, Daisy and Manohara were invited to attend a dinner with the then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and this was where the model had met her husband. The invitation was made through a close friend. Why Najib?

The anguished mother said she had filed a complaint with the 136Indonesian embassy in Jeddah after the incident. She had also tried to come to Malaysia to track down her daughter but alleged that she was denied entry at the “request of the Kelantan palace.” (Najib’s dirty hand of play can be seen here, a similarity to Altantuya’s case). Daisy, who claims to have evidence of her daughter being abused, had also sought the help of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry. “My child has been tortured; her chest has been cut with a razor. This is what people in the palace who were sympathetic with our plight have told me,” she added.

Najib is expected to be grilled by the local Indonesian media on this issue for sure. The similarity between the Altantuya’s case and this is telling. The Kelantan royalty cannot keep quiet on this issue! Let her come out in the public and make an official statement from Indonesia! Otherwise you will be held responsible for her life! Do not forget Muhammad Fakhry had sex with an underage girl before she became his wife! The international community is watching this major development. Another embarrasment for Najib and the Kelantan royalty. Tengku Razaleigh is one of the guardians of law in Malaysia. We are sure he will advice his family members wisely.

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