Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

what is waterboarding

The creepiest promo for Monday night’s Decision Points: A Conversation with George W. Bush was the snippet that played all last week during NBC’s entertainment programming, in which former president George W. Bush said to Matt Lauer, “Let’s talk about water-boarding” in an enthusiastic tone that suggested the subject was as fun and exciting as a trip to Disneyworld.

NBC’s promo department should be sent to the same woodshed where Keith Olbermann is being kept until Tuesday evening. It turned out that the water-boarding comment came in the context of Lauer’s careful parsing of Bush’s justification for using the technique many describe as torture, which boiled down to: “It’s legal — the lawyers told me [that].” Bush showed a flash of testiness, saying to Lauer, “I’m not gonna debate the issue, man.” Okay, dude.

Bush was fascinating on the subject of his drinking. He was full of stories, including one about “drinking no hands at a bar, yeah.” Lauer clarified: “Reaching down with your mouth, grabbing the glass.” Yes, Bush says — got a DUI for that one, he said. Claiming he quit “cold turkey,” that it was “the most important decision of his life,” and that he hasn’t had a drink since 1986, Bush also took care to say he’s not a recovering alcoholic. Lauer and Bush shared a rueful laugh over what Bush calls his “worst” behavior during his drinking days: Loaded at the dinner table at his parents’ house in Maine, Bush asked a female dinner companion, “What is sex like after 50?” Still, he notes with ill-disguised disdain, “I wasn’t a knee-walkin’ drunk.” Spoken like a white-knuckling child of privilege.

Bush’s remarks about Kanye West’s criticism of him have already been reported: “I resent it… It was a disgusting moment, pure and simple.”

Bush also had a hard time dealing with ire from someone closer to him, Vice President Dick Cheney, who, Bush said, was “angry” with him for not granting a full pardon to Cheney’s pal “Scooter” Libby, convicted of perjury in the Valerie Plame case. The former president does not seem to be the sort of fellow who takes criticism well.

Bush says these days he reads two things: “The Bible and The Wall Street Journal.” The latter on his iPad.

The Bush book tour is just getting started. Tomorrow, he’ll be on Oprah. In the next few days, he’ll do a tour of duty on the Fox News Channel, hitting The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity, Fox and Friends, and Greta Van Susteren’s show. On Nov. 18, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. (The Daily Show? Not on Bush’s list as I write.)

If Bush’s interview with Matt Lauer on Monday night — an interview conducted by Lauer with a systematic thoroughness — is any indication, we’ll see more than Bush probably intends. Bush came across this evening as a cheerful, un-self-conscious man, speaking cautious words even as his tone and body language suggest a prickly defensiveness. “I gave it my all and I’m a content man,” he concluded flatly.

What do you think of the interview?

source :

Friday, November 5, 2010

vanessa minnillo

After almost four years of dating, Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo are engaged, their reps confirm exclusively to

"We're excited and incredibly happy about our engagement and we look forward to a wonderful future together," the couple said in a statement.

"They're so happy, doing great. Thrilled about it," a source close to the couple also tells UsMagazine.

The couple began dating in 2006, not too long after Lachey's very public divorce from his first wife, singer Jessica Simpson. The pair broke up briefly last year but reconciled soon after.

In an interview with Parade earlier this year, Minnillo talked about what it takes to have a strong relationship in Hollywood. "You have to talk through everything. It's all about communication. We talk daily about things that upset us. It's about having a sounding board because if you hold in all your thoughts, dreams, anger and anxiety than you're only hurting yourself, " she said.

"You can't go through your day and not talk to your partner," Minnillo continued. "Ultimately, the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with is going to be your best friend, so why wouldn't they know everything about your life?"

The 'True Beauty' host also shared her thoughts on doing a reality show with her beau. "I personally have no desire. Nick has done one before and he was very successful at it and whatever he chooses to do with his future I will support him 100%.... But I personally don't want to do one."

source :

Sunday, September 12, 2010

grandparents day 2010

September 12, 2010, is the 32nd year that National Grandparents will be celebrated in the United States and some other countries. The holiday originated in 1978 and is celebrated the first Sunday after Labor Day each year.

The founder of this holiday is considered Marian McQuade of Oak Hill, West Virginia. The purpose of the trip was for youth to recognize and honor the contributions that seniors have made to society throughout history.

There are other holidays throughout the world celebrated to recognize the grandparents, who are observed at different dates throughout the year, but the U.S. version is one of the first.

If you know an elderly person, or the chance to have your grandparents, be sure to give them a call and I wish them a happy Grandparents Day.

Monday, August 30, 2010

BBT:Big Brother 12′ Recap

What will Enzo in the Big Brother 12 house, I have no idea, but at least he recognizes how it is embarrassing that he won nothing. Fortunately for him, the rest of the team hold their own.

According to Black Jack card game, wins HOH Lane. Thats it, this means guaranteed one in the last four digits, but he must also implies a promise to close to keep their goals, Ragan. Enzo worry, it is found, so thats it communicates with Hyde Lane is too close to Britney. You decide, they should bring Bring It Back in the team and Britney down.

I hate to say it, but there is one thing, Enzo has made significant progress in this game: forward brigade.

Now, it seems, the teams make the Final Four, and you owe substantially the Enzo. Hey Focused on their union side always going on, and it seemed that he admit one that Matt was not as loyal as the other members. Nevertheless, it is still annoyed me that everyone else in terms, he played a bad game.

But enough about Enzo, let's get back to go to the game.

Lane opens a Pandora's box with a ridiculous result of the season. He has a chance to Win 10,000 Euro, but still only $ 91.17. As a result, the whole house will receive three sentences, starting with silver cup or more times a week.

Then the bump in the road, Lane take a decision, he feared, and shall designate Ragan and Enzo. Go to my "nothing to lose and everything to gain" mantra this season, it seems, has to win POV Ragan. Enzo super excited, but was nominated for Britney. If he POV, Lane, Britney probably win designate, and they are likely to send back home.

If the Smart Lane and he gets a game ball Hayden do in this situation, so that he could remain well with Britney Spears. , The presumably he must, because Britney is not intended for Lane voting on Big Brother 12 win! Hayden Lane admit that she does not need the prize money. Is Britney trying to get a good relationship with Hayden or serious again? Hard to say, but certainly interesting alliances have become in this game.

emmy winners 2010

The film industry has the Academy Awards and the Primetime Emmy Awards, Television, which took place last night (Sunday) at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. You can read about the 2010 Emmy winners in this article, but if you want live video and the latest news Emmy on a mobile phone, you will have the app want. is the official site for the Primetime Emmy Awards and iPod touch, iPhone and iPad users with OS 3.1 + is the best and the worst of the last nights Emmy Awards. You can download the app via Apple iTunes.

Information about the app is limited to iTunes, although we know that the newly released three days ago, and includes videos, photos from the 62nd Primetime Emmy Awards, live video, a fan discussion page, and much more.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

casslyn welch

John McClusky and Casslyn Welch have been captured in Arizona after 20 days on the run. They were found 300 miles from the prison they escaped from, at a campsite in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in eastern Arizona. A forest ranger was suspicious of the fidgety couple and reported them to the police.

Some call them the modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, as they were two of the most wanted fugitives in America for a three-week period. They are suspected of many crimes, including the brutal killing an Oklahoma couple who was traveling through Mexico. The Oklahoma couple's charred remains were found in a camper trailor a few days after the fugitives escaped. The Oklahoma couple's pickup truck was found later with forensic evidence that could link directly to McClusky.

John McClusky and Casslyn Welch are not only fiances -- they are cousins.

Welch — who is also his cousin and fiancee — is believed to have helped engineer McCluskey’s escape from jail. The pair have been linked to the double murder of a married couple in New Mexico.

McCluskey escaped the medium-security Arizona State Prison near Kingman on July 30 with Daniel Renwick and Tracy Province.

Renwick was captured and returned to custody on Aug. 1 after a car chase and shootout with police in Rifle, Colo. Province was apprehended without incident Aug. 9 outside a church in Meeteetse, Wyo., in the state’s northwest Park County.

Authorities had been focusing their search efforts for McCluskey and Welch in the northern United States, near the Canada border, but the pair was caught just 300-some miles from where McCluskey had been incarcerated.

Earlier Thursday, the state’s director of prisons said faulty alarms and negligent staff response allowed the three convicted murderers to break out.

Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections Chuck Ryan said an alarm system that had not been properly maintained in two years resulted in a “de-sensitization” of staff, which meant they failed to respond to alarms.

Two alarms were set off as the trio broke free but neither alarm resulted in an officer response.

Ryan called the incident the “worst escape tragedy” since 1978.

source : and

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pilkada Ponorogo site

An election site pilkada Ponorogo, namely the pilkada Ponorogo dot com will soon brighten people's stage five-year party. Be predicted, these sites will be flooded with visitors in search of information about the pilkada 2010 knickknacks that will be implemented mostly eastern Java.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Unsafe abortions kill 70,000 annually

Increased contraceptive use has led to fewer abortions worldwide, but deaths from unsafe abortion remain a severe problem, killing 70,000 women a year, a research institute reported Tuesday in a major global survey.

More than half the deaths, about 38,000, are in sub-Saharan Africa, which was singled out as the region with by far the lowest rates of contraceptive use and the highest rates of unintended pregnancies.

The report, three years in the making, was compiled by the New York-based Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights and is a leading source of data on abortion-related trends. Researchers examined data from individual countries and multinational organizations.

The institute's president, Sharon Camp, said she was heartened by the overall trends since Guttmacher conducted a similar survey in 1999, yet expressed concern about the gap revealed in the new report.

"In almost all developed countries, abortion is safe and legal," she said. "But in much of the developing world, abortion remains highly restricted, and unsafe abortion is common and continues to damage women's health and threaten their survival."

The report calls for further easing of developing nations' abortion laws, a move criticized by Deirdre McQuade, a policy director with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities.

"We need to be much more creative in assisting women with supportive services so they don't need to resort to the unnatural act of abortion," she said.

Guttmacher estimated previously that the number of abortions worldwide fell from 45.5 million in 1995 to 41.6 million in 2003 -- the latest year for which global figures were available.

A key reason for that drop, the new report said, was that the portion of married women using contraception increased from 54 percent in 1990 to 63 percent in 2003 as availability increased and social mores changed. Guttmacher's researchers said contraceptive use had increased in every major region, but still lagged badly in Africa -- used by only 28 percent of married women there, compared with at least 68 percent in other major regions.

The report notes that abortions worldwide are declining even as more countries liberalize their abortion laws. Since 1997, it said, only three countries -- Poland, Nicaragua and El Salvador -- substantially increased restrictions on abortion, while laws were eased significantly in 19 countries and regions, including Cambodia, Nepal and Mexico City.

Source :

Sunday, October 11, 2009

english league schedule

Date Home Club

Visiting Club
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Aston Villa Chelsea
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Arsenal Birmingham City
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Stoke City West Ham United
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Wigan Athletic Manchester City
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Portsmouth Tottenham Hotspur
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Fulham Hull City
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Blackburn Rovers Burnley
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Sunderland Liverpool
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Manchester United Bolton Wanderers
Saturday Oct 17, 2009 Everton Wolverhampton
Sunday Oct 18, 2009 Blackburn Rovers Burnley
Sunday Oct 18, 2009 Wigan Athletic Manchester City
Monday Oct 19, 2009 Fulham Hull City

Monday, September 28, 2009

Iran conducts 2nd round of missile tests

Iran's state television says the elite Revolutionary Guard fired medium-range missiles in a second round of tests meant to demonstrate the country's preparedness for an attack.

The report says the Guard test-fired Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 missiles overnight, following tests of short-range missiles early Sunday.

The Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 have a range of about 185 miles (300 kilometers) and 435 miles (700 kilometers) respectively. Iran said it will also test-fire on Monday a version of its Shahab-3 and Sajjil missiles, the longest-range missiles in its arsenal. Both have a range of about 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers) and are capable of striking Israel and U.S. Mideast bases and parts of Europe.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bashar al-Assad Discuss Bilateral Relations With Iraq Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, on Sunday, met with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to discuss bilateral relations, regional situation, especially on Iraq, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

Syria and Iran back to convey their support for the unity and independence of Iraq and condemn the terror attacks directed at civilians.

Bashar explained that the Syrian government has asked Iraq to ask "any evidence" about the accusations directed at Syria.

Relations between Iraq and Syria deteriorated after Damascus accused Baghdad accommodate the suspects who have relationships with major bombings, which applies to government ministries in Baghdad on August 19 and snatched the victim nearly 1300 people.

But Damascus said Syria covet evidence from Baghdad.

The relationship between the two countries grew hot and then Tuesday, when they pulled their ambassadors respectively.

Meanwhile, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem denied that Syria worked as a "mediator" between Iran and the West. But he said, "Syria certainly convey some message."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

During Ramadan, Noordin Only Discussion and Reading of al-Qur'an

Most sought fugitive terrorist Noordin M Top, have a special activity during the month of Ramadan. It was only a discussion with the children's fruit and focus to read Al Quran.

"Based on sources that had lived with Noordin, fasting during the month he does not make the mission planning activities," said observer Dynno Chressbon intelligence when talking by phone, Sunday (23/8/2009).

In the first 20 days fasting, Noordin busy with discussions of the 'ustadz'. Discussion around the issue of the readiness of candidates' bride 'who have been trained to blasting.

"Noordin also ask the question of money and set the busy network of contacts with foreign countries," he explained.

While in the last 10 days in the month of Ramadan, Noordin will not be conducting activities other than mengaji. He will focus Al Quran in this period.

"He will never come out during the last 10 days, because surely busy reading al-Qur'an,".

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Stewardess Magetan Airbus Victims Nahas

Aircraft Airbus A310-300 berpenumpang 153 people owned airline of Yemen, Yemenia Air, fell in the Comoros Islands, Indian Ocean, yesterday.

Far unknown number of korban.Namun surely, one of the victims be citizens of Indonesia (WNI). This event is to be bad news for Airbus. Previously, on 1 June 2009, Airbus aircraft owned by airlines Air France fell in the Atlantic Ocean and killed 288 passengers. Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (department of foreign affairs) Teuku Faizasyah, said the victims WNI RM berinisial origin Magetan, East Java.

He is one of the stewardess board. Department of foreign affairs after receiving the report KBRI Yemen contacted yesterday afternoon. "We are still awaiting further reports." "What is clear we have to contact the family. At least we have obtained the identity of the victim, including the address, "said Teuku Daily News when contacted Indonesiatadi night. Until last night, unknown cause of the accident Airbus in the Indian Ocean.

Senior civil aviation officials of Yemen, Mohammad Abdel Kader, said, contact with the aircraft flight number IY626, who cast off from Sanaa, Yemen, the Maroni, Comoros, was interrupted yesterday at around 01.51 AM local time. Abdel Kader, said 52 passengers who transit in Sanaa came from Paris and 59 other passengers from Marseille. With them, there are other passengers from various countries in the Arab region. A baby is safe in the accident. French Foreign Minister Kouchner said Beranrd, 66 passengers be French citizens.

"I conveyed condolence to the family and the people who abandoned the victim," Kouchner said in a statement yesterday. Kouchner directly send representatives abroad, Alain Joyandet, the Comoros in order to know the detail of it. On the other hand, French President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered the French military to help search for victims. "The military in the area of Indian Ocean territory of France, Mayotte and Reunion, will be asked to help search for victims," said Sarkozy.

Search the victim directly done so glad the accident received. Air Yemena precipitate team using the auxiliary boats bot to search for victims survived. "The airlines of Yemen has announced the sad loss of aircraft with flight number IY626 from Sanaa to Maroni with 142 passengers and 11 crew on it," so maskapaiYaman announcement in its website. Yemen civil aviation authority said, some victims have been found in the vicinity of the location of the accident.

"The body of the victim to float in the water as well as spillage of fuel about 16 or 17 miles from Moroni," said Abdel Kader. "The victim survived and the other three victims have been found," added Deputy Director of Implementation Search Mohammed al-Sumairi. Abdul Kader Al-Sumairi and deliver, the search victim terkendala cuaca.Kondisi weather in the Indian Ocean with a bad wind speeds reach 61 knot.Keadaan this process to make the search difficult.

Airbus to become the company's suppliers get direct control of the plane of the EU aviation authorities followed this incident. "Aircraft A310 actually leaving doubt and has been checked in 2007 by the French DGAC (French Civil Aviation Authority). Recorded there is some awkwardness," said French Minister of Transportation , Dominique Bussereau. "Since that time, the plane never appear again in our country," he added.

"Company is not exposed to the air from the blacklist in Europe, but became the subject by our investigation," said Bussereau. Airbus said the plane that made an accident in 1990 and is operated by the airlines of Yemen since 1999. Airlines that was founded in 1978 with 51% shares owned by the Government of Yemen and the other 49% owned by the Government of Saudi Arabia.

Airbus will send a team of experts to help find the cause of 214 types of kecelakaan.Airbus the A310 has been serving the airline that operated a number of 41 operators in various countries.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama strikes a fly

Obama Strikes a fly, so this is the video of Barack Obama president of United States. not from his speech, not from daily activities. But this is the vedio is unique from Obama, because when Obama is being interviewed on a television station, suddenly there is a fly that disrupt. So with the sprightly Obama is up to swat a fly fell to the floor. For more details, buddy can see the video below.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BlankOn Linux version 5.0 Official coast

Developer BlankOn official BlankOn launched version 5.0 with the release Nanggar, a culture that was on this version is from the Batak culture, the name "Nanggar" taken from the Batak language that has meaning "Hammer".

Some typical features of the new brought Nanggar including Desktop Berkonteks developed by Tim BlankOn Developers, who are able to change themes and background pictures desktop computers or the appropriate hour weather conditions that are applicable at that time.

Other special features on BlankOn Nanggar edition is the latest project Aksara archipelago that presents the ability to write and publish the text in Toba Batak script. To follow the project Aksara Nusantara please follow this link.

BlankOn Nanggar the guide book includes the full use can be found through this link. This book can also enjoy your straight on the system that was installed on the Sample folder.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Foreign workers in Malaysia, allegedly killed Died Arts

A Labor of Indonesia (TKI) in Malaysia origin Ngawi East Java died allegedly due to suicide in Kajang, Malaysia at about 06.30 local time, said the Directorate General of Bina Penta Depnakertrans, I Gusti Made Arta at a press meet in Jakarta on Saturday (13 / 6) .

According to Gusti Made Arta, migrant workers who allegedly killed suicide hanging himself in a way that named Nurul Wijayanti (27) bint Sukono Village residents Dinden District Kwadungan, Ngawi.

He was working in Malaysia since October 2007 diberangkatkan through PJTKI PT Mutiara Utama Putra Malaysia and work in the employer's house in Tan Seng Woo, Jalan Four Asa, Asa Taman Jaya 43000 Kajang, Malaysia. "The case is still in the police penyeldidikan Malaysia. Allegations because he died while hanging with," he said.

The Depnakertrans already delivered the news to the family of the victim in Ngawi through Manpower Department Ngawi. Based on reports received Depnakertrans party, the victim died at home parents employers named Sia Fook Chai, Kajang Malaysia at this time the victim is still in otopsi in Kajang Hospital and in the process of police investigation in Kajang. "We will request information PJTI parties, why the victim was dead when found in the house parents employers," said Gusti Made Arta.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Manohara nation concerned Siti Hajar

Siti Hajar fate, the foreign workers in Malaysia, employers were seriously mengenaskan. Manohara Odelia Pinot confess also very concerned about the condition of women was 33 years old.

"Mano Mother Hajar concerned with migrant workers and migrant workers-the other," said Mano berdemo time on Ambalat block in front of the Embassy of Malaysia in Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/6/2009).

The former model is beautiful Siti Hajar request with the condition does not give up. Mano also request foreign workers, foreign workers who have experienced torture anywhere in the country is not afraid to fight.

"Mano can (struggling to get away from persecution), I also believe they can," said women who claim to be her husband, Prince Sultanate of Kelantan, Malaysia, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry it.

Although the situation is different with Siti Hajar, but still support the Mano akan foreign workers who want to immediately return to Indonesia that. "Moreover, he is the foreign migrant workers to Indonesia," said Mano.

Previously made, Siti Hajar persecuted by employers, a widow aged 43 years. The woman had hot water to flush the body of Siti Hajar. Not only that, women who have two children that repeatedly beat Siti Hajar with rattan and not fed for Siti Hajar.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

fall in the army heli cianjur

Joint team of police and resort Cianjur Police Sector Pagelaran the suspected location of the helicopter into the fall. Have not obtained the information, whether the helicopter emergency landing or the fall.
"To infonya already have. Kapolres now also go to the TKP (Where The Genesis)," said members of the police resort Cianjur, Bripda Ryan, when talking with VIVAnews, Monday, 8 June 2009.

Currently, the combined team departs at approximately 15:00 WIB. Aircraft or helicopters that are suspected to fall in the region Pagelaran. The distance from Kota Cianjur be around four hours traveling through the land. "Teams who go there from the police station and Polsek," said Ryan.

Previously mentioned, the plane of the helicopter have latih National Indonesia suspected of having an accident in the area Pagelaran, Cianjur, West Java, on Monday 8 June 2009.

Currently, local police still make coordination with the TNI and the police to know the truth latih plane. When confirmed, Kapolsek Pagelaran, Cianjur still travel to the location.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Because the Send Email, Prita arrested

Only because the complaint in writing or electronic mail service email about Omni International Hospital, Tangerang, Banten, Prita Mulyasari housewife progenitive 2 should be in prison. The Omni International Hospital can not accept complaints Prita sent to friends via email because it was considered profane reputation.

In the hospital this is the case law that was faced Prita Mulyasari, 7 August 2008 Section ago Prita brought to UGD Omni International Hospital because of high body heat for 3 days, but during treatment Prita confess there is a difference of laboratory test results.

During treatment the hands, face and eyes Prita experiencing swelling. August 12 the family moved Prita to another hospital. August 15 Prita write electronic mail containing personal complaints on the services in the Omni International Hospital with title fraud Omni International Hospital, Alam Sutera, Tangerang.

The letter he send to some friends, but unexpectedly wide circulation newspaper in the virtual world. This condition makes Omni International Hospital submits claim. 24 September 2008 Prita be criticized with pengugat Omni International Hospital doctor with 2, ie, Hengky Gosal and Grace Herza.

11 May 2009 decided Prita guilty in civil cases, Tangerang District Court judge decided Prita must pay compensation material 161 million in material and 100 million rupiah. May 13 Prita women brought to the LP Tangerang, Banten through long struggle with the support of various parties, released from the LP Prita women.

Although air can breathe freely and meet with the child - his son, Prita still must face the legal process. Thursday (4/6/09) Prita the hearing in the case of the same.